
Innocent Baby Zi

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"I came as soon as we heard. Luu and I were coincidentally here today for my prenatal check-up." As soon as Ian arrived, he quickly approached Daniel who was sitting next to his husband. The younger Omega stood up to meet Ian and they hugged each other as a greeting. Since Ian learned just recently that he was pregnant due to his work's regular medical check-ups, today was the official day where he and Hanlu had gone to an official prenatal together after days of postponing it due to their busy schedules. Of course, as excited he was, Hanlu tried to ditch all his work as he wanted to see his baby as soon as possible but with Ian holding a leash around his neck tightly, the schedule was moved until the both of them were no longer busy.

"Yes, the doctor was still examining what had happened. I hope it was nothing serious, I heard doctor Feng had to put him in sedatives because he was in so much pain." Daniel said worriedly before both he and Ian glanced in Tian Zi's direction who was now currently sitting silently on the hospital bench waiting for Fyre's examination to finish. It was obvious from the way he's behaving that he was more than worried about this matter, which was totally understandable because they are very close friends.

"I really hope everything was fine. I contacted Mother and Father and they're on the way here now. They were so worried about Fyre since he was like family to us."

"Hmm, that's why I insisted on coming here as well but it's just unfortunate that this had to happen right in the middle of a family matter," Daniel mentioned. He only just learned about Maverick last night after April had informed him. Of course, he quickly relayed the news to his grandfather and George and he was surprised to know that just like him, both of them were also shocked to learn the truth that the Elder wanted to rush back to the country even though he was on medication.

At first, Daniel didn't really see a problem about Maverick coming out as Omega but after Laotian expressed his opinion about the matter and how this could become a problem, Daniel couldn't just leave the situation be. Of course, he still thought otherwise but then again he trusted Laotian more than himself. That was why he wanted to ask Tian Zi for help since his husband told him that the younger Alpha could help him, but he couldn't really ask for help now that Fyre had become like this. That would be very insensitive of him.

"What? Why? What happened?" Ian asked, not really knowing what had happened since he wasn't into social media or read the entertainment news section in the newspaper. The same with Hanlu who had nothing in his mind but the thought of their incoming child for the past week since he learned that Ian was pregnant.

"Well, one of my cousins, Maverick, was actually an Omega. I tried contacting him but he wouldn't accept my calls. I don't really see a major problem with him turning out as an Omega but Laotian said that it was suspicious that this had come out out of nowhere. I wanted to ask Tian Zi for help but I can't do it now with Fyre being like this." Daniel explained dejectedly. And while listening, Ian was shocked to learn about the news as well but at the same time couldn't argue about what Mo Laotian was thinking because it was indeed rather suspicious. And considering how long he was in his line of work, his instincts are sensitive to these kinds of things.

"Hmm, I agree with your husband. But for the time being, let's just pray that everything would be okay for your cousin and Fyre," Ian said and hugged Daniel again. He understood why Mo Laotian expressed his opinion about the matter this way. Daniel is 3-months-old pregnant with their 5th child on top of their 9 months old Elijah. Pregnancy is a very sensitive topic when it came to Daniel so Laotian might have thought he had to make sure everything was fine before this kind of thing would affect his wife's health due to stress.

"Xiao Zi, what happened?" On the other side, Hanlu worriedly approached his younger brother as soon as he arrived and sat beside him. He already knew what happened and he knew his younger brother would feel dejected but he didn't expect to see their baby Zi becoming so depressed about it. He understood that Fyre Long and Tian Zi were close friends for a long time now, but the way Tian Zi is now, it's like his wife was dying or something. He didn't want to tease his little brother since the situation was serious but he was itching to do so.

"...We're still waiting for the examination to finish but Fyre might have been food poisoned. I hope he's not, I'm still waiting for the city health department to contact me about the matter," Tian Zi replied in melancholy, causing Hanlu to stare at his younger brother as if he grew another head but since Tian Zi was looking down he didn't notice his Older brother and continued to feel depressed. Hanlu on the other hand blinked his eyes and still couldn't believe his stubborn baby brother was acting so worried about an Omega who he so stubbornly and consistently denied being his lover.

Unable to say anything that could comfort his younger brother, Hanlu decided to pat his back instead. For now, if he said anything, he was afraid only teasing words would come out of his mouth. Hanlu was well aware the situation was serious but nothing could ever make him feel less happy today since today was the day he confirmed that Ian was indeed pregnant. Truthfully, he thought it was no longer possible and almost believed Ian was trolling him because he was delaying the check-up for days but at last, he was proven wrong. The image of their beautiful baby flashed in his mind and he couldn't help but smile.

