
The Patriarch Falls, Pt 3

Azrael led Xylo and Claire out of the small security station and headed down one side of the hallway. They crossed the hallway itself, hugged the wall, and went out towards the darkness.

The next team out of the station consisted of Freya, Max, and T-Rex, but they went down the other direction instead. Finally, team Raijin, Locke, and Fluke also left the security station after a minute or so.

Though their path followed team Freya’s at first, they quickly turned down one of the short hallways and entered one of the larger storage rooms. The room itself was dark and dusty, just like most of the rest of the zone. Large crates were stacked up in the center of the room, and looked as though they hadn’t been disturbed in months, if not years.

The three of them headed straight to a corner where a small hatch was obscured by the shadows. Locke bent down, gripped its handle, and turned it with a CLACK.

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