

Later that day, Scarlet floated back to the campsite to see Max, Bonny, Aurora, and Sally placing some recliner chairs near the module, which was oddly rustic compared to everything else, mostly because they were made of reinforced tissue. She rested against a nearby tree and saw them moving around. As soon as there were eight chairs placed in a small circle, Max told them something before directly heading towards her.

"...How do you feel?" Max asked when close enough.


"That's okay, Love. We all have those moments every now and then. Remember how I'd get upset sometimes just because you'd go into town without telling me?" He said, resting against the same tree.

{At least that was more of a legitimate reason to get upset.}

"Listen… How about we just forget about it and relax, whaddya say?" He suggested before grabbing one of her hands and pulling her towards the chairs where Bonny, Aurora, May, and Sally were already seated.

Even though a bit reluctant, she didn't resist.

"Try them out," Max suggested after leaving her hand, sitting in one of the chairs.

Sighing slightly, she sat on the one next to him.

"So? Comfortable, isn't it?"

{It's… weird.} She answered, moving her waist around to find the optimal positioning.

"You'll get used to it."

{All that remains is a campfire and we're set.} May said.

"Indeed. Although…"

{...What is it?} Bonny asked, who had already settled in her chair.

"I'm still wondering what all that stuff in the storage room was. Maybe it can be useful."

{Why don't we go find out?} Aurora proposed.

"That's a good idea." Max approved, standing up.

{Let's bring them out and see what they do.}

{I'm coming too.} Bonny said, following Aurora who stood up as well to follow Max.

{Ahhh!} May exhaled happily while lying back and putting her hands behind her head. {Gotta say, Scarlet, I missed this.}

{...Yeah. After all, we're made to live in the wilderness.} Scarlet agreed, slightly mind absent.

May took notice of Scarlet's words and remembered what happened earlier in the day.

{I'm sorry… again. With what happened to master earlier, I mean.}

{...Me too.} Sally followed.

Scarlet waved her hand. {Ehh, don't worry about it. Everything turned out fine in the end, so there's no need to stress out about it.}

{Master seemed pretty calm when he was cornered like that. Well, for someone that has been kidnapped by a Pokémon, that is.} May pointed out.

{Eh. You should've seen what he did. I almost felt sorry for that vespiquen.}

{Ah, so it was a vespiquen. What happened?}

{I wasn't there to see it for myself, but I saw in his mind what he did. Let me tell you something May; master isn't fooling around anymore.}

{What did he do?} Sally asked, very curious.

{He struck her in just the right place and almost paralyzed her completely.} Scarlet narrated, sounding proud.

{No way!} May replied in surprise.

{That's amazing! Go, master!} The cinderace exclaimed, impressed.

{He's still a human, so he'll have to use the element of surprise. As long as any pokemon takes him for a normal weak human, he'll always have the advantage and might even beat them.} Scarlet mentioned.

{*Gasp* Oh my gosh! He became so awesome!}

{Indeed. Though, we'll still have to keep an eye on him. If he goes against a more cautious and intelligent Pokémon, he'll stand no chance.}

{Yeah, but still… He worked so hard to get where he is right now. I still remember when he first started training with Mad-Ji, he was coming back bleeding and with bruises all over his body.} May shared.

{It's not like we haven't been going to bed without a few broken bones ourselves.} Scarlet pointed out.

{Yes, but we're used to that. Most of us heal faster than humans, it's not really the same with master.}

{...I guess you're right.}

{It's master. I believe in him.} Sally affirmed, making the others smile a bit.

{Well, he does have that darnium knife now, so I'm a lot less worried than before. I pity the one who will underestimate and mess with him after all his training.} The gardevoir said.

The front door of the module suddenly opened up, with Max holding the object he saw earlier, which was a weird tube with a spherical orb in the middle.

{What else can we say? He's just that amazing.} Scarlet mumbled to them. {Whatchu got there, master?} She asked him.

"I don't know. That's what we're about to find out."

Behind him, Aurora and Bonny were carrying some sort of cuboid object and dropped it nearby.

"How about we start with this one…" Max suggested, bringing the tube he was carrying to the center of the chairs. "Okay, let's see what the hell this thing is."

Kneeling down, he then began to inspect it with everyone carefully observing. He then noticed a button on the lower part of the tube, under the glass sphere. He pressed it, but nothing happened.

"Is this just a decoration or something?"

{Let me see.} Scarlet said, getting closer.

Barely two seconds of inspection, Scarlet noticed something at the top. Moving her hand closer, she flipped a panel as large as the tube to reveal a metallic plate.

