
Harbingers of the Apocalypse, Pt 3

Armored assault Discordians charged through the heavily defended passageway into engineering. Though they were under constant fire, they pressed on through regardless.

They swung their halberds at the numerous turrets that had popped out of the walls and ceilings, and sliced them apart.

The remainder of the turrets’ mangled frames sparked and sizzled uselessly, even as the Discordians ran past. They went further down the passageway still under fire, and charged at the heavily armed security personnel stationed at the other end.

Their opponents’ bullets dug into the Discordians’ thick armor and struck them underneath. Despite the damage their bodies took, they powered through and cut their opponents down in a flash. The walls and floors were painted with Federation blood as their bodies fell to the floor.

And with every security personnel gone, the Discordians strode into the rest of engineering with pomp. As though they owned the ship itself.

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