


A Dementor was a gliding, wraithlike Dark creature, widely considered to be one of the foulest to inhabit the wizarding world. Dementors fed on human happiness and thus generated feelings of depression and despair in any person in close proximity to them. They could also consume a person's soul, leaving their victims in a permanent vegetative state, and thus were often referred to as "soul-sucking fiends", rendering a person an "empty-shell". Dementors were closely associated with Azkaban, as they were formerly employed by the British Ministry of Magic as the prison guards and were not known to permanently inhabit any other location. (Source: Harry potter Wiki)


Ed woke up from the nightmare again, it was the same memory as before, not the vision like yesterday, Ed was pale, his eyes are baggy, all sweaty, and his clothes soaked, Hermione, like she said, woke up from her sleep as soon as Ed jolted and took care of him by comforting him.

"You okay?" Hermione whispered softly as she kneeled beside Ed's couch and cupped Ed's cheek.

"Y-Yeah.. I-I'm fine, get me some water will you?"

Hermione nodded and walked to get some water on the desk, she poured a glass of water for Ed and gave it to him. Ed then drank the water slowly and sighed in content.

"What time is it?" Ed asked.

Hermione looked at the clock nearby and said, "About 3 AM."

"Sorry to wake you up…" Ed said, "It's fine Hermione, you don't have to take care of me like this."

"I insists." Hermione persisted.

Ed looked at Hermione and moved her hair from hiding her face with his hand, making Hermione blushed lightly, "Thank you…"

Hermione smiled weakly at Ed, "It's fine…"

"You go back to sleep Hermione, I'll just stay in the suitcase."

Hermione looked hesitant, "What are you going to do?"

Ed smiled weakly at Hermione, "Don't worry about it Hermione, you can go back to sleep."

Hermione still looked hesitant but nodded nonetheless, "Right, just don't exert yourself."

Ed hummed, Hermione then walked back to her bed and Ed entered the suitcase, and he continued to train inside the suitcase, spending the rest of the night soaked in sweat.

The next morning, Ed gets out of the suitcase, already freshen up, he saw that Hermione was still sleeping, her face was facing away from Ed, and he can hear her snoring rather adorably, she doesn't really snore that much maybe it's because she's tired. Ed chuckled at the snoring and walked to her, gently shaking her to wake her up.

Hermione groaned and stretched her body, making a cute moan while doing it. Then she opened her eyes and saw Ed.

"Morning." She mumbled while smiling.

"Good morning." Ed said, "You snore when you're tired you know?" Ed then teased the girl, making her embarrassed.

"Really? I didn't notice it…" she said, not daring to make eye contact with Ed.

Ed chuckled at Hermione's embarrassed face, "Come on, wake up, it's 6 AM already."

Hermione hummed and lazily stood up from the bed. "I'll go take a shower first, wait here." She said, and Ed just nodded while sitting on the couch.

Ed then waited for Hermione, and around 15 minutes later she came out with a damp hair, and her pink jacket.

"Ready?" Ed asked the girl.

Hermione smiled, "Yeah, wait a minute for me to dry my hear will you?"

"Just use the Windy spell." Ed advised.

"And make my hair bushy again? Yeah no."

Ed chuckled, "All right Hermione, I'll wait."

After a while, Hermione finished drying her hair and she along with Ed got out of the room along with their trunk and suitcase.

"Here, I'll help you carry that." Ed offered, which Hermione happily accepted. "You should be ready for the dementors Hermione, have you brought some chocolate?"

"I have." The girl said, "How about you though, will you be fine?"

"To be honest, I don't know…" Ed answered truthfully, "I can cast it, but I don't know if I can concentrate if the dementor is in front of me… I have nightmares after all…"

Hermione looked at Ed in worry, "Just stay near Richard, or follow me sit with Professor Lupin…"

"Will do." Ed said, "You be careful as well later."

The two then came down to the bar and they were greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Weasley setting up their children to go to King's Cross.

"Oh, Ed dear, where were you yesterday?" Mrs. Weasley hugged Ed tightly as she asked the question.

"Oh, um, I walked around the muggle London yesterday, lost track of time I guess…" He lied.

"Well, next time be careful running around alone, there's a killer on the loose…" Mrs. Weasley advised, worried about Ed's safety.

