
Chapter #5.- Cleaning room. 

It was a beautiful morning in the Rastford Mansion. Today, it wasn't my turn to give to Lyla her breakfast, it was my turn to clean the living room. I went to the cleaning room; it was a too little place located below stairs as a part of its base. I took my equipment cleaning; a pair of silk hankie, one to cover my mouth and nose, to prevent inhale dust, ant the other one to cover my head against it too, and a duster; to clean the libraries, shelfs and others furniture.

I started my job as usually, cleaning from dust all the place, doing in the process a little and slightly dust cloud, but with the opened windows, it will get dissolve. Later, when I finished with the shelf and libraries, I took a pair of latex gloves and a dust shaker, then I went to take the carpet of the living room. In that moment Betsy saw me and told me:

"Beware with the carpet's dust, it's too heavy, don't shake it so strength…

"Oh… okay…" I responded.

I took the carpet and I went out, I dangled it in a rope of clothes and I started to shake the dust punching it with my dust shaker, doing literally a thick cloud of dust around me. In a moment I heard a sneeze next to me.

"Heet chu! Wow! So dusty!" it was Lyla, she was behind me fanning the cloud of dust to avoid it.

"Oh! Missis Rast… I mean… Lyla, so… so sorry… I… I…" I said so worried (Oh my Gosh! Her sneezes were so sexy as her coughs!).

"Tee hee! It's okay, don't worry, I just was looking for you…" she told me.

"Looking for me?" I responded strangeness.

"Yeah… to… eh, you know it… to…" she said a bit doubting.

"Ah! Yeah! Yeah… I Know…" I responded, because I knew she wanted to see me smoking.


"Yeah… let me end to shake the dust of the carpet and I'll go with you to smoke. Okay?" I responded, I really wanted to smoke in her bed, only to see her among my sweet smoke. I was a bit nervous for that.

"Ah! Thanks… I'll wait for you!" she said and she entered to the mansion.

Later. I went to the cleaning room to prepare my materials to continue cleaning, in that moment, Lyla appeared behind me.

"Hi! Ready?" she told me a bit despaired but glad.

"Eh! Wa… Wait, miss… I… I need to do my job, I think I…

"Don't worry, I can delegate your job to another maid, I'm the boss while my husband is not at the home!" she told me.

"But… Miss… Lyla… Eh…" I doubted a bit.

She ignored me, and she saw the cleaning room.

"Mmh… this place is perfect to fill with smoke" said Lyla seeing it. "Don't you think that?" she told with mischievous gaze.

"What?" I said surprised.

She giggled a bit and told me.

"Okay! Get off all the stuff from the cleaning room.

"Bu... B… But…" I said despaired.

"It's an order! Now!" she told me seriously.

"Yes, Miss!" I responded and I started to get off all the stuff from the place.

When I ended it, she giggled again and she took my hand, then, we entered to the little room and she closed the door. All the place was in darkness, I couldn't see nothing.

"Argh! This place is too narrow!" I said while I was trying to accommodate myself into it.

"Oh! Where's the light?" said Lyla.

"Ah… give me a sec…" I responded.

I took the bulb cord switch to turn on the light. I was uncomfortable in that place, but I was pretty close to Lyla, our breasts were touching together, and my butt was too close to the wall. I couldn't move myself.

"Ouh! Your boobs are slight bigger than mine…" said Lyla while she was rubbing her breasts with mine.

I couldn't control myself. I did a little moan while she was rubbing her breasts with mine.

"Oh… sorry… It was not my intention… Did I hurt you? I really sorry!" she apologized.

"It's... It's okay… Miss… Lyla…" I said a bit turned on and embarrassed.

She saw me with a little smile and she told me almost whispering.

"Okay… come on, smoke a cigarette…

"Eh?!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah… please… I want to breathe your clouds of smoke in this little and closed space… tee-hee" she said and she giggled.

"But… if I light up a cigarette you will…" I tried to said, she interrupted me almost immediately.

"Oh… it's okay… if I start to cough, just continue your smoking, ignore my coughs, I'll be okay… just smoke, I wanna see your smoke here…" she said.

