
Thanatos Rises, Pt 4

Admiral Anali de Jardin gawked at the tacmap in front of her with absolute awe. Freya’s captured devastator had caused so much damage that there was literally nothing left of the enemy. The other admirals in the tactical bridge were equally as awed.

High Admiral Halbrecht gasped loudly at everything he had seen thus far. He watched as the devastator’s weapon signals rose far beyond anything he had ever seen in his career. And he watched as it single-handedly wiped out a fleet. Or at least, what remained of it.

It suddenly dawned on him that warfare had changed significantly just now. He wasn’t sure how, exactly. Only that it did. And that perhaps the galaxy would never be the same again.

A slight tremor shook through him as Freya joined the tactical bridge. Her holoprojection shimmered even as she connected.

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