

It's the end of November, Richard was walking with Ed to Flitwick's office for their monthly supervision. Richard rarely hangs out with Ed anymore, as he had a girlfriend. Ed was surprised to say the least, he didn't think that Richard would have a girlfriend at the end of October; his girlfriend is Cho Chang, the Ravenclaw princess as well. Ed had guessed that Cho like him from all his interactions with the girl, but he didn't expect to be this quick, what's the consequences of this? How about Cedric? How about Harry? Ed thought about it for a while before concluding that it probably wouldn't matter.

"You think I can beat Daphne now?" Richard asked excitedly. "I wanted to show my magic that I created, but it's still quite unstable… so probably next year."

"If you don't have your magic that you've been talking about all term, then you will probably lose, again."

Richard just snorted but didn't say anything. After that, they entered Flitwick's office. Ed saw that Daphne was already in the room, and the atmosphere turned tense in an instant. Daphne, since Richard told them that he's dating Cho, has acted cold towards Richard; however he was oblivious towards it.

"Hello Daph, how's school? We 've never talked much this month, haven't we?" Richard said casually.

Daphne just snorted at him and continued to ignore him; the atmosphere turned quite awkward after that. Then Flitwick entered the room, breaking the atmosphere.

"Ah, here come my pupils!" He squeaked as always. "Ready for the duel?"

"Sure Professor." Ed answered, but Flitwick soon shot a nervous smile towards him. "Not you, Aldrich; you only destroy these two's confidence…"

Ed sighed at the statement. "Then why am I here then?"

"Well… you just need to watch…" Flitwick answered. "If you can point out your friends' mistakes, then please…"


Flitwick then clapped his hand, "Right, you two, get in position."

Richard and Daphne then walked to the middle of the room, they made a stance, and pointed their wands at each other.

"Ready to lose Daph?" Richard smirked.

Daphne just stared at Richard coldly, making Ed sighed. "This isn't going to end well…"

"All right, start!"

Richard casted first, he casted a stunning spell at Daphne, and the girl quickly dodged it; she then casted Lumos Maxima in front of Richard, causing him to stagger from the light, and then she conjured an obstacle behind him, making him stumble down, ending the fight.

"That was… quick." Ed commented. "Are you sure you're even trying Richard?"

"I'm trying okay?!" Richard grumbled, "She's just so amazing and creative at this…"

At his comment, Daphne blushed, but soon remembered that Richard already had a girlfriend, and her face quickly turned sour. Instead of helping him stand up, she shot a weak knockback jinx at him, making him stumble again.

"What was that for?!" Richard complained.

Daphne just snorted and walked back to her position, staring at Richard coldly once again.

"Did something happen between them?" Flitwick suddenly ask Ed.

The boy just sighed, "It's a long story Professor, and a lot of dramas… which I hate."

Flitwick just nodded weakly, "R-Right, go again you two…"

After that, Daphne went rougher with Richard, often using strong spells that Richard can't handle with his normal magic, she shot stunning spells that made Richard numb on the face, she shot knockback jinx that made Richard slammed into the wall, she even shot a bat bogey hex just to mess with him, causing Richard to be depressed after she beat him for so many times.

"Damn! Why must she beat me like this! It's like she hates me or something…" Richard complained as he used Ed's ice to treat his bruise.

Ed chuckled in his mind as it is kind of true, she does hate him a bit.

Then, Daphne walked up to them. "Let's go to the Great Hall Ed. I'm hungry."

"Hey! Wait for me, will you? This is your fault"

"Why would I wait for you?" Daphne said coldly, "If you need someone to take care of you, call your girlfriend." She then grabbed Ed's arm and dragged him out of there, leaving a confused Richard alone.

Ed just shook his head in amusement as he was dragged down the hall. "You don't have to be so hard on him, you know?"

"I just can't stand his face." Daphne said, "I mean, I was nice to him, right? I dropped some hints at him as well, and yet he was still oblivious." She grumbled.

"Instead he went for the Ravenclaw whore." She said, venom laced on her words.

"Cho is a nice girl, you know, don't insult her like that." Ed warned.

Daphne sighed, "Sorry, I'm just—"

"Jealous?" Ed continued, Daphne just nodded.

"It's a normal thing, you don't have to be embarrassed about it."

"I know…"

"Hey, maybe you still have a chance in the next 4 years…"

Daphne just smiled, "Maybe…"

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