
Empress Qsalyla : By Tokken

Well… There she is."

The evening was beginning to draw out the light of day, turning the skies orange and the wind cold. A gentle rain had begun to fall from a clear sky. The gates to the mansion had been opened with no force; likely by an obligation of the Houndooms from the Spencers to prevent needless property damage. On the porch, waiting and tense, the whole of the group stood behind a Gardevoir of immensely powerful proportions. Mad-Ji. The personification of years of military success. A downright prodigy. Surely, they were safe.

Mad-Ji finished her cigarette, puffing smoke in Max's direction as she turned to face him. {Is it just one?}

"No. There's a whole bunch of them, but she's the main target," Max said.

Mad-Ji put her eyes back on the land. {I'm only seeing one. Explain.}

"I don't… I don't know. It's definitely her, too," Max added, scratching his head. He felt nervous, but Ji exuded confidence, and her power backed her unmade claims quite well.

Bonny cracked her neck, putting her paws up in a combat position. {If she's coming alone then that's just gonna make this massacre way more disappointing.}

Max chuckled, reaching over to pat her head. "Please don't talk like that; I don't like seeing my cute bunny so corrupted."

{Uhm, Master…?} Dusk intervened.

"What is it, my pretty—?"

Looking up and ahead, he noticed the deathly glare of Ji staring right back at him. He gulped. "Right, sorry. No sap."

{Not now, you Poképhile fuck.} Mad-Ji took a step forward, almost cracking the wood beneath her with her sheer presence. {Let's get this worthless task over with, finally.}

The newcomer, another Gardevoir of significant height and dark green hair float-walked through the large front patio with the casualness of a grandmother returning from shopping. Her dress swayed left and right methodically. Her eyes faced the floor, and her arms stayed folded behind her back.

Mad-Ji walked down the steps until her stubbed feet touched the grass. Cracking her neck to the side, she waited until her opponent was close enough for her face to be discerned. Ji tilted her head. This freak of nature that had just meandered into their property smooth as butter had absolutely no sense of alarm. Gardevoirs could easily recognise the power potential of those around them via telepathy or by simply reading the tension in the air; and here she was, no cares in the world, just shopping.

Spitting on the ground, Ji said, {Hey, fuckstain. Welcome to the Spencer Mansion. You're about as welcome as the shit Max trod on the other day.}

The Gardevoir stopped walking towards her about twenty feet away, staying stock still.

Ji scoffed. {I figured you'd be too much of a pussy to get closer. Now listen, I don't like repeating myself. I'm here on a mission, and I always get shit done. I fucking despise people who half-bake things, and I sure as hell am not joining that list of deplorables. So do us both a favour: bend over like the whore you probably are, lay your neck on the grass and accept a decapitation. I swear the guillotine's the easiest way you're getting out of this.}

Despite her bold, aggravated claims which boomed with a volume intense and supernatural, the other Gardevoir did little more than shake her head from side to side.

Mad-Ji waited about three seconds before exhaling, spitting residue smoke from her lungs. {What a waste of time.}

As if an act of boredom, the military Garde spawned a dozen violent Shadow Balls, lined them up and sent them away with a careless wave of her wrist. Instantly, the energy spheres smashed against Qsalyla, each bringing about a great explosion that ripped plants from their roots and pushed the hair back from Max's head.

"Holy shit…" Max said, astonished.

Scarlet bit her tongue and looked away. {I could do that.}

"I mean, yeah, but like that? I think she's yawning over there."

{I guess this is just further proof that Mad-Ji is indestructible,} Bonny added, exhaling a humoured breath at the ridiculous sight.

"Still, it's a bit upsetting, having her killed so nonchalantly. It makes me think about how… how Jade could've been… And so easily, too."

{Master,} Scarlet started, {you already know the Universe doesn't work like that. We didn't even know this thing existed back then. A lot has changed.}

{Yeah, besides, we likely wouldn't have met her had it not been for the state we were in. It's best not to blame ourselves for not seeing ahead of fate,} Aurora said, putting a reassuring paw on his shoulder.

Max sighed. "You're right. I'm sorry. I remember her sometimes, and it hurts to think that if we were just a bit quicker, then maybe…"

Dusk put her paw on Max's chest. {I know Master. I feel that way every time I think about her. But we love her, and she knows that now, I'm sure of it. Just give her the warmth in your heart. I'm certain she died knowing that, for the first time possibly ever, she was cared for by someone. By us.}

Max smiled, feeling a tear build in his eye as he saw Dusk's lips tremble. "Thank you, Dusk. And I'm—"

{What the fuck…?} Mad-Ji muttered, loud enough for the rest of the team to hear.