Ed smiled weakly at the woman, "I'll try Mrs. Weasley", then Ed moved to Mr. Weasley and shook his hand, they exchanged some pleasantries and Ed moved to greet Percy which he just nodded, and the twins, which Ed patted their back.

"Hello Fred, George, how's Egypt?"

"Well, well, well, look who it is George, the missing boy yesterday." Fred grinned.

"Yes, Fred, now come on, what did you do yesterday?" George said, letting Ed sat with them.

"Well, like I said to your mother, I went around the muggle streets outside." Ed lied once again.

"I know you're lying Ickle Eddie, now, tell us the real reason." Fred pushed Ed, making Ed sighed in surrender.

"All right, all right, fine, but don't tell anyone okay?" Ed said as he tapped the table with his wand, making the surrounding went silent.

"Our lips are sealed." George smirked.

"Right." Ed said as he pulled out the necklace, "I've been designing this yesterday, I know you've got a knack for magical item."

"Ow, what's this?"

"It's a protective necklace." Ed explained, "now, I tested it using dummies but it worked, now I just need a living subject, will either of you want to be the subject for this item and for the other items to come? I'll pay you handsomely, I've got the money, trust me."

Fred and George looked at each other, deciding whether they should take the offer or not.

"I know you want to open a joke shop one day, I'll be your first investor if you want." Ed said, "But obviously it's still a long time before you can open your shop…"

"How'd you know that?!" Fred was surprised, "I don't remember babbling about it… how about you George? Have you remember babbling about it?"

"Absolutely not Fred, how'd you know that Ed?"

Ed chuckled, "Magic…" Ed said, making the twins groan, "Now, do you want to take it or not? I'll invest 10000 Galleons for now if you accept."

"10000 Galleons!" both of the twins exclaimed, "We can't accept that much money Ed."

"I'll give it periodically, not at once." Ed said, "You won't need that many right now after all."

Fred and George discuss it a while, "All right, we accept."

"Great!" Ed said as he shook both of their hands, "Pleasure doing business with you, I'll give you the magical contract at school as well as 100 Galleons, after that, you two just ask me if you need any money."

"All right, thank you Ed, you won't regret this." Fred shook Ed's hand even harder.

"I know I won't." Ed smiled vaguely, "Oh yeah, do you have the Marauders map with you?"

Once again Fred and George was surprised, "How do you- you know what, we won't ask again…"

Ed chuckled "Good answer, do you have it though? I'll give it to Harry once I don't need it anymore."

The two looked at each other and nodded, "All right Ed, we'll give you the map, do you know how to use it?" Fred said as he took out the map from his pocket.

"I do, don't worry." Ed took the map and put it away, "All right, now, gentlemen, if you excuse me."

Ed cancelled the Muffliato spell and walked towards Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny talking. Ed saw Hermione was quite annoyed at the conversation, so he decided to ask about it.

"Hello, what are you talking about?" Ed said as he sat beside Hermione.

"Oh, these three right here is talking about your new broomstick." Hermione grumbled.

"Really?" Ed raised his brow.

"Well, it's not every day you got to see a firebolt isn't it?" Ginny countered.

"True, but it will be delivered on October, so I guess you can try it…" Ed said, making the three squealed in excitement.

"Right, I think it's time to go." Ed said, looking directly at Hermione, "You want to come with me or with these guys?"

"Wait, you're not going with us?" Harry asked.

"I've got a faster way to go there." Ed winked at the boy, making him rolled his eyes.

"Is it that apparating thing that you did in the chamber?" Ginny said.

Ed hummed, "Do me a favour and not tell your parents about it, I don't know if it's legal or not."

"But how do you go there without the ministry detecting illegal magic?" Ron asked curiously.

Ed smirked, "It's a secret.", then he turned to Hermione, "So, what'll it be?"

"I think I'll go with them." Hermione answered.

Ed nodded, "Right, I'll bring your trunk for you there, is that okay?"

Hermione smiled, "Yeah, it's fine, thank you."

Ed then stood up, he took his suitcase and Hermione's trunk and said goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, saying that he had to go to buy something first and then got the King's cross. He then stepped out of the leaky cauldron, disappearing when he entered the crowd of people outside.

Meanwhile the trio and Ginny was looking at the entrance as Ed exited the room, "What is going on with you two by the way Hermione?" Ron asked.

"What do you mean?" Hermione questioned, her cheeks were red, embarrassed at the question.

