
Breaking Free, Pt 5

A Federation captain sat on the bridge of his light frigate, and stared at the contraption on the main screen. It looked like some sort of exterior ship module, and appeared to be an outer frame to some kind of dome or sphere.

“Someone tell me what the hell this is,” he said. “And why its near Devolatus space.”

One of the officers on the bridge pored over a report as it scrolled past his screen. But he could hardly make any sense of it.

“Not entirely sure, sir,” he replied. “Energy readings are at the minimum, but it appears to be a detachable teleport module. And some kind of coupling mechanism. Never seen anything like it before.”

“Is it dangerous?” asked the captain. “Does it have weapons, or armor?”

“No, sir. At least, not that we can see. Not while it’s powered down and detached.”

“Haul it in. Let’s have the engineers back on station pick it apart.”


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