
The Promise of Retribution, Pt 1

The galaxy swirled back into existence as the remainder of the Erinyes fleet flashed back into Hegemony space. With the exception of the Discordians, all of their capital ships had been annihilated. Beyond that, nearly a quarter of all the rest of the ships had been destroyed or neutralized.

Everyone else was heavily wounded. Even the unnamed cruiser of the Corvus Republic was scarred from the battle, and they ostensibly had the best armor on the field.

Thousands of pilots and crew were killed.

Despite the heavy losses that the fleet had suffered, those who were able to escape collectively sighed in relief.

All except for Freya.

She sat completely still in her Varulv, with her mouth agape and her mind in a chaotic whirl. The events of the past few moments were something that she simply couldn’t compute. Or, rather, she wouldn’t allow herself to compute, to understand, to absorb.

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