As the smoke dissipated, the girls and Max fully expected to see nothing more than loose ash under it. But instead, they saw Qsalyla, completely unhurt. What's more, she had grown closer, and a horrific, toothed grin had formed on her face. The sight alone made Max's hair stand and Dusk's legs quiver.

{Wait, what?} Bonny said, her arms falling to her sides in disbelief. {How did…?}

Qsalyla raised her right hand, snapped her fingers and spun her index finger up to the sky. Instantly, a sound as loud as lightning striking right in front of them boomed, pushing Bonny and May back and forcing the noise-sensitive Lopunny to fall on the floor and writhe. Despite it all, Scarlet wouldn't budge.

"Shit! What was that?!" Max said, trying to see through the cloud of dirt that had lifted all around.

{I can't… believe it…} Scarlet said, her pupils the size of pinpricks once her sight managed to slice through the jets of air that engulfed the zone.

"What happened? Scarlet?" Max tried to approach the edge of the porch, only to be stopped by a protective Scarlet's hand. Her eyes wouldn't leave the scene.

"Scarlet, what are you doing? What's going on?!"

{Hold on, where's Mad-Ji?!} Aurora said, rubbing her eyes to ensure her vision wasn't failing her. But she was right — her Aura confirmed it. The Gardevoir was absent. Where Ji once stood, there was a thin ring of earth. The Lucario's eyes then landed on Qsalyla, who still kept her finger skyward. {You! What did you do to her?!}

Qsalyla smiled sheepishly and just shrugged. She brought her finger down to the floor, and suddenly, that lightning strike came again, only this time complemented by cannon fire. In an instant, most of the team either fell or threw themselves on the floor, not wanting to be caught by the shockwave that followed. Several pieces of exterior furniture flew about and many of the front side's windows were shattered by the wind. Max took hold of May and Scarlet before they flew off, and after about ten seconds, the shockwaves finally settled.

Max was, surprisingly, the first person to lift his head. He peered carefully over the mid-wall, and what he saw left him speechless.

Qsalyla was the only one standing. Mad-Ji was nowhere to be found, though it could be easily deduced that she was inside the hole that had formed in the ground. What's more, Qsalyla still looked entirely unspent, the effort made equal to lifting and lowering an arm.

A full year of military training with one of the most powerful living beings he had ever seen had desensitised Max to even the suggestion that Ji could be defeated in any way. After about a week, he accepted that she was an opponent beyond his or even the girls' level. Like asking a standard Pokémon to defeat a Legendary Titan; it just wasn't going to happen.

And yet, here she was. The bitch whose tribal army murdered one of his dear friends—someone who just needed to be cared for and did so little wrong—standing tirelessly, effortlessly in place. Then, she raised her eyes to Max, and the smile she gave belonged to the Devil itself.

"Ho-oh my… Holy…" he barely babbled.

{Ma… Master…?!} May said, still feeling wobbly from the fear just the noise brought.

"She… Qsalyla won…" he squeezed out, falling on his knees. "How the fuck…"

{We have to get out of here!} Aurora said urgently, jumping to her feet.

{Not without her head,} Scarlet said, though even she showed hesitation to manifest her powers.

{Scarlet, don't!} Dusk whispered a shout. {She'll be the death of you!}

{And she'll be the death of Max if I don't do something.}

"Scarlet, stand down. Let's… Let's try to get out of this."

{Teleport us! Now!} Bonny yelled, tugging at her tested ears.

A little chuckle could be heard at that suggestion. Scarlet stopped her efforts midway, turning to face the stage again. Qsalyla was on the first step of the stairs, much too close for comfort.

{I wouldn't do that,} the bewitching voice of the Gardevoir said.

{You rotten filth,} Scarlet spat, giving her a defiant look despite the unholy power she had just been shown. {Why shouldn't we?}

Qsalyla tilted her head with a wicked smile. {It's your style to tuck tail and run, is it?}

{Fuck you!}

{No. I'll say 'fuck you',} a mangled voice echoed from somewhere beneath their feet. Springing out from the earth with a smash, Mad-Ji landed on the dirt with her fist first, letting her presence disturb the atmosphere once again. {You piece of shit. You troglodyte. How fucking dare you bury me like that?! You think this is funny, pissant?! I'll show you funny you worthless little fucking RAT SHIT!}

To the combined outrage of the Crimson and Military Gardevoirs, Qsalyla just giggled an imprudent little laugh; as if just a little girl laughing at her father's tasteless jokes. {You're noisy. Did you know you're noisy?}

All hell began to break loose as Mad-Ji began to crumble away at the terrain, fully intent on using the entire Mansion's perimeter as her weapon. Scarlet took this as her cue, rushing off to gather Max and the girls to escape. Before anything even remotely close to a battle started, however, Qsalyla put one hand under her chin and another in front of her eyes. With a dismissive little wave, the tables turned in an instant. A wall of impossible energy smashed directly into Mad-Ji's front, and as soon as contact was made, a five-kilometre radius was engulfed in a temporary absence of light itself. Everything became white and shadow. White and shadow. Sound itself was muted. All in Ji's general direction felt as if it had been struck by an orbital cannon.

