
The Patriarch Falls, Pt 10

Freya exhaled as she charged straight towards Father, who charged back in exchange. The two of them met in the middle, where their energies clashed against each other.

Father slammed downwards with a steely fist and smashed into the marble, because Freya had leapt up at the last moment and spun in the air. She swung laterally with her blade, and slashed him right across his eyes.

Blood and watery fluid flew out as his eyes were sliced apart, painfully.

He screamed in pain and clutched at his face, completely blind. And as the gashes stitched themselves closed, Freya leapt up again and delivered a devastating back kick into his chest.

He lashed out with powerful swings, even as he fought to retain his balance. One of his hands swatted Freya and threw her aside with great force. She smashed into the ground a half dozen meters away.

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