I tried to take my cigarette pack and my lighter from my maid skirt pocket, but I couldn't, because the place was too little and Lyla was too close, doing that harder.

"Eh… I can't take my smoking stuff…" I said to Lyla.

"Oh… let me looking for it!" she said.

Lyla laydown her head in my breast she started to touch me looking for my cigarette pack and my lighter. I did a little guttural sound holding my moans because I was really turned on and ashamed while Lyla was touching my legs softly.

"Got it!" she said glad.

She gave my cigarette pack and my yellow lighter. I proceeded to light up my cigarette, she saw the lighter glad and interrupted me.

"Hey?! Is that the lighter that I gave away you?" she said.

"Eh… Ah... yeah… that's it…" I responded.

"Tee-hee! I'm so glad to know that you are use it!" she told me.

"Thanks for the gift…" I said.

"You're welcome, but, please, smoke your cigarette… please…" she said.

"Yeah, Lyla…" I responded.

I lighted up it, while I did my first sweet drag, I turned my face to the wall, to prevent burn Lyla's face with the cigarette hot ash tip, because she was too close to me. I sipped my cigarette with pleasure, then, I closed my eyes and I puffed and puffed my cigarette, doing smoke with my lips corner.

"Argh! It's too hot! It burning me!" Lyla complained among a thick cloud of creamy smoke.

I heard her, so I blew the smoke to dissolve a bit it.

"So… Sorry…" I apologized.

She hawked a couple of times and she told me with a smile.

"It's okay, could you repeat that?" she told me something nervous.

"What thing?" I said confused.

"Eh… That smoke, could you do it again?" she said.

"Eh… okay… I'll try it" I said, I knew that she wanted to feel that hot and creamy smoke again in her face.

I repeated my puffs, doing smoke with the corner of my lips that was pointed to Lyla's face, but, this time, I saw Lyla, she grimaced and turned her head to the wall trying to take some of air without smoke to breathe. I got turned on, because she looked too sexy trying to escape from my sweet smoke in a pretty closed space, she was looking for air while the creamy smoke was over her.

She got suffocated in my sweet smoke, she couldn't keep her coughs and she started to cough among my creamy smoke. First time, she coughed at my face suddenly a couple of times, then she turned her face to the wall and covered her mouth with a hand trying to stop her coughs. I blew a little the cloud of creamy smoke to try to dissolve it, but the little room was filled to the top with cigarette smoke. I could see the dense haze dancing around the light bulb on.

"Sorry… really sorry…" she apologized.

"Oh? Why?!" I said with fake confusion.

"Ah… gasp! Because I coughed on your face! Really sorry…" she said.

"Oh… It… it's okay, don't worry, this place… this place is too narrow, and we are too pretty close… d… don't worry for that…" I said a bit embarrassed; my voice tone was a little shaky. I got turned on.

Lyla hawked softly a couple of times and then, she told me.

"Okay… do more smoke…

"What?" I said surprised.

"Yeah… I'm here to see and breathe your smoke, so, do it…" she said with a little smile.

I sipped my cigarette after heard her words, and I started to do smoke by the same way. Again, a creamy smoke cloud was between our faces. Lyla grimaced a bit, she kindly put a hand in her chest and she closed her eyes, then, she inhaled my sweet smoke so deeply to bottom, and she gasped a bit with a little moan looking for some air withut smoke. She put a hand in her mouth and started to cough again.

She smiled a bit while coughing, and she giggled a little among her own coughs.

"If you want, I could open the door to ventilate the smoke…" I said.

"Nope… Cough! Cough… Cough… I'm okay… Let… gasp! Let me breathe your smoke a bit more…" she responded.

I really loved her way to cough, she really was suffering among my cigarette smoke, my smoky exhales, but she wanted to breathe more. It turned me on. I wanted to kiss her among the dense mist of my cigarette smoke in that pretty closed space. I didn't regret anything. I just put the cigarette in my lips to do more smoke. I arrived the end of my cigarette.