"You know, sleeping in the same room, staying over at his house over the summer?" Ginny continued.

"W-Well, our parents is just good friends, t-that's all, and as for sleeping in the same room, no other rooms are empty okay, I-I was forced to sleep in the same room as him. There's nothing going on!" She defended herself quickly.

Harry smirked, "Sure… I saw you holding hands with him when he bought the firebolt, are you sure that 'there's nothing going on'?"

"Yeah Hermione, are you sure?" Ginny followed the teasing, "You know that a lot of girls will ask him out to the Hogsmeade right?"

"W-Well…" Hermione looked blank, refusing to answer the question, as for Ron, he's been observing the conversation quietly, he had a frown on his face and was looking at Hermione intently. But before she could answer, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley told the group to quickly go to the entrance as the cars have been prepared, making the conversation stopped temporarily.

Ed appeared in front of the train, hiding from everyone else's sight so he didn't get detecting blinking to the platform. Ed slowly entered the compartment, he searched the compartment for Richard and Daphne, and after a minute of searching, he found the two and Daphne's sister sitting together. Ed opened the compartment door and greeted them.

"Hello, how's summer?" Ed asked as he sat down beside Richard.

"Oh Ed! Hello!" Astoria greeted rather enthusiastically. "It was great!"

"Then I'm glad…" Ed smiled, "How's your summer Daph?"

Daphne shrugged, "Eh, I've had worse."

Ed sighed in amusement, "Right Richard, you two, I won't stay in this compartment, I want to talk to Harry about his situation, so I recommend that when the train stop suddenly, pull out your wand and be ready to cast a Patronus charm." Ed warned.

Daphne and Richard narrowed their eyes, while Astoria looked at them in confusion.

"Why? why will the train stop?" Daphne asked seriously.

"Dementors." Ed simply said, which made the two more serious, "Do you know how to cast it?"

"I don't…" Daphne answered.

"Then it's fine, Richard can." Ed said, "So, just be careful all right?"

The two nodded, "Oh right, I've finished the communication device and the protective necklace, have you finished the glasses?" Ed asked Richard.

"Oh, yeah, wait." Richard went through his bag and pulled out a pair of glasses.

"Did you test it yet?" Ed questioned once more while he inspected the glasses.

"Not really, I can see the rats in my house though…" Richard informed.

"All right, these all-seeing glasses will be good…"

"What's that?" Daphne suddenly questioned.

"All-seeing glasses, it can see your enemies through walls, it's handy for combat environment." Richard explained, "I made it when I was studying Alchemy and Enchanting with Ed, we want to sell these things, it'll be quite expensive though, it'll be like firebolt, an exclusive item with all the registration number and stuff."

Daphne nodded, "You two are really something… third years and already planning on making a company…"

"Well, it's mostly a hobby…" Richard said, "And besides, I've develop a sort of new magic with the knowledge Ed taught me and the experience making these glasses."

"You did?" Ed questioned, surprised at the statement.

"Yeah, you'll see later, I can even beat Daphne if I use this." He smiled smugly at Daphne, making her snort. "All right, I'll give you a chance Richie."

Ed smirked when Daphne called Richard 'Richie' but didn't say anything. "Right, I look forward to seeing the duel, Astoria, see you around." Ed said as he stood up and ruffled Astoria's hair, exiting the compartment and went looking for Professor Lupin, and after a couple of minutes of searching, he found him sleeping in a compartment, he entered the compartment and sat beside the door, so he'll be the first to face the Dementors.

After about an hour of waiting, the train is about to move, then suddenly, the compartment door opened, it was opened by none other than Hermione, she saw him sitting there and smiled at him, which Ed smiled back.

"Hello." He said, "Here." Ed made space for the trio as Harry said he wanted to speak in private, so Ron kicked Ginny out. The others then sat in the compartment, then Ron asked to the rest of the group as he saw Professor Lupin sleeping.

"Do you know who he is?"

"Professor R.J. Lupin." Hermione answered.

"How do you know everything?" Ron questioned rather harshly.

"It's on the suitcase Ronald." Hermione said as she pointed the suitcase on top of him.

"Oh…" he simply said. "Wonder what he teaches?" said Ron, frowning at Professor Lupin's pale face.

"That's obvious," whispered Hermione. "Defence against the dark arts, it's the only empty position."

