
Just Max

Planet St Jakque, Montsoll System, House de Jardin

The Ravens flashed in at the planet’s teleport beacon, high above its orbit. Both the Spirit of Amelia and the Accursed Bootlegger were scanned by planetary security, then allowed to descend down to the planet.

As they approached, they wowed at the planet itself.

It was, like many capitol planets, one great big city. However, unlike most other city-wide planets, this one was still incredibly lush and beautiful and filled with all manner of flora and fauna. The plantlife’s primary colors were a deep orange, going all the way to a dark, earthy brown. Its seas sparkled a brilliant lavender, which Eva immediately adored.

And despite the massive ringed city that spanned its entire equator, the rest of the planet was mostly forested land. Cities of various sizes, many of them massive, sat nestled nicely inside of those vast forests.

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