Mad-Ji could feel the energy pass through her skin, past her bones and organs, and out the other side. Her combined powers were interrupted as she felt nothing short of unthinkable agony; her every major bone fissuring, snapping, popping until they became dust. The worst part was that she somehow felt alive throughout it all. Shock didn't impede her pain from burning like white metal, nor did she faint to escape from this agony. She just endured. And no amount of moving about would soothe this impossible ache.

Her newly-turned bag of a body dropped as soon as colour returned to the world. Gravity became normal again, the ringing that made up for the absence of sound was replaced by the calls of distant seagulls, and all felt as it was again. The only thing to have gone was Mad-Ji's influence over the world.

And what did Qsalyla do, after performing this otherworldly feat? She just shook her wrist as if it were mildly burnt by a hot stove.

Scarlet couldn't even begin to perform her spell. The blood-tainted Psychic just stared in sheer awe; amazed her sight hadn't burnt away. None of the girls said a word. Max was lucky he'd emptied his bladder earlier today. As the rain cleared away, all that could be heard was the noise of crickets and birds and the light shuffle from Qsalyla's dress as she turned around and spread her arms wide as if all were a show.

{There! All is sorted. The oh-so-great hitman has left the building. But don't worry, she isn't dead. I'm just not that sort of person anymore. I've mended my ways. Death is such a vile thing, really.} She pushed her 'heel' into the flesh of the destroyed Mad-Ji, and to all the girls' horror and Max's nausea, she returned a distorted moan of pain. She was still alive. Mad-Ji was somehow forced to live. A fate worse than death itself. A worthless husk of meat, forever in agony. {I think I did you all a favour. This glum, crazy bitch must've been so frustrating for you all. I think I'm owed a 'thank you', wouldn't you agree? I mean, why in the world would you feel anything for this worthless Brig-sucking mock icon of a Drill Sergeant? Ineffective… At least some of my minions live through my training regime. Useless.}

May felt the yellow drain from her skin as the crazy 'woman' stepped on Ji like a macabre carpet. She briefly fainted against Max's leg then and there as even Bonny felt light-headed.

{Let's chat then, huh?} Qsalyla said, stepping up to the porch without a whimsy to worry about. When she floated past a flabbergasted Scarlet, she leaned in by the terrified Gardevoir's ear and whispered, {Had you teleported away, I would've come right behind you. Ever heard of Ivan the Terrible~? Well, let's say behind you works in two ways.}

Dusk fell to her knees in horrified disgust, bawling into her paws uncontrollably. Bonny dropped down next to her and put an arm over her back, though her eyes bulged and her pupils were slits. All she could do to 'protect' her friend was cover her with her large ears, but no amount of courage would bring her to look back at Qsalyla.

{You're… a monster…} Aurora said in disbelief, not allowing fear to take over her senses even if she was as bewildered as the rest. She cancelled out the noises of vomiting as she had the audacity to turn the Gardevoir's way. She almost took a step forward when Luna grabbed her firmly by the chest.

{Qsalyla, how is this possible?} Luna asked, her voice somehow calm despite the terror of the Mistress.

The Psychic whose sadism had likely surpassed all measure put her chin on the paralysed Scarlet's shoulder, grinning slyly and looking off to the side. {I got my birthright. Wonderful, huh? I can finally give that which my children deserve.}

{What does that mean?} Luna pressed on, standing between the team and her once territorial enemy.

Qsalyla hummed, removing herself from Scarlet and letting her fall to her knees and breathe, having left her too stuck with trepidation to even inhale. {Does it entice your curiosity, Ludpazilis? Or should I call you Luna?} Qsalyla giggled, draping three fingers over that vicious smile of hers. {So much love and devotion for a fox that just pisses over all that which isn't hers to own. Oh, what was that you said, army girl? Pissant? I might take that,} she teased, mocking the life she turned into agony's existence with a little titter.

{You've become incredibly strong, Qsalyla. I won't deny you that satisfaction. But your arrogance speaks volumes in the face of a Dark Type,} Luna said, taking on a fighting stance.