"You think he's competent?" Harry joined in.

"Positive." Ed also joined in, "He's your father's friend Harry."

"W-What?" Harry was surprised, "He is?"

Ed nodded, "Yeah, one of his close friends, along with Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew…"

"Sirius Black?" Ron asked, "Are you sure Sirius Black is friends with Harry's father? He's a lunatic!"

Ed and Hermione then shared a glance, and they both stared at Ron's rat. "It's up to you if you want to believe it Ron, I'm just telling what I know."

Ron snorted at Ed's statement. Then, Crookshanks started to act up, trying to catch Scabbers in Ron's hand.

"Hermione! Your cat!" he shrieked, "He's attacking my rat!"

Hermione sighed as she picked up her cat, "He's a cat Ronald, it's his nature."

"Well cage him then! Scabbers is sick right now, I don't want him to die by a heart attack because your cat's chasing him!" he countered.

"Here, give him to me." Ed offered Hermione, and Crookshanks happily leaped to Ed, resting on his head, he's still staring at Scabbers though.

"Is that even comfortable?" Harry asked, "I mean… it must be heavy when he resting on your head like that."

Ed shrugged, "I don't mind."

Harry nodded, "Well what did you say about Lupin being my father's friend."

"He was one of his best friend actually." Ed informed, "I can't tell you the rest Harry, the rest is Lupin's secret."

Harry nodded, but Ed could tell he was a bit disappointed. Ed then decided to tell the truth to Harry now.

"Ron, can you give me your rat for a little?" he asked, "I'll just make him asleep so he can rest…"

"You know a spell to make an animal asleep?"

Ed hummed. "I know a spell, you want to try? Maybe he can rest a bit…"

Hermione caught up on what Ed's trying to do and pushed the redhead further, "Yeah Ron, just do it."

"Well all right…" he mumbled, but still suspicious at Ed. he then gave Ed the rat and Ed pulled out his wand, he then tapped the rat, he casts the spell chantless and the rat instantly asleep.

"Chantless magic at third year?! How are you still in Hogwarts?!" Ron exclaimed.

Ed shrugged, "I need the graduation certificate, and I wanted to enjoy the normal Hogwarts experience…" he said, "Here, your sleeping rat."

"Thank you… I never seen him sleep lately, he needs to rest but he doesn't want too…" he commented while stroking the rat.

Ed heard Hermione scoffing at his words which Ed just chuckled, "Well, okay, now that that's out of the way." Ed then tapped the compartment door, making the compartment silent. "I wanted to tell you something. It's quite serious…"

Ed then pulled out an old parchment, and Hermione instantly knew what it was. "Is that?"

Ed nodded, "Yes, it's the Marauder's map."

"What's that?" Harry asked.

"Well, if you want to know, you need to use it in Hogwarts, but for now, I'll show you who made it."

Ed then tapped the parchment and said, "I Solemnly Swear that I'm up to no good."

The map then revealed itself, although the inside didn't work, the cover is still visible. It reads:


Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs

Purveyors of Aids to Magical Mischief-Makers are proud to present



Harry and Ron looked at it in amazement, while Hermione just stared at Ed curiously on why he showed it.

"Who's Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs?" Harry asked.

"Moony is Professor Lupin right here, Wormtail is Peter Pettigrew, Padfoot is Sirius Black, and Prongs is James Potter." Ed said casually.

Harry was Gobsmacked at the revelation, "My dad made this?"

Ed hummed, "Here I give it to you, if you want to turn it off, just tapped it again and said, 'Mischief Managed' to it." Ed gave the map to Harry, "It's up to you to figure out what it does."

"So, I have to use it at Hogwarts?" Harry questioned once again on what he should do.

"Yep." Ed answer, "Now unto the more serious stuff…" he continued, "You remember that you can't trust anyone's words in terms of the Sirius problem Harry?"

"Yeah…" Harry answered, confused at where Ed is going with this.

"Well, what do you know about the case?"

"Um… he killed people right? People say that he's Voldemort's follower as well."

"People didn't just know Sirius for killing people Harry." Ed said, "They said that Sirius Black betrayed your parents, giving their location to the dark lord causing you to be parentless, and people also said that he killed Pettigrew and a bunch of muggles on the streets."

Harry went silent after that, "A-and he's supposed to be my godfather?" Harry stammered.

