
Dangerous Investment, Pt 2

“Perhaps you’re underestimating me,” said Eva. “Sure, I might not be the best Drogar knife skirmisher or whatever you call it, but I don’t have to be. Train me up for a little while and pit me against a few rising stars. Really work those odds. We’ll crush ‘em.”

“And besides,” added Miko. “If you are creating a sports team as an investor, you should be the one to properly equip your athlete. If the odds are 100 to 1, then you have plenty of room to invest and still turn a profit.”

The moment Miko said the word ‘profit’, it was as though every Drogar in the room became mesmerized.

Alevos in particular was in deep thought for a few moments. But he was the first to break the silence.

“I’ll join the investment group,” he said. “My blades definitely have to be represented. Justicars?”

“Well,” mused Severas. “I’ll have to notify Retholis with this change of events, but I’m sure that I can put in something. If anything, to validate her participation from a legal standpoint.”

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