{N-No!} Dusk screamed, grabbing ahold of the fellow fox's leg to no real use. {She'll hurt you or worse! Don't do it, Luna!}

Qsalyla chuckled, dropping her chest forward with her arms behind her back. {Listen to the puppy, Lupi. I know that meat bag made a mess of you. I mean, really, how embarrassing is that?}

The Zoroark grit her teeth at her, before turning down to give the Braixen a reassuring smile. {Worry not, little one. I'll do my best. Please, leave this place.}

Qsalyla tilted her head and levitated Scarlet behind her by her neck, making her choke. {What, without your ginger slut?}

"LET GO OF HER!" Max suddenly shouted, his face torn with anger as he too stood up, albeit with wobbly legs. "I don't give a shit what you've become! Let go of Scarlet right fucking now!"

{Ah, look how excited the male gets when the thought of his cumdump going cold pops up.} Scarlet was shaken from side to side. {Come get her, handsome~}

Before his anger drove him forward on a fruitless suicide mission, Bonny and Aurora stepped before him, stopping him dead in his tracks.

{You let us handle this!} Aurora said, though her words felt duller than they were usually.

{If you die, my life is forfeit!} Bonny yelled, devastated by the thought of parting for even just a day.

{Don't you dare, Master…} May said in a quiet rasp, having awoken during the stir and feeling too sick to move with strength.


{All of you, run. Please,} Luna insisted. {I'll try to get Scarlet and get to you as soon as I can. Just run.}

Qsalyla looked so amused. {How cute. A whole team fighting for the honour to fight. Violence, violence, more violence… Isn't it tiring being somebody else's fighting dog? Hell, even those mutts don't have to guzzle their owner's sperm as you whores do,} she said, the disembodied head of a Houndoom flashing into existence and landing on her palm. A second or two after, she clenched her fist and the entire thing exploded into a confetti of gore.

Qsalyla revelled in the feeling of blood splattering over her face, bringing a finger to her lips and licking off the red with an intentionally perverse motion, mocking Max's desires and taunting him in the most disgusting way possible. When she took a step forward, all but Luna took a step back.

Fed up, the Zoroark finally shouted, {GO!} and soon the whole team rushed into the mansion to escape through the other end. They'd have to rescue the people inside as well, so they wasted no time dispersing at Max's orders.

Luckily, his fragmented training had given him a clearer mind even in rash situations, but Max was visibly struggling to even budge his lips as the tragedy unfolded. The girls, excluding May who was too small and ill to run fast enough and stayed in his arms, ran off in different directions to collect the several residents. All was going well until someone decided to start a ruckus.

Aristide. The gentleman who owned the estate was one of stern attitude and nobility. He was wise, but far from the type to falter to humility, and less so one to abandon his homestead to a gang of ruffians. Of course, in this case, the 'gang' consisted only of their representative. And clearly, that had proven to be enough.

The longer they took, the more Max fretted. He had placed his bets on Luna's survival, knowing her to be smart enough to escape when she was spent. But then he recalled how swiftly Mad-Ji had defeated her. How, even using her all, she might be bested long before she could escape.

And then, his eyes widened.

{Master? Master, what is it?} May asked, concerned, forcing herself out of his grip to stand at the ready. Max resisted at first, but now was no time to bicker over comfort. This was do or die, and thus, he understood her desire to will the courage to fight if needed.

"The Houndoom…" he said, putting a hand on his cheek. "Qsalyla killed a Dark Type…"


"It's so quiet…"

Outside, Luna stood steadfast and with her claws and fangs bared; her body lowered slightly in preparation for a vicious pounce attack. She couldn't afford to be hasty. Qsalyla's might was one she had never even pondered before; which was all the more surprising, considering how meek she seemed just a year earlier.

Luna stood on the right side of the porch, completely on her guard, whereas an aloof Qsalyla stood on the left-hand side. The door into the mansion was right in the middle. Scarlet was holding onto her last drop of oxygen.

{Let her be, Qsalyla,} Luna demanded as peacefully as she could, shifting her feet impatiently.

{Hm… Nah. I like to see her choke. Could you step aside? I want to admire this scene from there. Oh, if only I could record this forever… Oh, wait, I can!}

Qsalyla gave another hellish giggle before materialising a camera. Without a trace of concern in neither action nor speech, she lifted it and spun it around, recording a 'casual' video of her with, ironically, a peace sign thrown up while Scarlet's face became blue.

{Qsalyla!} Luna raised her voice in frustration, still not daring to make the first move. Her last defeat with Mad-Ji had left her scarred to take the initiative against certain species.