"Well… that's all…" I said with a smile to Lyla among my own smoke screen. "Want so more?" I added to her.

"Ye… yeah…" she tried to respond, then she hawked a bit to clean her choking and smoky throat.

"Eh… ah… okay…" I added a bit worried. I doubted I would to continue smoking, because my own smoke was starting to bother me too. I wanted to cough like her.

"Ah… don't worry for me, just smoke" she told me with a smile.

I couldn't keep so more, so, I tried to ask something weir to her.

"Eh… okay… but… eh… could you… eh…" I doubted.

"Could I?" she said with innocence.

"Yeah… eh… sorry for this ask… but… could you cough in my face? Please…" I said doubting and so embarrassed.

She giggled gentle as usual. I thought she will start to see me as a weirdo or something like that.

"Okay. That's a fair deal for me" she responded.

"Really?" I said glad.

"Yeah… you do smoke to my face and I will cough on yours… I like the idea, also, this is a quite closed space, so, soon this will fill with smoke until I run out of air. I really will enjoy it… tee-hee!" she said with a confident smile like a girl.

"So?" I doubted to her while I was taking my cigarette from my cigarette pack.

"It's okay… smoke it… I wanna breathe your smoke…" she said with a big smile.

I took my lighter, ready to light up my cigarette that was in my lips, suddenly, Lyla stopped me.

"Wait!" she said quickly.

"Yeah?" I told her with the cigarette in my lips.

"Eh… mmh… could I… Could I…" she doubted.

"Could you…" I repeated to her.

She put a hand in her chest and she inhaled deeply, then, she sighed. She told me.

"Could I light up your cigarette?

"Mmh… yeah… yeah…" I responded and I gave to her my lighter.

She took my lighter slowly and carefully. She made the flame, and lighted up my cigarette. I thought she wanted my first smoke closer to her face, that's the reason that she asked me to light my cigarette, I saw it obviously, so, I started to drag my cigarette a bit with little and sharping kisses to the cigarette's butt, to do a lot of little and creamy smoke clouds.

She turned off the lighter and she ended among my smoke screen that I had done. At the end of my firsts drags, I exhaled the smoke with open mouth pretty close to her face so slowly to trying to cover her completely with my sweet cigarette smoke.

"Thanks" I greeted her among my own smoke.

She coughed at my face a pair of times, then she stopped suddenly her coughs. She hawked a couple of times to clean up her choking throat from my sweet smoke while grimacing, then she put a hand over her chest and breathed slowly with a fake calm.

"You're welcome…" she responded me whispering with residual smoke from her breathe in each word.

We giggled a bit like two little girls. I sipped my cigarette inhaling smoke several times. I saw her face, she was smiling while I was filling the room with my sweet cigarette smoke in the process, so, I just got closer to her and I exhaled a cloud of smoke with open mouth.

She tittered a bit among my smoke screen, while she was seeing the smoke among us and around herself, she told me:

"It's awesome… cough… cough…" she tried to say, but she started to cough among my sweet smoke. "I really love it!" she said and she coughed a couple of times more, then she hawked and tried to take the control of her breathe, inhaling so deeply the sweet smoke of the ambient.

"Yeah… this place is already full with smoke… cough! Cough!" I said and I coughed a couple of times over my wrist with the hand that was carrying the smoky cigarette between my fingers.

"Oh? You coughed?" said Lyla a bit worried and a little surprised.

"Oh… sorry… I cough… cough…" I said and I couldn't keep a couple of coughs, then I took a sharp breath to cough a bit more, then I giggled a bit and I added. "I need a little breathe of air…

"Oh… no… please… don't open the door… please… I love your smoke… please…" Lyla said so depressed.

"It's okay Lyla… I can breathe my own smoke here, moreover, I wanna do so more smoke!" I said to her with a smile, but that was the truth, I wanted to do more smoke to that pretty closed space.

I was about to suffer a dry cough attack; I could feel it. My little lungs were so full with cigarette smoke, I could feel its flavor of it behind my tongue. The ambient didn't help me, because I was introducing more smoke with every inhale of my natural breath.