"What is that?"

{I think I figured it out.}

Scarlet then placed a hand on the tube and used Thunder Punch, probably to charge it with power.

{...Try it, now.} She asked after a moment.

Nodding, Max then pressed the button.


As soon as he touched it, a bright light appeared from the glass bubble, blinding Max.

"Shit!" He growled, now up on his feet and rubbing his eyes.

{Oh no! Are you alright?} Dusk asked worryingly while rushing next to him.

"Agh! I've been freaking flash banged! I can't see anything."

{Calm down, master. It will pass.} Dusk reassured, pulling him into a hug.

{Haha. You really tasted it.} Bonny mocked a little, knowing he was fine.

{They say "ignorance is bliss…" but I think it's a curse sometimes.} Aurora added.

{Come on guys, that's mean.} Sally defended, worried as well.

{Relax, Sally. He's survived worse.} May assured her.

{Too bad it won't last. Who knows what we could do to someone who can't see.} Scarlet said with a smug, still charging the thing.

{Aw thanks, Scarlet. You made my mouth all watery, now.} Bonny complained, making the gardevoir giggle.

{I could always blind him myself from time to time.}

"Ugh… Please don't." Max refused, moving away from Dusk's hug while exaggeratingly winking his eyes, slowly recovering his sight. "I don't think it would be healthy for my eyes."

{Unfortunately, you're right.} she sighed.

Scarlet then noticed the temperature rising near her waist.

{Whoa. This thing is getting hotter.}

Shortly after, the temperature was so high that she had to retreat in a quick movement.

{And fast.} She added. {It almost burned me.}

Curious, Sally stood up and got where she was.

{You're right. It really does.} She said with her hands up, not affected by the temperature due to her typing. {And it keeps going up.}

{What is that thing?} May wondered.

Then, as Dusk was leading Max to his chair, Scarlet got thoughtful.

{It's bright and emits a hot temperature…}

{Woah, I can even feel it from here.} Bonny told them, starting to feel its radiating heat.

Scarlet then took notice of the light color.

{Does that coloring remind you of anything, girls?} Scarlet inquired.

{It's like…} May started.

"It kind of reminds me of a campfire." Max shared.

{Is it not?}

{Wait. Don't tell me that it's an artificial campfire?} Aurora said, a bit skeptical.

{Well, from the lights and temperature around it, I think it's safe to assume that it is.} Scarlet theorized.

"Woah… That's incredible!" Max exclaimed. "No need for old-fashioned campfires anymore I guess." He added with a smile.

{I think you can turn it off, Sally.} The gardevoir instructed.

{Sure thing.} The cinderace replied before complying and turning the thing off.

"And all it needs is some electrical juice."

{I'll wait a moment before it's finished charging.} Scarlet announced, sitting back.

"I'll say it again, science is so amazing. Let's see what the other thing does." Max enthusiastically said before moving towards the second thing they brought outside.

{I'll help.} Sally proposed herself before joining him.

Now close to the cuboid object, Max and Sally lifted it with the help of a handle each to move it away with ease.

"Whoa. It's a lot lighter than it looks." Max commented. "I bet I could lift it all alone if it wasn't so obstructing."

After arriving in a big enough space, they dropped it and quickly found the button to activate it. In a brief movement, the cuboid turned into a patio set with eight chairs and a small extendable roof to act as an umbrella.

"...Great. Now we can enjoy our outdoor meals even more."

{All we need now is a grill and we'd be on vacation every day.} Aurora commented.

"How much do you bet that there will be one somewhere?" Max replied, closing the high-tech patio set.

{What I can bet is that every little metallic plate around the module has to be hiding something.} Scarlet pointed out.

"It wouldn't surprise me. This module is a wonder of its own." Max said, dropping in his chair. "But let's take our time and enjoy this moment." He added, dropping his head on the chair's back.

{Now that we have almost everyone here, I have an announcement to make.} The gardevoir started.

"Without Luna?"

{I tell her about it later, but I'm sure she's already aware of what I'll be talking about. About an hour ago, master got captured by a vespiquen while being accompanied.}

{Really? Who was watching him at the time?} Bonny questioned.