{Were you talking to me? Sorry, I don't like that name all flat and on its own. I prefer a little more… emphasis.} The Gardevoir put away the camera and twirled before performing a curtsy. {That weird little shit who led me to my gift called me something the other day. Empress Qsalyla. Mm, I like that one.}

Luna's teeth gnawed and ground together in her mouth, sweat beading on her forehead. Her entire body was tense and muscles firm, so it was all the more frustrating to see how Qsalyla took so little interest in keeping things serious. Time was not on her side. She had to do something.

{E-Empress Qsalyla, don't you think we should sort this feud between us on our own? It's you and I that have history, not—}

{Don't take me for another one of that human's cum-gargling retards. This bitch has as much history, if not more, than you and I. It's amazing she's lasting this long! I guess she's used to choking.}

Luna had no choice. She took a step forward, hoping that would stir some kind of reaction, but the Gardevoir just bobbed her head from side to side in boredom with a simple little grin.

{Well? Won't you attack me, Lupi? I mean, she is dying, you know. Oh, don't tell me. Are you into that sort of thing? Watching people choke? Or is it particular with Gardevoirs? Such a racist…}

Once she saw Scarlet's body become limp, Luna let out a warcry and leapt forward. Qsalyla huffed and yanked a hand her way. A brick flew from the wall and collided right with her outstretched paws, forcing them down and breaking two of her 'fingers', and immediately after, her throat was grabbed and smashed against the wall.

{Haaah… See, you are right about Dark Types being immune to Psychic abilities. It's like trying to drive electricity through a leather glove. But what's stopping me from doing things the classical way?} Qsalyla taunted, tightening her grip whenever Luna tried to raise a paw to attack. {I learnt something, too. I learnt that, if you use your abilities to assist your muscles, you can manifest greater strength for short lapses of time.}

Qsalyla released her grip on her neck suddenly, but before Luna could escape, she grabbed her by the mane and tossed her aside, sending her to roll a few times only to smash against the mid-wall. This act defied what their size and muscle mass discrepancy should allow, making it look plain ridiculous to any outside perspective, but still, the deed was done with barely a breath.

{How about that! God, that's invigorating! Like a Mega-Lopunny smacking down a Haunter — the satisfaction~!}

{Qsalyla!} Luna growled, becoming larger with bulging muscles as she used her illusion to appear twice her already enormous size. Just the sharpness and length of her teeth, which resembled swords, should strike fear into any mortal heart.

But Qsalyla… It's hard to argue where she lies on the mortality spectrum now.

{Catch,} the Empress suddenly said, lobbing Scarlet at Luna at tremendous speeds. Luna reflexively tried to grab her, but in doing so, she allowed the unconscious body to collide firmly into hers, sending her teetering backwards. That instant of weakness was all that was necessary for her to look back into the eyes of Hell.



Luna's eyes widened so much that she felt as though they would bleed. She would never be the same.

The musical hums drummed and soothed the terrible atmosphere of the disturbed home as the unparalleled Gardevoir slid past the torn door with not a scruple. She turned her head with a calmness, feigning the gentleness of a passing breeze but struck with an underlying excitement apparent in the giddiness of her smile. All was silent when she came in as if the whole world had shut up in the presence of an audition. If anything and anyone was alive, present and aware, no matter how futile or small their existence, they would know better than to disturb she, the Empress.

{Empress of what, though…?} she asked herself in a mumble. {Empress of the world…? A bit ambitious. And boring. Hah! Imagine, me, being made to take on everyone's business. What a chore.}

None returned her thoughts. She was speaking to herself, and she was more than happy to do so. A Houndoom that hid behind a bar counter sprung into action the moment her back faced it. It ran about two feet at her before dropping and skidding to a stop like a ragdoll. Dead. The reason? Qsalyla willed it.

This only made her more excited.

{Come out, come out, wherever you are!} she chimed with much heartiness. A heartiness that belonged to one without a heart. {If you make me chase you… If you make me come find you…} Her knuckles cracked. {Then by God's will, I'll act accordingly~}

Outside, hiding in the thick greenery that stretched to the boundaries of the massive estate, Max shushed the whimpers of the maids who hid. Among them was, luckily, everyone. Max's Pokémon, excluding Scarlet and Luna, as well as the Spencer family and the workers. Even Vicky was nabbed in time, though it almost cost Max an arm. Luckily she got the message quickly after hearing the ruckus outside. Among the girls, Dusk was still wobbly on her knees, while May had recovered to the point she felt as tough as the steel she was part of. Bonny kept insisting to be Mega Evolved, that she should put herself to use at least and create time, but there was no way Max was going to allow that. The only way he could convince her was by telling her a hard truth: if Mad-Ji had been sunk so quickly, the Lopunny didn't stand a chance.