The cigarette smoke inside me was too dense, I really needed to cough hard in that moment, but it did not stop me. I took my cigarette and I approached it to my lips and I told to Lyla.

"Want so more smoke?

"Yes!" she responded me so enthusiastic.

I puffed my cigarette several times, doing smoke, filling the room with cigarette smoke. Lyla was smiling while seeing the smoke, in a moment, she coughed a couple of times.

"Did you really like it?" I said to her a bit whispered.

"I loved it… cough… cough…" she responded among her coughs.

I coughed too, but I couldn't keep my dry cough attack, I started to cough a lot among my own cigarette smoke.

"So… cough… cough… gasp! Sorry… cough! Cough!" I tried to apologize while I was coughing and gasping, trying to put under control my coughs.

I continued coughing for a bit moment, I really had myself full with cigarette smoke, but, by fault of the pretty closed room, because smoke around me was a dense mist that I was breathing for a long time.

I had a little choking sensation, I really loved it, I was suffocating among my own cigarette smoke. I haven't felt it for so long.

When I ended to cough and gasping for a bit of air to breathe. I saw to Lyla, she looked worried (I thought).

"Oh… sorry… don't worry for me, this room if full with smoke, and I full already with smoke too, but it's okay… I can smoke more cigarettes right here if you want it… tee-hee…" I said and I giggled a bit.

She was seeing me. I thought she got scared, because I coughed for a long time, suffocated in my own smoke, but, gently and softly, she took my face with a hand.

"Lyla?" I said a bit confused and a little turned on while I saw her gorgeous eyes.

"You're beautiful…" she said me.

She closed her eyes and slowly she approached her lips to mine. I closed my eyed too. I kissed her lips, for so long, doing several bit thundered kisses. In a moment, our tongues were playing in a love dance, gently and slowly.

I got separated for a moment. I swallowed her saliva, then I sipped my cigarette to fill myself with sweet smoke, and I kissed her again. Hot smoke covered us in each kiss and tongue playing.

Suddenly, someone was outside complaining. It was Layne.

"What is happening here? Why there's so much smoke here? Is this cigarette smoke?

Lyla and me got scared. Suddenly, Layne opened the door. I saw me.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" she screamed, then she saw Lyla that was pretty close to me. "Ah! Missis Rastford!" she exclaimed surprised.

"Eh… I can explain this… eh… okay… I can't…" I said to her.

"You don't need to explain nothing!" said Lyla something angry and seriously.

"Eh?!" Layne and me exclaimed.

"So, what are you doing here and why are you so rude?!" Lyla told to Layne.

"Eh?... eh… so… sorry for be so rude, I thought Celia was smoking alone in the cleaning room Missis Rastford" responded to Lyla embarrassed.

"Bah! Okay… don't say nothing and go to take your job again!" said Lyla.

"Ye… yes… Miss…" said Layne and she went out too fast from the place.

"Wow…" I exclaimed.

"Tee-hee…I'm the boss, don't forget it my sweet smoking maid…" she said to me so pretty.

We saw the smoke of the room, we were inside the room but with the open door.

"It's so smoky right there… right?" Lyla told me almost whispered among the dese mist of cigarette smoke.

"Yeah…" I responded then I saw my little smoky cigarette, it was almost the end. "Oh… well… last drag…" I said to Lyla.

"Oh… please…" she said me like a little girl.

I giggled a bit, then I sipped my cigarette and inhaled so deeply the smoke and I blew it to Lyla's face.

"Well… that's all…" I said to Lyla.

"Okay… that's sufficient smoke for me… for now…" she said while she was fanning the dense smoke with a hand near to her face.

"Yeah… for me too…" I responded to her.

"Well… I'll go to my room…" she told me.

"Yeah… and I'll go to shake the dust to the carpet, to wash it…" I said.

I went to do my job, but when I did the first step. Lyla stopped me.


"Yeah, Lyla?" I said.

She took my face gently and softly with a hand and she gave me a little kiss in my lips.

"Thank you for smoking!" she told me whispered.

"Oh… you're welcome…" I responded with the same tone.

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