
The Seven, Pt 5

Nightmare found himself visibly shaking and sweating after hearing Eva’s voice. He had only run into her twice before, and she had shook him to his core.

He always won, except against her.

His goons - the ones who were still alive anyway - looked at him for direction. They were in a serious mess and needed real leadership to get out of it.

But they all knew deep down that Nightmare wasn’t a real leader. He was the kind of person who gave in to his base temptations, and there was a certain magnetism in that.

They followed him so they too could indulge in those base feelings.

They spent years harassing gamers for fun.

In their new universe, they spent more than a hundred cycles harassing and killing people for fun and profit.

But now they were all caught in Eva’s sights, and there wasn’t anything they could do but surrender.

Things had run their course, and it was useless to think otherwise.

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