
Reclamation Overdue, Pt 3

While the others wiped out the SSS guards that came from the south, Freya and Raijin charged towards the three coming in from the north. Freya raised her towershield and protected Raijin behind her, as the two of them were sprayed down by bursts of enemy fire.

A pity that their weapons were too weak, and barely scratched her shield. Most bounced helplessly off its thick reinforced plating and clattered down to the titacrete highway.

Raijin peeked out from behind Freya for just a few moments, and focused her experimental shoulder-mounted weapon on them. It looked relatively short and simple compared to most other weapons that went there.

But it was far from benign.

Raijin Concepts Photonic Wideband Disruptor v1 [X]

The weapon whined as it charged up, then after a second, it blasted the enemy’s sensors with electrophotonic energy.

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