"I don't get it. I seriously don't get it…!" Max hissed under his breath, feeling the weight of Scarlet's absence. "How the hell is this possible? How?!"

Above all else, Aristide was furious. He couldn't even vent his anger in the predicament they were in, and so he had to show his displeasure through the stiffness of his face. Helene did her best to calm him, but he was well past that. He blamed Max for underplaying the severity of his enemies, for allowing them to come to his domain, and for permitting the destruction of his belongings. Worse, Aristide damned the young man for condemning his wife and son to this fate.

Max was finding it difficult to keep it together, but slowly and oh-so quietly, the group shuffled through the shrubbery and trees, using the shadows to their advantage to navigate around the building and closer to the entrance gate. Mike was soon to come to pick Aristide up, and Helene was terrified he might show up now. Dimitri was brave enough to snatch the phone out of her hands before she made a fatal mistake.

{Master, how are we going to save Scarlet and Luna?} Dusk said.

Aurora, seeing him struggle to answer, pat the fox on the back. {Relax. Luna is a Dark Type. Qsalyla's already at a severe disadvantage, and you know how strong Luna is. We'll fetch them once they tire her out and escape.}

{That may be so, but… Well, Luna lost against the Mistress so easily, and…}

"It's okay, Dusk," Max tried to convince, smiling at her. "We'll get out of this. We always do."

{We'll kick her butt. But maybe not today,} May added, giving the fox a friendly bump.

{We'll tear her apart,} Bonny finished, driven up the wall with a mix of fear, sadness and a need for revenge.

Max, the girls and Helene were upset to see the toll this had taken on Bonny's mind, but all they could do was pray for the future.

"Oh my go-!" one of the maids screeched, hushed by her own palm. Right where her foot was going to go was the body of one of the bigger Houndoom patrol dogs; its muscular frame squashed down like old roadkill and its head absent. Max immediately deduced that was the one whose head Qsalyla had exploded earlier.

It was surprisingly quiet up until they reached the front of the garden. Aristide noticed the gate was open, as it had been left to avoid destruction to his expensive defences, but sitting by the middle of its frame was a little humanoid Pokémon with a raggedy white dress, green legs and feet and white, 'gloved' hands. On its head were two crests, both smaller than that of a Gardevoir's, and the one on its left had some small cracks and a missing piece near its tip. Its green hair dropped like heavy bangs over its eyes as it groomed itself; a wicked smile full of pointy teeth the only facial feature visible.

This disturbed Kirlia worked away at picking something from its teeth, humming a little jingle to itself.

{Let me do it,} Bonny suggested with an absent mind; her thoughts focused on murder.

May grabbed her paw and stopped her, anchoring the bunny, and when she turned to face her the Mawile shook her head. {No, don't. It'll make too much noise. Qsalyla will come for us.}

"Yeah, but these people need to get out of here, and it's the only exit," Max said.

Aurora conceded with May. {She's right. You saw what she just did. She'll catch up to us in seconds. They won't get a chance to get far.}

{I'll do it quietly,} Bonny hissed.

"How? There's no way you could come up to it without it noticing. Besides, it's… just a Kirlia…"

{That doesn't matter right now. It's a part of their group and I won't let it live.}

"Bonny, stop it. Don't you remember? Jade told us they basically get forced into it. That Kirlia might have been born into this nasty business. We should at least try to spare it."

{That Kirlia will grow up to be a horrible Gardevoir. What does it matter?}

{Bonny, please, stop it,} Dusk pleaded, grabbing her friend's shoulder with tears in her eyes.

They became quiet as the Kirlia suddenly stood up, stretched its limbs and wandered directly towards the vegetation the group hid in. Everyone dropped down as low as possible, doing their best to not even breathe. The Kirlia, once close enough, leaned forward with its arms behind its back.

{Hello~o, who's this here? I see a few fluffy butts sticking out. Gosh, you're awful at hiding!}

Immediately, Bonny sprung into action, leaping to destroy the Kirlia despite her Master's wishes. Before she could come close enough, Bonny's course was strangely altered, making her 'miss' unrealistically and illogically. Hitting the earth, she turned to the Kirlia and tried to swat it with her ears, but the Kirlia just stepped backwards, arms still behind its back as it flashed that sickening smile.