{Now, I won't point any fingers or belittle them for their mistakes, because the truth is that it could have happened to any one of us. Luckily, nothing happened to him. I just want to make things clear that we're not in a safe haven anymore. We're back in the wilderness with assholes who will try to mess with us. I'm aware that it's been a long time and we've got used to a bit too much of a constant and reassuring sense of security, but now is the time to keep our eyes peeled again and stay constantly alert like before. It's not just about master anymore, any one of us can be attacked from behind, making the others fear the worst. So I'll say it again one last time; eyes open everyone. We're in hostile territory again.}

It had to be said, but unfortunately, her speech had essentially killed the party-giving mood, making the others feel a little bad about themselves.

"Come on, guys. Don't make those kinds of faces." Max encouraged them. "Before arriving at that mansion, we were already living like this, but it hasn't prevented us from having fun together. I think Scarlet's exaggerating a little by saying we are specifically in hostile territory, but she's right when she says you never know what might happen, and don't forget what Mad-Ji taught us! Be aware of your surroundings, and we're all much stronger too, so we shouldn't be constantly fearing for our safety. Besides, most pokemon are friendly towards humans so long as you don't pose a threat to them."

{I guess we're just unlucky then, as we're always running into the worst of them.} Aurora mentioned.

"Maybe it's because of my trouble magnet superpower." Max jested.

{I think it's more than that. It seems that none of us were that lucky in life. Our only luck is you.} Scarlet pointed out.

"Okay girls, Scarlet got her message across, so how about we sweep the gloomy subjects under the rug and enjoy our return to our journey? Sounds good?"

{Sounds good to me, but what are we gonna do?} Bonny asked.

"Well, tomorrow we should start training again, but today, I would like to just enjoy my time with all of you. Oh, I know."

Suddenly, Max stood up and went inside the module. He then quickly left it again with the tablet in his hands.

"I wish we had bigger speakers, but it'll do."

Sitting back, Max then swiped and pressed on the tablet a few times until it began to play music.

"Let's celebrate!" Max exclaimed, blasting the sound at full volume.

{Yeah, let's party!} Sally exclaimed before leaving her chair to start dancing.

She was quickly joined by May and the two started dancing together. Bonny and Aurora looked at each other until the lucario shrugged her shoulders, giving in to the music along with Bonny. At the same time, Dusk went dancing as well while approaching Max and Scarlet, who were still seated.

{Nu uh. No way you two are staying here.} The delphox started, grabbing one hand of each. {You're gonna party hard too.}

After both had been pulled up, Scarlet quickly let herself go as both she and Dusk went dancing in their own elegant way, mostly using their hips. Aurora and Bonny were also dancing in their own ways, as well as May and Sally. However, the two groups were freestyling, with Sally and May attempting to add a little bit of breakdancing to the mix. Max didn't have the time to wonder what he should do when he got joined by Sally and May.

{Come on, master! Show us your moves!} May incited.

Deciding to give in as well, Max also started freestyling, but in a slightly less chaotic manner than them. The rest of the day was pretty much about Max and his Pokémon having a great time. Sometimes they would dance, sometimes they would talk about anything from deep stuff about life or something as simple as telling jokes or making small talk. Other times, they would be playing games and watching TV. Now that it's late in the afternoon, Max had just finished being annihilated by Scarlet at a board game inside the module's dining room/kitchen when his face became serious.

{Don't be so discouraged, master. You're getting better at this game every day.} Scarlet reassured while refreshing the game to its original placement.

"Thanks, Scarlet, but that's not it," Max replied, crossing his arms. "I wish I could have a blast, but without Luna…"

{...Well, you know that she usually sleeps in the afternoon.}

"True, but right now, she should be awake having fun with us, and I don't like partying without her."

{Go get her, then.}

"I guess I will."

Max then considered it a few seconds before standing up.

{With who?}

"To accompany me?"

{Mhmm.} Scarlet confirmed.

"I don't know. I wish I could try to find her on my own."

Scarlet then felt a small sense of powerlessness inside her master while he was thinking about who would join him. Sure, he's improved significantly over the past two years, but he'll never reach the same level of strength and power as a Pokémon. She sighed as she remembered her talk with Max earlier about trust between the two of them. He trusts her to look after herself whenever she wanders off on her own, so maybe it was time she did the same for him.

{…I can't believe I'm doing this.}


Before he could say anything more, Scarlet used Teleport to materialize Max's knife in his hands, leaving him surprised.

{I'll let you go alone, but not without this.}

"Are you sure?" He said, taking it.

{Not really, but you know that I hate giving you restraints. I always have to treat you like some sort of helpless child, and it won't help your self-esteem.}

"My self-esteem is fine, but I appreciate your concern."

