
Chaos Theory, Pt 7

Valos and Merlin watched the screens around them with absolute joy. The Admiral and her set of toys were so easily defeated, to the point that every Federation pilot ended up running from the fight.

“I bet some of your pilots are a bit disappointed,” Merlin mused. “They were probably lookin’ to have a big ole’ fight with the Feds.”

“Hah! Yeah, I bet that too. They’ll prolly gripe a bit, and maybe even get into a few fistfights back at the flagship. But they’ll forget all about it once we divvy up all the loot.”

“Templar!” said an officer. “Sensors are picking up increased power signals from within the asteroid. Incredibly faint, but they’re clearly powering stuff back on.”

Valos’ eyes went wide in shock. A mere hour had passed - that wasn’t nearly enough time to fix an entire electrical grid.

“What? Can you tell what systems they’ve got back? Or did they just get some generators going or something? Can we hijack anything?”

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