Ed hummed, while Ron just listening to the conversation in surprise. "But…" Ed continued, cutting Harry off when he wanted to say something. "That's not true."

"What do you mean that's not true?" Ron exclaimed, "He's been in Azkaban for almost 12 years! Do you mean the ministry caught the wrong guy?!"

"Yes Ron, I'm saying that." Ed said, making Ron more surprised, "The ministry is simply too corrupt and scared that year when Sirius got arrested, they put him in Azkaban without trial." Continued Ed, "You see, the one who betrayed your parents is not Sirius Black Harry, it's Peter Pettigrew."

"But you said he's dead?" Harry questioned, he was really confused right now.

"No Harry, they never actually found his body." Hermione continued, surprising her two friends, "they only found a finger in the scene."

"Well maybe Black used a dark spell that is so powerful it obliterated his entire body except his finger." Ron argued unconvincingly.

"Even if Sirius did use a dark spell, why is there little blood in the scene except the blood of the muggles? And as far as I know, the finger looked cut clean." Ed argued back.

"So, you mean…"

"That Sirius Black was framed…" Ed said, "There's absolutely no way that Sirius blew Pettigrew and the muggles at the same time while all that's left from Pettigrew is a finger, if there's no body whatsoever in the scene, then perhaps I will believe that Sirius did killed Peter that night, but a clean-cut finger? Really? I don't know who's more stupid, Peter for doing that, or the ministry that didn't noticed the obvious." Ed explained while looking away at the window, it was raining and gloomy, the raindrops were covering the window glass, Ed always liked rain, the sounds of raindrops calmed him.

"But-" Ron tried to argue again, but Ed cut him.

"There's also the fact that people said that Sirius was the Potters' location secret keeper." Ed said, "But I saw in a 'vision' that it is simply not true…"

"And how are we supposed to believe this vision of yours?" Ron scoffed.

"You believed that I knew that Ginny was going to kidnapped, yet you didn't believe this?" Ed raised his eyebrow, which makes Ron shut up. "Right, as I was saying, Sirius was the Potters' secret keepers was not true, they switched it last minute to Pettigrew, because after all, who would knew that their secret keepers was the poor little Pettigrew instead of a Black?"

"Wait… what's a secret keeper?" Harry suddenly asked again, he looked as confused as ever, a mix of emotions can be seen on his face, and Ed noticed that.

"It's some sort of an oath." Hermione explained, "It is from a Fidelius charm which makes a place unplottable, a secret keeper is the one who holds the charm and he/she will be the one who would tell someone if they wanted to know the Fidelius charmed location, if anyone knows the location but it isn't the secret keeper, they physically can't tell anyone about it."

"So basically, Pettigrew is the secret keeper and told Voldemort about it?" Harry confirmed, Ed can sensed a tinge of anger in his voice.

Ed nodded, "Sirius Black was probably the only one who knew about his betrayal, as the only one that knows about the Fidelius Charm is James Potter, Lily Potter, him, and-"

"Peter Pettigrew…" Harry said, "So he chased the traitor and wanted to avenge my parents, but instead he got tricked by Pettigrew and got framed…" the boy put it all together.

"That's…" Ron tried to form words but failed to do so.

"So, where's Pettigrew now?" Harry said decisively. "And how did he escape from Sirius?"

"Simple, because he's an Animagus." Ed said.

"And how would you know that?" Harry asked.

"Look at your father's nickname and his friends' Harry…" Ed said, "Prongs is your father, he's a stag, Padfoot is Sirius, he's a dog, Moony is Lupin, he's a… well, that's a bit complicated, and Wormtail is Pettigrew, a rat."

"My father is an Animagus?" Harry asked.

Ed nodded, "So Pettigrew must've changed to a rat and escaped to the sewer at that time, the murder happened on the streets after all…"

Harry have a thoughtful look on his face, "Do you know where he is right now?"

"I do." Ed said, making the boy duo even more surprised, "But you wouldn't even believe me if I told you."

Harry narrowed his eyes, "Go on, tell me, perhaps I might believe you."

Ed chuckled, "Sure, it's Scabbers over there."

The compartment instantly went silent after that, but then Ron shrieked, "Are you mad!?"

"See, I told you, you won't believe me." Ed said, "I can prove it to you if you could just give the rat to me."

