
Chapter 38: Globe Amaranth, Part 1

Aubrey opened his eyes slowly, still more asleep than awake - then realized what he was lying against was not a pillow, and his eyes snapped open. He sat up jerkily and saw that sometime in the night he'd moved to rest against Ruthven.

Grimacing at himself, he shoved back the blankets and climbed out of bed. Strolling into the sitting room, he glanced at the clock and saw it was well past ten in the morning. Being home was making him lazy.

Eschewing a bath for the moment, he freshened up at the pitcher in his bedroom, then changed into clean clothes. Slipping on a pair of buckled shoes, he approached the bed to give Ruthven one last look over, reaching out to comb lightly through his hair.

If Ruthven felt the touch, he gave no sign of it.

Sighing softly, Aubrey finally turned away to see what he might do today.

Downstairs, he knocked on the door of his Sangre's study, but heard no reply from within. Opening the door, he found it was empty.

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