{Better than before, I'll admit. However you're an adult male, so I wish to treat you as such. Today you proved to me that I don't have to worry as much as before. With this, my mind will be more at ease.} She explained, briefly looking at the knife.

Max then gently rubbed the tip of the blade.

"To be honest, I really hope I don't use it. I mean, there are mean Pokémon out there and I'll defend myself as best as I can, but I don't want to kill them."

{You still think that? After meeting someone like Qsalyla or that vespiquen earlier?}

Max then lowered his eyes.

{Max, I'm currently fighting with myself so much right now, it's not even funny. I want to try to treat you like the male you are, but when I know how many psychotic pokemon are out there…}

Max then felt bad about the dilemma he was creating.

"Well, it's not like I'm completely defenseless anymore. No matter what happens, I could at least survive until you get to me."

{...I guess…} She conceded, eyes closed and crossed arms while tapping one finger on one. {But if it's not enough… Fuck!}

It was obvious now that she was starting to lose patience due to not being able to decide what's best for the both of them.

"Look, if it bothers you that much, I don't mind having someone with me. Besides, it's fun to have someone to walk and talk with."

{Be honest with me, master. Do you really not mind being babysitted by one of us all the time?}

"Well, when you put it that way…"

Looking at her eyes, Max saw that she didn't want to laugh.

"...I'm honest when I said I don't mind that much because I really love spending time with you girls, but… I guess a tiny part of me doesn't like to be watched constantly due to my weakness, and it does feel like I'm being babysat sometimes as you said."

{That's what I thought. I don't have to read your mind anymore, I know you inside and out. *sigh* I guess you do have to sacrifice yourself for the greater good sometimes.}

"What do you mean?"

{I'm saying that I prefer being worried about you than oppressing you.}

"'Oppression' is kind of a strong word, don't you think?"

{From the way I feel, no.}

Max then went thoughtful for a moment.

"...You could always stay a few feet away from me as we walk."

{That's even worse.} Scarlet denied fervently. {Do you want a leash and collar on your neck while we're at it?}

"You're asking me something quite big, Scarlet. I won't feel good at all knowing if I'm walking alone peacefully while you're eating your lips out of stress."

Scarlet looked at him a bit dumbfounded.

"Yes, I noticed it. Whenever you're stressed, you have the tendency to bite the skin of your lower lips."

{So what?} The gardevoir replied.

It was Max's turn to sigh.

"How about we settle for a middle ground, then?"

{You mean like, letting you go alone for half of the time?}

"Well, more like going with what you feel is best. If you think it's relatively safe for me to go alone, then we're good. That's gonna be your call."

{Look, it's getting way too complicated for nothing. Just take the knife and go find that zoroark.}

"But, Scarlet—"

{No buts. Just leave. If I'm going to love a human, I'm gonna have to trust him.}

"...Alright." Max gave up, knowing the discussion was closed when she's like that.

"Just tell me where you saw her last if you did."

{That way I think.} She answered before pointing behind her.

Nodding, Max sheathed the knife and stood up. He was about to walk past her, but put the knife back on the table and sat right next to Scarlet. He then pulled her into her hug.

{What are you doing?}

"Is it not obvious? Giving the love of my life some love."

{*sigh* I hate you.} She replied, hugging him back.

"Heh. You say that every time we hug after an argument."

{Better that than staying mad at each other, don't you think?}

"Yep." He conceded, rubbing her well-maintained soft hair.

She then gently leaned towards Max until their faces were a few inches away from each other. He stared at her gem-like eyes before going for a kiss, which Scarlet immediately returned, putting more passion than him. After a short tongue fight, Scarlet separated while still holding Max in her arms.

{Please, be careful.} She pleaded.

"Don't worry, I will. Luna taught me a few things about spatial awareness, plus I still got Mad-Ji's survival training going for me."

{...Okay. I'll stay connected to you as much as possible so I can come to your aid should anything happen.}

"Sorry about leaving in the middle of our game."

{It's okay, master.} The gardevoir assured him. {I'll ask Dusk if she wants to play.}

"Good idea. She's gonna be much more of a challenge for you than me."

{Eh, not really. You know I prefer destroying someone weaker than me. It makes me feel better about myself.}

"Hahaha!" Max laughed heartily. "You unforgiving monster. I love you so much."

{Me too.} She replied before both kissed one more time.

"See you later." He wished while affectionately holding her chin.

Lost in her eyes with love, Scarlet almost tripped on the module's ground when Max left her, forgetting that she wasn't holding onto anything. Once he was outside, he saw Bonny and Aurora were in a push-ups contest with Sally and May spectating. He then headed towards where Scarlet pointed with a smile on his face.