"Of course not! Are you crazy!? You're telling me that Scabbers is Peter Pettigrew?!"

"Ron, the rat is missing a finger, and how do you explain that Scabbers can live up to 12 years?"

"W-Well… we took care of him!"

Ed laughed, "Are you serious? You're saying that you take care of a rat so gently that it can live 8 years more than the average rat?" Ed argued, "If you don't believe then sure, it's your loss, it's you who's sleeping with a murderer, not me."

Ron gulped and looked at his other two friends, who were looking at him with hopeful eyes, hoping that he can give it to Ed and settle this once and for all.

Ron was still hesitant, but ultimately gave in, "Fine." He grumbled, "But if it's not Pettigrew I swear-"

"It is him Ron, I'm positive." Ed said as he stretched his hand, demanding the sleeping rat.

Ron reluctantly gave it, and when Ed held it, Crookshanks instantly wanted to attack him.

"Hey Crookshanks! I'll deal with it okay, calm down." Ed scolded the cat, which the ginger cat just hissed and hops away from Ed, coming back towards Hermione.

"Right." Ed stood up and put the rat on his previous seat. "Hermione, can you use the unbreakable charm?" Ed asked, which the girl just nodded blankly, "Great, enchant the cage will you?"

"O-Okay…" she said as she grabbed Scabbers' cage and enchant it. "Now…" Ed whispered to himself, he pointed his wand at Scabbers, and a blue light suddenly appeared from the tip of his wand, shooting to the rat.

The rat then slowly morphed, becoming more and more human, which scares Harry and Ron. After a while, a sleeping Peter Pettigrew was leaning on the compartment door, completely oblivious that he's been discovered.

Hermione then moved besides Ed, "How is your sleeping so powerful? He didn't even wake up during that…"

"I'm built different." Ed winked to Hermione, which she just rolled her eyes with a tinge of red on her cheeks. Then Ed turned to the other two boys and shot a 'i-told-you-so' look. "You believe me now Ron?"

"I can't believe I slept with him almost every night!" Ron grimaced at his own fate.

Harry then suddenly pulled out his wand and wanted to attack Pettigrew, but Ed quickly stopped it, "Whoa, what are you doing?"


"Calm down Harry… do you want to meet your godfather?" Ed questioned, which hearing this, Harry instantly calmed down, "We need him as evidence so that Sirius can be freed from all charges, don't be an idiot Harry."

"What are you going to do then?"

"I'll keep him for now, freeing Sirius is harder than you thought Harry…"

"What do you mean? can we just hand him to the ministry?" Harry was confused at Ed's statement.

"You're so naïve Harry… you think the ministry will admit their mistakes? They will try to cover this up, by possibly killing Pettigrew so he wouldn't talk anymore, and Sirius would still be a fugitive."

"I- Okay…" Harry said, "How will you do it then?"

Ed shook his head, "It's better for you to not know Harry, so just let me and Hermione handle this."

"Hermione too?" Harry was surprised as he looked back at Hermione, "You knew?"

Hermione was about to say something but Ed interrupted him, "I told her not to tell anyone Harry, don't blame her, I make her made an unbreakable oath to me, so if you want to blame someone, blame me." Ed said while eyeing Hermione.

Harry looked at Ed suspiciously and said, "Fine… just… tell me if I can help with something…"

"Will do Harry, will do…" Ed said, then he turned to Ron, who was still cowering in the corner. "You okay there Ron?"

"I let him sleep in my bed…" Ron continuously mumbled in fright.

Ed sighed at Ron's antique and changed Pettigrew back to his rat form with a spell, "You finished with the cage Herm?"

"Don't call me Herm, and yes, I've finished it." She says as she gave him the cage.

"I need to search for a nickname, your name's too long Hermione…" Ed said, "Can I just call you by your middle name? Jean?"

"Absolutely not!" she says as she puts Pettigrew to the cage in Ed's hand, "You wanted to call me Jean because of your superhero crush right? Jean Grey I think her name is… so no, I won't allow you to call me that."

"You read my comics? Damn! I should've hide it better…" Ed cursed under his breath.

Hermione then locked the cage before the rat woke up, "There, all done." She spoke.

"Right, I'll just put it here for a minu-"

Before Ed could finished his sentence, the train abruptly stopped, making Hermione and Ed stumbled to each other. "Ouch!" she said as she rubbed her forehead that hit Ed's shoulder.