"Older Brother, what do I do?" Tian Zi suddenly asked in frustration, finally glancing at Hanlu. Laotian and the rest heard his question and just like Hanlu, they couldn't utter a single word because they also didn't know. Luangmin and Lan were also poisoned years ago, and they could have died if they weren't able to treat it right away so they couldn't simply say that everything will be alright because it might not.

"For now, let's wait for doctor Feng to finish his examination," Hanlu said and continued to pat Tian Zi's back. Thankfully, since it had already been more than 20 minutes since Fyre was sent to the examination room, doctor Feng finally came out holding his ledger, his stethoscope hanging around his neck while he pulled his face mask down to talk. When Tian Zi saw him, he quickly stood up and approached with a worried look.

"Good news. I have finished my examination and I have found out that there was nothing wrong with Mr. Long." Doctor Feng reported with a smile and as if a huge splinter was pulled out of his toe, Tian Zi sighed deeply before he also smiled. Daniel and the rest also sighed in relief that he and Ian hugged.

"Thank you, doctor, but why was he feeling weak all of a sudden?" Tian Zi asked this time. Doctor Feng thought for a second but he answered, sounding a little unsure.

"I wasn't for sure since you said he took suppressants and they have almost the same effect but by any chance, are you aware that he took oral contraceptives? His results show that he's low in estrogen which was very common among Omegas who are taking suppressants. However, I have found out that he considerably has a high level of levonorgestrel. While suppressants help lower sexual hormones which are hastened during heat, contraceptives specifically Plan B or commonly called Morning-After Pill affects the body differently and there are quite many side-effects explaining Mr. Long's condition." Doctor Feng explained carefully as he failed to notice the red tint on Tian Zi's ears slowly spreading across his face.

"Doctor, so you mean to say that Fyre is feeling like this is because of the side-effect of the pill?" Hanlu was the first one to ask, feeling intrigued because taking the morning-after pill would only mean that the Omega had intercourse without protection. And according to what he heard earlier, it seemed like Tian Zi knew the Omega was in heat.

"Yes, I believe," Doctor Feng confirmed, blinking his eyes innocently since something like this was very common in his line of work.

"Thank you so much for your help, doctor," Tian Zi suddenly said, his face turning red like a ripe tomato. Doctor Feng looked at Tian Zi rather awkwardly, knowing what might be the reason why he's turning in such bright color but since he had nothing to do with it, he quickly excused himself awkwardly smiling at the rest.

As the doctor left, Hanlu, Laotian, Daniel, and Ian's gaze slowly shifted to Tian Zi. Only one question popped into their minds but it was something they needed a lot of time to believe. However, considering how Tian Zi was turning red ever since the doctor's revelation, they knew all of them were right.

"Don't ask me anything!" Tian Zi yelled before he quickly marched away, feeling so humiliated for the first time in his life. This was the first time he did it with someone, how in the hell would he know pills would have side effects? Fyre didn't seem to know as well. Although he was glad that the Omega was fine, he didn't know they would be found out this early. And in such an embarrassing way at that!

Meanwhile, while watching Tian Zi rushing away, Hanlu and the rest remained dumbfounded, even Laotian. They didn't even realize that Mr. and Mrs. Mo had arrived looking so worried.

"Dear, what happened? We came as soon as we heard," Laura asked, panting a little as she rushed to the hospital.

"Well..." Daniel began but he wasn't able to finish his words when Hanlu interrupted.

"Well... I think all your donations to the temples worked, Mom. Zi and Fyre are together," Hanlu replied.

"What? What does that have to do with the situation we have now?" Laura asked with a frown as she pinched Hanlu's sides.

"Owww but it's true, Mom! It seems that our youngest has done it with Fyre unprotected and didn't know that the morning-after pill has side effects on the body. You should have seen Xiao Zi's worried face turning red when he ran away in embarrassment." Hanlu explained with a pout, caressing the area where Laura pinched.

"Oh My God! Is that true?" Laura asked in disbelief, looking at Laotian who nodded at her. When it was confirmed, she instantly felt a little faint knowing the news as she put her hand against her forehead and leaned towards Hanlu acting as if she was going to fall.

"Jeezee~ Stop being such a drama queen, Mom." Hanlu whined, carefully catching Laura's body while the rest chuckled knowing that for the elder, this was great news after believing that they'll never be able to marry off their unfilial third son.

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To be Continued...

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