
The Center of the Galaxy, Pt 1

Galactic Center of the Milky Way

Spinning all around the bright glowing center was a massive cloud of dust and debris. It swirled around the center itself, and engulfed countless solar systems and star clusters within itself. More than that, the cloud helped obscure the glow from those countless stars.

Its brightness was truly blinding. Perhaps painfully so.

Entire stars orbited in long ellipses around the very center, a few with incredible speeds exceeding 20 million meters per second. Their combined glow absolutely illuminated everything all around them. Their combined heat obliterated everything else.

Except, of course, for the very center itself.

Instead, the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* at the center of the galaxy absorbed all of the light and energy around it hungrily. The black hole’s rapidly spinning accretion disk shone with white-hot intensity as it was itself consumed.

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