As soon as he entered the thick woods, Max immediately slowed his pace to look around with extra attention and awareness. This wasn't a relaxing walk through the woods, he was on the hunt for Luna. Moving forward while making sure to not miss any clues, Max came across something after a moment of searching. He crouched down and spotted a few hair strands of a dark-furred creature. Thinking it might be Luna's, he inspected it carefully with a quick smell before dropping it immediately.

"...Not her," Max mumbled.

He continued like this for a little while until he found a proper clue. He stopped in front of a tree and noticed a few claw marks pretty high up, near a thick branch.

"Tsk. Can't tell how fresh those marks are from here."

As silently as possible, Max proceeded through the forest until he came across a spring-form sawsbuck.

"Hi there, little guy. Have you seen a zoroark roaming around here, by chance?"

The sawsbuck then blankly stared at him before leaving.

"Oh, right. There's no way a wild pokemon can magically understand human language. *sigh* Alright, I guess I'm still on my own."

For what seemed like an hour, Max did his best to try to track and find Luna. However, despite his best effort, he eventually lost her trail.

"Damnit." Max cursed softly while resting a hand on a thick tree. "What was I thinking, trying to find Luna of all 'Mons? Of course, she would make sure not to leave any clues or tracks, especially if she knows I'm onto her."

Thinking of what he could do from there, he felt a faint ill-intended presence behind him. Discreetly unsheathing his knife, he waited until it came closer. As soon as he knew it was within arms-reach, he spun and tried to strike whoever or whatever was trying to sneak up on him. Before he could hit his mark, his assailant blocked and grabbed him by the wrist, his blade near her sides.

{You actually came pretty close, this time.}

"... I guess I really can't sneak up on you, huh Luna?"

The zoroark then smiled before letting go of Max's wrist.

{Since it's not really fair for you, no. My senses are so much better than yours, not to mention that I've been doing this since the day I was born.}

"*sigh* Is there even a point in trying, then?" He asked, sheathing his knife.

{Yes there is; self-improvement. If you ever somehow manage to get the jump on me, you might as well be the best human tracker in the world. But, even if you never reach that level, you will always increase your survivability.}

"So in short, I could sneak up on anything else besides you?"

{Hehe. Who knows? Maybe.}

"Could be worse I guess."

{Regardless…} Luna started before placing a paw on the tree behind and aggressively approached Max, getting rather intimidating and invasive in a seductive way. {What could possibly make tasty prey such as yourself want to try to find me? They usually don't want a predator to catch them, so why come to me so willingly?} She asked with a claw very gently running across his neck and chin.

"You mean besides that mouth-watering body?" Max replied, caressing her hips. "Who knows."

{Oh really?}

Luna then bent a bit to be at head-to-head level, glaring at Max lustfully.

{You should know that I have ways to make people talk.}

"Oh, please proceed. See if you can make me talk." Max challenged with a grin.

{You bad, bad little pup. Challenge accepted.}

Sticking her tongue out, she gave Max a wild lick from his neck towards his mouth, forcefully shoving her tongue inside. As she made out with him, she instinctively put paw under his shirt to gently fondle him. After a good fifteen seconds, she broke their kiss and stared at him with a proud and content look on her face.

"...Alright, you've convinced me." Max surrendered.

{Hehe. Told you.} She said, moving her head back a little. {Exploiting weaknesses is my specialty.}

"You don't say." Max jested, caressing her hips and abs. "So, the reason that brought me here is that I wanted to ask you something."

{Is that so? This is getting interesting.} She said with a lustful grin.

"Luna, I know how much you prefer being on your own, I get that… but I really wish for you to join us on our first day back on the road."

Luna's smile slowly faded away upon hearing those words.

{I see.}

With a sigh, Luna moved away from him.

"Please, Luna. At least for today. The others are having fun, but I can't-"

{Because I'm not there?} She guessed with crossed arms.

"Clever girl, as always."

{*sigh* I understand how you feel, truly I do, but… those kinds of activities just aren't my thing. I like being on my own, running and jumping around, catching prey for fun…}

"For fun?"

{I catch them before releasing them. When I'm not hungry, that is.}

"I see. *sigh* Is there really nothing else you want to do? I feel bad for not having you with us. I don't want to sound disrespectful, but…"

Luna then stared at Max, waiting for any kind of response.

"...I feel like you're being left out, and it hurts me. But, if you are happy with having your own fun, I guess that's what matters."

