
Mental Note

Eva sat in her core with her eyes closed as she flew across the surface of a pristine forested planet. She was deep into a Promethean Merge, and perceived the world through her fighter’s sensor suite.

Trees whizzed by on her flanks as she flew at top speed above a brisk river.

Readouts of the terrain spilled into her visual cortex as the ship continually scanned its surroundings. She had become used to the amount of information her mind received while merged, and was able to filter it out on the fly. Though it was still incredibly taxing to her.

Even though she was just doing some basic flight on an uninhabited planet, she was still overwhelmed with the data she received.

After some time, the rushing river turned to roiling rapids. And at 200 m/s, it didn’t take long for Eva to reach the end of the river.

The treeline had cut off close to the cliffside, and the rapids fell into a raging waterfall. The water rushed to a pool below, and the river continued further north.

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