
The Flow of Blood, Pt 9

Everyone in the courtyard, whether they were friend or foe, watched in absolute awe as Retholis exerted his power over the Chosen terrorists. Although he only brought in a fraction of the forces at his disposal, those few dozen were more than enough to utterly neutralize the opposition.

Those who gave up were quickly confined with shock collars and ushered back towards the gondolas as prisoners.

The rest were dispatched with callous ease, by the dozens. Even those who tried to run were chased down by Shock Infantry and sliced to ribbons before they could even reach the gates. And those who somehow outran the units were instead cut in half by the beam snipers perched on gondolas above.

A number of those gondolas descended down to the ground, and all manner of medical technicians ran off in different directions the moment they touched down. Each medical team ran up to the most wounded guards and began to stitch them back together.

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