
Ice Queen, Pt 9

Two of Miko’s mirrors wreaked havoc on Network and Diagnostics. They tore into the code with incredible vigor and destructive power. She poured everything she had into disrupting the logic circuit, and tore its code to pieces with every movement she made.

Like before, she imagined she was some great kaiju monster as she trampled cities made of digits and data and reduced them to piles of unusable, worthless code.

And instead of sending out streams of destructive Sparks, she instead produced a single Null in random Intelligences around her. These didn’t corrupt or tear apart data - instead, they simply zeroed anything they came across and rendered the data nonexistent.

They literally nullified everything they touched.

Even the Watchdogs and Codemines laid out for her were useless before them. They simply consumed everything without a second thought and left blank, unused space in their wake.

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