{...I'm sorry, little pup…} Luna apologized, feeling bad for making him feel that way.

"Sorry for disturbing you and possibly killing the mood we got going," Max said before heading back to the campsite.

{It's okay. It's not like it won't ever happen again.} Luna reassured him.

"I bloody hope so. See you later, then." Max wished while waving at her.

She wanted to wave at him as well, but he turned away before she could do so. She didn't know why, but at that moment, she began to remember what Scarlet told her earlier. She even began to wonder why she wanted to be alone again. Before starting another struggle within herself, she brushed those thoughts away and disappeared into the woods again. Now back at the campsite, Max noticed that Scarlet and Dusk had joined the others outside, seeing as they were lounging on their chairs around the electrical campfire.

"You stopped playing?" Max questioned, looking at Scarlet and Dusk after sitting himself.

{Strangely enough, we both got tired after two games.} Scarlet explained, holding her crossed legs.

"A worthy opponent is too much to bear?" Max nagged playfully.

{Nah. We just felt like going outside. It is a beautiful day today, after all.}

"Fair point." Max agreed, briefly looking at the cleared blue sky. "It's a chance for us to have a nice view like this one for our first day."

{Thus, making us want to go outside.} Scarlet concluded.

"Well, that explains that. So? What do you want to do now?"

{I know! We could play that game again like we played at the start of our adventure.} Bonny proposed.

{Huh? Which one?} Aurora wondered.

"Yeah, Bonny. You're gonna have to be more specific."

{I don't remember the name, but you have to do something that the others told you to do if you can't answer a question.}

{Truth or dare?} Sally guessed.

{Yes! That's it!} Bonny exclaimed, remembering.

"You know that game, Sally?"

{Kinda. I saw others play that with their friends a few times.}

{Well, this time, you're gonna participate with your friends.} Bonny affirmed, gently punching her with a wink.

{...Okay.} The cinderace replied, blushing while already getting a bit nervous.

"I don't know about this. If I remember correctly, you girls were brutal and unfair monsters last time we played."

{Haha! Please, master. We've all changed since then.} Scarlet said, sounding outraged.

"Oh really? I don't know why, but I don't believe you one bit." Max accused.

{That's very inconsiderate of you, master.} Aurora retorted, offended. {We all worked hard to improve our character.}

"Yeah, but…"

{She's right. That's just mean.} Bonny followed, also sounding offended as well.

Seeing that most of the girls looked upset, he felt bad about accusing them.

"I'm… sorry for doubting you. I guess you all are more mature now. Maybe it won't be as bad as last time. Let's give it a go, then."

After Max accepted, Bonny and Aurora discreetly looked at each other with a mischievous grin. Unfortunately for Max, it only took one turn for him to instantly regret his decision.

"God damnit!" Max cursed, removing his shirt. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. That's what I get for believing you girls."

{Hehe. Don't be such a sore loser.} Scarlet nagged. {Besides, Sally never had the chance to play that game. At least do it for her.}

{So, if I understood correctly, I can ask him anything?} Sally asked, wanting to confirm.

{Yes, but try to stay reasonable. We're not here to hurt or humiliate him.}

"You mean not a lot." Max corrected.

{Just a tiny bit.} Scarlet said, narrowing the space between two fingers.

"Fuck you." He insulted her playfully, tossing his shirt at her face.

Her immediate response was to grab the shirt and take a loud and deep whiff of it.

{Aaahh!} She exhaled with a slightly depraved face.

{Lucky you.} Bonny said, a bit jealous.

"Who's turn it is now?"

{Sally's, I think.} May answered.

"Okay. Go ahead."

{O-Okay. Hem…} Sally started, a little nervous. {T-Truth or dare?}


{Well… there's something I always wanted to ask, but… I was scared that I would upset you.}

"It's okay, Sally."

{How… many girlfriends did you have before meeting… us?}

"Well…" Max started, crossing his arms. "That's not really much of a secret at this point. Around three or four."

{That few? I don't believe you.} Bonny blurted, very skeptical.

"What'd you expect me to say? That I had ten girlfriends, all of which were supermodels?"

{When it's someone as nice as you master, it's pretty hard to believe.} May said.

"Hehe. We don't use the term 'master' along with other terms in human society. Plus, it's not because pokemon adore me more than humans do. Being nice just isn't good enough with them."

{Hmph. Their loss.} Scarlet said, crossing her arms.

"I guess." Max agreed with a smile. "So, there's your answer, Sally."