{Come on, come on, you all. You can step out, now. There's no point hiding in there like a dog; I mean, how do you think the Houndooms got cleared out?}

"It was… you…?" Max said, standing up with fierce eyes, the rest of the group reluctantly following. "That's impossible. You're just a Kirlia, they're—"

{Save me the beans, I know. I don't make a lot of sense. Your bunny friend doesn't make a lot of sense either. I mean, I get being jacked, but holy moly is she one doozy of a biological nightmare.} The Kirlia giggled, swaying its waist a bit and sticking a drunken finger toward the Lopunny. {Quintuple jacked! It's kind of gross! This emasculator doesn't disturb you?}

"That's enough," Aristide said with a deep, clear voice that tried its best to remain calm and quiet. "Leave this property at once. I have more than mutts at my disposal."

{What, like, the crazy Gardie you had in your back pocket?} the Kirlia prodded, leaning forward again just to tempt Bonny to attempt another fruitless jab he whimsically dodged. {Man, you need to learn to time your blows. What was it you said, 'speed is my secondary!' right? Mhaha! Aww, it was so cute to see you sparring with that dude. Shame he never showed his sensitive side; he could've spared himself had it not been for those gross comments he made, huh?}

{That disgusting Gallade? I almost forgot he existed. I guess he doesn't, now,} Bonny said with an evil smile, trying to jerk the little Psychic's instincts.

The Kirlia just shrugged. {I guess you're right. I was about to give him a thwack of my own, to be honest. Sexist, sexist. Don't like those, no sirree.}

Max had enough of this waste of time. "Look, just step aside and let these innocents free. Qsalyla only wanted to deal with us, to begin with. They have nothing to do with any of this. Besides…" Showing his anger for once, Max made his toned body seem bigger. "If you stand in our way, we'll do something drastic."

The Kirlia wowed, clapped his hands on his cheeks and dropped low. {So cool! A human, all puffed up. Your shirt isn't ripping, though, so don't mind me…} Reaching forward, faster than the girls' reflexes, he grabbed the fabric on Max's chest and tore at it quick enough for his chest to become exposed to the world.

"What in the…?!"

{Ta-daa! At least now you have something to your word. Oh, what's this you're making—?}

The Kirlia noticed Aurora charging a large bludgeon of bone, swinging it around a few times before thwacking the Kirlia over the head so hard it threw him against the wall.

{Go!} the jackal exclaimed, and all the humans, as well as Vicky, ran outside in a hurry. Having made too much noise to conceal, Aurora turned to the human she loved and pointed the bone his way. {You too! Get out of here, now!}

"What?! Scarlet needs help! Luna does, too!"

{I know, and I'll help them. But you're just gonna get yourself killed if you stay, so please, go!}

Bonny stood next to Aurora, putting a hand on her shoulder. {I'm with you. If it costs me my life, I will avenge Jade. I'll kill that witch.}

{I'll be your shield,} May said without hesitation, standing with them. She turned to Dusk to see her expression. The Braixen was mortified at the prospect of fighting, but even more so of losing the last of her friends. {You don't have to come if you don't want to, Dusk.}

Bonny smiled at her oldest friend. {Yeah. I would hate to see both of us disappear.}

Dusk shuffled on the spot, biting her finger with anxiety. {I— I…}

"You… You can't seriously expect me to run away from this fight!" Max finally spoke up.

{You can and you must, Master. We live to keep you safe. Let us serve our purpose,} Aurora said.

"That's bullshit! None of you are here for my convenience! If you're going to risk your lives saving her, then…!"

{Gracious, does it always have to be a fuckfest or a fight with you?} the Kirlia interjected with a groan from the ache on his back.

{Stay down, you little shit. I'll splatter you just like I did that Gallade,} Bonny hushed, resorting to something she didn't usually: intimidation.

Not that it seemed to work. It was hard to feel threatened by a rabbit on two legs. The Kirlia waddled closer, not an inch of wariness to him. {Why don't you lot just see straight, eh? This is pointless. Seriously, that's not even me being villainous. Your best bet was to run far, far away and hope to Arceus the lovely lady wants nothing more to do with you. But obviously, I know that's not true, so…} The Kirlia scratched his head, dodging attacks left and right as Bonny and Aurora showed their displeasure. Even as he evaded their assault, he kept on rambling. {I guess this is fair? I mean, I totally understand wanting to fight for your life, but with these odds, it's more a matter of dying tired or not. Agh, what am I saying?! Who's to say you'll even die in the first place? See, now I'm falling for your arrogant assumptions. Oh, Lyla'll be heartbroken if she hears!}

{Trust me, you'll be the last person to move my heart.}

The voice of Qsalyla behind them startled the remaining girls as they whipped around and saw her, the self-proclaimed Empress, in all her macabre glory. Floating beside her was the hopefully unconscious body of Scarlet, and behind her, shambling and shivering and shaking like a madman with her claws tapping together in front of her was none other than the beastly Zoroark they knew and cherished, her gaze fixed on the floor as though anything more were to defy a greater will.

