
Hardly Working, Pt 2

Planet HDV-502, Daltirri System, Federal Colonial Territories

Snow whipped sideways at the large town set on the side of a mountain, all while a giant blizzard consumed the entire mountain range itself. Not that the town was bereft of activity - despite the weather, many were still outside working as though everything was normal.

Perhaps all this was normal for them.

Some loaded up hoppers with cargo, others tended to their storefronts, others still were clearing the streets of snow. All of those who were outside were wrapped up in thick thermal jackets, many with furry collars to keep their necks warm.

Along the bottom of the village were a dozen or so landing pads, some of which were occupied by one or two corvettes, or with a handful of single-seater spacecraft. All of them had a thick layer of snow covering them.

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