"You all right?" Ed asked. Which Hermione just nodded.

"Are we there yet?" Harry asked suddenly.

"I don't think so mate, look at the window, we're in the middle of the bridge… I think we've broken down."

"Shit, Hermione…" Ed whispered, "I don't know how I will react to dementors…"

"I know." She said as she grabbed Ed's hand, "Just pull out your wand, I believe you."

Ed nodded, "Gather up guys, something's coming." Ed said as he pointed his wand at the door compartment, the lights turned off, the temperature dropped drastically, making the two boys and the girl in the compartment a bit scared.

"W-What's going on?!" Ron questioned in fear.

"Dementors…" Ed whispered, but everyone heard him. "What! dementors in the train!? Are you serious?!"

"I'm completely serious Ron." Ed said, then the compartment suddenly was opened, startling the people inside, "Who's there!" Ed shouted in the dark.

"It's me! Ginny! I'm with Neville too!" she said.

"Oh, sorry… come and sit down." Ed said,

Ed then heard ruffles besides him, he then used his space magic to scanned the entire compartment, he saw that Richard was protecting Daphne and Astoria, which is good, he saw Draco alone, confused and scared on what's going on, and a couple of other students that Ed didn't know their names.

And then suddenly, the door opened again, but this time slowly, Ed can tell that it's the dementor, he can already seeing visions of that fight again, Ed had cold sweat right now, trying not to pass out.

"What's that!" Ron exclaimed. Ed then felt Professor Lupin moving, and to Ed's dismay, another Dementor went inside as well, which didn't happen in the book. The first dementor then turned to Harry, while the second one tried to 'sucked' Ed. Ed saw Harry was being sucked in the darkness, while Ed was still struggling of the feeling of helplessness because of the dementor. He then forcefully pointed his wand at the dementor and thought happy things, he thought about his time with Roger and Anna, he thought about his time that he will meet his real parents, and he thought about the feeling when he looked at Hermione's eyes.

Then, he simply chanted, "Expecto Patronum!"

A silver owl then suddenly chased the dementors, the owl attacked the two dementors and made it ran away, brightening up the room again. Ed breathed in a sigh of relief and saw that Professor Lupin finally woke up.

"You all okay?" he asked, looking at the group of teen inside the compartment. He looked at Harry, who passed out, and tried to wake him up. Ed also saw Hermione besides him, still holding his hand, but she was shivering from fear, she didn't have a reaction like this in the books, perhaps Ed changed something? it hurts Ed to see her like this and he quickly pulled out his suitcase and took out a couple bars of chocolate. "Here, eat it." Ed said as he shoved the chocolate to Hermione's mouth, which she accepted. He caressed her hair to comfort her a little bit, and then went to look out for the other and gave every single one of them a bar of chocolate.

"Eat it, it'll help with removing the feeling." Ed said.

"Good work Ed, you can use a corporeal Patronus charm like that, and also you know your remedies…" Professor Lupin complimented as Harry wake up, "Harry… you okay?"

Harry seemed out of his thought and said, "Um, yeah, I'm fine, what was that? Who's screaming?"

"No one's screaming Harry…" Professor Lupin said softly.

"That's your memory Harry." Ed said truthfully, "Possibly your memory when your mother… you know…"

"Oh…" Harry simply said. "Was that a dementor?"

"Yes, the guards of Azkaban…" Lupin said, "Right, you guys stay here, I need to have a talk with the driver, you go eat Ed's chocolate, it'll help."

Lupin then exited the compartment, possibly helping the other students and talking to the driver.

"Here." Ed said as he gave Harry chocolate. "It'll help with the feeling."

Harry blankly nodded and ate it. Ed then walked to Hermione, which she was still shivering from fear, and sat beside her.

"It's going to be fine…" Ed comforted as he throw his arm around her, making her warm. Hermione didn't complain and just rested her head to Ed's shoulder, finding comfort in it. "I- I saw my parents died in front of me…" she mumbled to Ed's shoulder, "I never wanted to see that again…"

'So that's what I changed…' Ed thought, blaming himself, "Hey, it's okay, they'll be fine…"

Hermione just leaned in closer to Ed to find more comfort, and slowly but surely, she drifted asleep in Ed's arms, making her forget all of the dementors influence.

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