All but the grinning Kirlia were horrified, but the girls didn't waste time. Bonny grabbed Max and threw him behind her, urging him to run before taking a fighting stance. No matter how much it stung, he couldn't waste time making himself cannon fodder. If any of her troops arrived, he would at least have a chance. Against Qsalyla? The reality of the situation was cruel and a gigantic pill to swallow, but he didn't stand a chance. With no options left, and time pressuring his decisions, he turned away from Scarlet and ran off to get the others to safety. He could feel his heart weigh. Scarlet was alive, he sensed it, but every beat was heavier the further he ran. Tears slipped from his eyes. Was he killing her?

As all became serious and the tension rose, the Kirlia once again disturbed them by crawling on all fours to his mistress' foot, grabbing her leg and worshipping her with the most perverse love imaginable.

{Sweet glory, look how you shine! Your beauty, Mistress, it blinds me!}

{Thank God. Your eyes do enough as they are,} she said, colder than usual before kicking him off herself, throwing him into the fence so powerfully that it fell apart where he struck.

{Luna looks…} May gasped.

{Mindbroken,} Aurora concluded, lowering her head a the sight.

{O-Oh no…} Dusk worried.

{Let them go, you fucking bitch!} Bonny shouted, stomping her foot with such force it cracked the floor beneath.

{Explain to me how that would make any sense,} Qsalyla challenged, a hand on her hip. Despite her actions, the way in which she spoke seemed all too normal for a psychopath such as her.

{Do it! Do it or I'll end you!}

{Okay, end me.}

{Don't test me!}

{Seriously, try it. Go ahead.}

Aurora noticed the burning fire in Bonny's eyes. {Don't lose your head, Bonny. She wants you to crack.}

{Oh, I'll crack alright…} Qsalyla spat with venom in her voice, taking a step forward toward Bonny.

The rabbit glared daggers into her eyes, and both she and Aurora tightened their fists and readied themselves for a fight unlike any before. It was likely a suicide charge; the rush was addictive.

But then, a voice from earlier creaked out among ragged breaths and oral pain. {My holiest! Sweet gorgeous creature, a delight to my senses, I feel the preciousness of your every inch of being! I love! Qsalyla, Goddess mine, love and embrace me!}

The wicked witch calling herself 'Empress' groaned in response, her stiffness melting. Those that still stood here were surprised to see the surely destroyed Kirlia waltzing back into the scene like a drunk, still woozy from the impact yet not a spec of blood. More so, however, was how Qsalyla seemed to lose her airs entirely from just that.

The little Kirlia finally reached the foot of his beloved ruler to no real interruption from the girls, who almost sniggered despite their stress, as the Gardevoir folded her arms and looked down at him in disinterest; he on all fours and pleading her with his very being.

{Mistress, my love, the apple of my life~! Could you do me a favour, just one, a small one? For me?} the nameless Kirlia begged, though not at all distressed, giving his wishes more on a whim than principle.

Qsalyla closed her eyes and sighed. She took to looking at the three girls in their puny fighting poses. All it would take is a yawn. The fact it was so easy was… so demotivating. Looking behind her, she reached for the Zoroark's mane and pulled her forward, with Luna not resisting her 'encouragement' in the slightest.

{Madam?} the Kirlia pleaded more, grabbing the hem of her dress like a loving child or a malignant creep. {My favour?}

{I owe you squat. Watch and silence yourself.} The 'Empress' pointed off towards the girls with a sneer. {You wish to do battle with a divine being as I?! Phet! Your grotesque, violent ways…} she said, soaking in her hypocrisy with a little giggle. The Kirlia smiled, all too charmed by her tender sadism. {Fight your bitch, instead!}

{W H A T?!} Bonny shouted, flapping her arms about. {OH MY GOD, LUNA, SNAP OUT OF IT!}

{Oh, for crying out loud…} Aurora sighed, drooping her snoot.

{Damn, today's just all about us losing, huh?} May growled.

Luna stepped forward, her body twitching. She was still in there; you could tell just by watching her pupils fly around the whites of her eyes. This wasn't a matter of choice. It was a matter of being. Her internal structure, her memories, her thoughts… They were hijacked by this witch. Luna breathed deep, shivering as her claws became sharp in front of her. The girls, startled, took a step back but were far too determined to give in, no matter how hopeless this may seem — no matter how hopeless this was.

With the authoritarian voice she had practised over long years of rule, Empress Qsalyla commanded, {Ludpazilis, kill your friends.}



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