
Rematch, Pt 3

Lucifer caught the wind under hir wings and soared upwards into the sky. Ze felt the wind buffet all around hir feathers as ze sailed gracefully in a wide sweeping curve. Then, ze angled hir head, spotted Freya far below, then turned hir body downward.

Ze flapped a few times to help gain speed, then pulled hir wings close to hir body.

Hir sleek body became like a bullet in the sky as ze dive bombed Freya. The air whistled all around as ze sped towards her with unimaginable speed. And in the last few meters before intercepting her, ze opened up hir wings, and drew hir sharp talons forward.

Ze fully expected to rake her back, but to hir chagrin, Freya gracefully rolled out of the way, quite literally. The only thing hir talons touched were the tips of Freya’s wing feathers as she playfully croaked a taunt.

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