
The Center of the Galaxy, Pt 3

Just as Freya was coming to the realization that their fight was nigh insurmountable and that they only held a very slim chance of winning, everything turned for the worse.

To her horror, the station’s surface began to shift and move and flow, almost like quicksand.

Every crater and scar began to fill back up and cover each of the wreckages and detritus inside of them. The station’s surface swallowed up the broken, destroyed ships that were dotted all over bit by bit as the moments passed.

As it did so, the nanite pool dissolved everything it touched. Large swaths of torn armor or chitin plating, exoframes and internal structures, modules and systems, flesh and bone. All were consumed by the station’s nanites and broken down to their finer elements.

Once completely separated into elemental soup, they were all redistributed all around the pool. Possibly even to the seven other pools as well.

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