{Alright. Thanks.}

{I wonder why we haven't thought of that question yet.} Aurora mentioned.

{Because in a sense, we don't care about it that much. If others can't see what we see in master, then they deserve to be forgotten.} Scarlet said.

"You praise me too much, Scarlet. I appreciate it, really, but I wouldn't exactly call myself a 'perfect' boyfriend. You know how I can be sometimes."

{Tss. Your 'flaws' are nothing compared to what we've seen so far. Just look at what May's previous trainer did…} The red gardevoir countered. {...Sorry for bringing him up again.} She apologized to the mawile.

{It's fine. I'm pretty much over it by now.} May assured her, waving her hand.

{Anyway. I can assure you that we're easily able to put up with your bad side better than humans.} Scarlet assured to Max.

"At least I'm less bad than before. Anyway, I believe it's Bonny's turn."

{This time, I'm gonna go with Scarlet.}

{Oh. I'm ready.} The gardevoir replied.

{Truth or dare?}


{Really? Not even trying to just go with a truth question first?}

{I know you. You're gonna ask me a pretty much impossible question to answer, forcing me to do the dare anyway.}

{Tsk. Busted. Well then, since I know how skillful you are with your body, I dare you to give master a lap dance.}

{Ooh! That looks interesting.} Dusk commented.

{A lap dance, huh?} She said, staring at Max with a perverted face. {Alright.}

She then stood up and moved in front of Max. Next, she sat on Max's lap, an arm around his neck with the other one tickling his chin.

{Let's do a lap dance. You know the rule, master: You can't touch me, but I can.}

{Ouf! I doubt he'll be able to contain himself.} Aurora commented.

"What do you take me for? If I don't want to touch you or vice versa, I won't."

{Liar.} Scarlet accused, gently caressing one of his cheeks. {I can see in your mind that you already want to.}

{Oouh!} The others exclaimed. {Busted!}

It was at that moment that Scarlet left his lap and began her dance. She started rather softly to warm up, then proceeded to be more enticing and physical, with her touching any part of Max's body as she pleased while Max wasn't allowed to. He didn't know how she was doing it so well, but despite being a simple lap dance, she was making it so graceful and elegant. The way she was moving her hips, how she was staring at him with so much passion and lust… he was thoroughly enjoying the fact that she learned to dance, suspecting that it was probably for him. The more she kept going, the more enticing she became, to the point where it was only Scarlet and Max, no one else. To add to the sexual atmosphere, Scarlet channeled a pinkish hue of color around her body to serve as more eye candy, as well as use her powers to try and put Max's mind in a slight state of lust. Speaking of Max, he held onto his impulses for a considerable amount of time, but it was becoming increasingly difficult to resist the urge to grab her and take her on the spot. The worst part is that she knew that too well and was acting in consequence; becoming more and more slutty by the second. In her head, Scarlet had already found her rhythm and was about to finish her performance. Her last act was to continue her hip dance while using her hands to rub his hard shaft. She rubbed it for a few moments before moving her hands under his shirt while sitting and grinding on his member, before grabbing him by the cheeks and moving her lips towards his. He was so eager for a kiss that when she stopped half an inch away from it, he cursed in his head way too many times, making Scarlet smile wider as she moved away.

{Well? How was it? Did you enjoy it, master?} She asked, still sitting on him, holding herself by his neck.

"*Sigh* Yes, you monster. I did… unfortunately." Max answered, almost sounding upset.

{Then we both succeeded. I gave you a raging boner and you were able to keep your hands to yourself.} She said before leaving to sit back on her chair.

{Oh my god! I almost got wet myself, and I wasn't even the one receiving it. That was really intense.} Bonny commented, impressed.

{Well, in all honesty, I think I did get a little wet myself.} Scarlet shared, slightly embarrassed. {Feeling his hard dick like that…}

{Alright. How about we go onto the next one before it gets… crazy?} Aurora suggested.

{I don't mind going crazy.} Bonny assured her with a lustful face.

{Me neither.} May followed.

{Y-Yeah. Like they said.} Sally shyly followed as well.

{Normally, it would be master's turn, but I think he needs a moment to cool down.} Dusk pointed out.

"Tch. Thanks to a certain Gardevoir." Max accused, glaring at the gardevoir. "Dammit, Scarlet. Why are you so fuckable?"

That comment then received a few cringy reactions, with Scarlet only looking at him with a raised eyebrow.


"Yes, yes, I realized it the moment I said it. I'm very sorry, Scarlet." He apologized, feeling a bit like a jerk for saying that.

