
Assassination & Sabotage, Pt 2

The clean, minimal, and large hexagonal room had dozens of technicians in cleansuits, all working and talking and building. They were in various stations and terminals and workbenches encircling the room itself.

And in the very center was a large elevated platform with numerous parts littered on it. A handful of technicians were around the platform, and worked together to build the machine on it. They were assisted by numerous hovering drones and machine arms that descended down from the ceiling.

Altogether, the technicians and drones assembled what appeared to be a modular handheld weapon system. They had a handful of weapon bases, each expanded into various configurations from pistol to SMG to rifle.

There were also melee/ranged hybrids that were in the process of being put together, though no-one was currently working on them.

The technicians were otherwise fully engrossed in attaching the various parts to the weapon bases themselves.

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