{It's okay. I guess it is somewhat my fault if you're like this.} She conceded, without much regret in her voice. {As long as it's coming from you, I'll take it as a compliment.}

"I'm sorry again. But seriously! You're so sexy and beautiful and desirable and…"

{It sounds more classy already.} Aurora said.

{Well, it's your turn, so you can get your revenge.} The gardevoir mentioned.

"Hmm, I would give you a lap dance to do so, but I can't dare myself."

{Aww. That's just too bad for you, isn't it?} Scarlet mocked a little.

"I'll try to think of something. Just you wait."

{Hehe. Looking forward to it.} Scarlet taunted.

Until the sun began to set and the sky turned dark, they did a couple more rounds of their game with the majority of the dares being more or less sex-related. Being on Max's side, Sally dared Max to do a dance too for Scarlet after he ended up in his boxers a few turns earlier. Wanting to get his revenge, Max tried his best to be even more enticing than her, however since he had no skill in dance nor any prior knowledge about strip dancing, his dance was more or less decent yet still awkward to perform. Even though she easily resisted, it didn't prevent her from staring intently at him, regularly moving her gaze to his manhood while biting her lips. The others were very impressed as to how she didn't even flinch when his manhood, the only thing she paid attention to throughout his whole performance, came close to her face. At some point, Max even saw her hands twitch a little, even if it was only once, leaving him no choice but to give up after having danced enough.

"Pfft. Sometimes I wish you didn't have such tremendous willpower." Max commented, a bit upset for not being able to make her crack.

{Wow, you're a real machine, Scarlet. I would have cracked just two minutes in.} May shared, impressed.

{How are you even doing that?} Bonny asked.

"Maybe I'm not that attractive after all." Max jested.

{You guys all think it was easy for me, but it wasn't.} Scarlet affirmed. {Do you know how painful it is to have master's hot and sexy body inches away from my face while being unable to do a thing? I'm glad he gave up when he did, for if he kept it up just a little longer, I wouldn't be able to restrain myself. I really had to fight the urge to pull those boxers down.}

{You would've been able to endure it for that long?} Aurora wondered.

{I'm used to pain. Let's just say that some methods are more… pleasant than others.} The gardevoir replied, looking at Max with the corner of one eye.

{Well, good job nonetheless.} Bonny praised. {Pretty sure I wouldn't have even lasted a minute.}

{It all comes down to willpower.} Scarlet boasted.

"Alright, it's your turn, now," Max announced to Bonny.

{Alright. Let's see…} the lopunny began pondering, tapping her chin.

"I swear if it's anything sex-related…" Max said.

{Come on, master. It would be unfair for you after what you just went through.} Bonny assured.

"Oh? Bonny being sensible for once? Now I've heard of everything." Max nagged playfully.

{Am I really that much of a slut to you, Max?} The lopunny accused, offended.

"What? Of course not. My lopunny is a Pokémon of elegance and class." Max said, looking at Bonny a bit arrogantly.

As both were looking at each other defiantly, Max felt a stinging electrical shock on his right cheek.

"Ow!" He complained, rubbing his cheek while looking to his right.

{Oops. My finger slipped.} Scarlet justified nonchalantly, looking away.

{Hihi. Thanks.} The lopunny replied.

With a discreet smile, Scarlet gave her a thumbs up.

"Fair enough. I deserved that." Max conceded with a smile.

{So, master? Truth or dare?}


{Alright. I actually do want to spice things up a little. Let's see… as soon as you discovered that you were attracted to Pokémon, what was the first Pokémon you masturbated to?}

"Hem…" Max replied, looking already embarrassed.

{That's a good one.} Aurora approved.

{Oh my. That's interesting.} Dusk did the same.


{Aww!} Scarlet complained along with everyone else.

{Please, master? I want to know too.} Sally shared, looking enthusiastic.

"Sorry, but I'll have to pass on this one."

{Why? Is it that embarrassing?} Bonny inquired, sounding disappointed.


{*sigh* Rules are rules. Just give the dare to the party pooper.} Scarlet said to Bonny with crossed arms, who was quite disappointed as well.

{Now I want to know even more, but alright. I dare you to…}

While thinking about it, she looked at the others.

{I know. I dare you to give Sally a big, wet kiss in front of everyone.}

Expecting something a bit more intense than that, the group got rather surprised by that request.

{Huh? M-Me?} Sally inquired.

"That's not much of a dare, but alright."

{I know, but I was thinking we could commemorate Sally's arrival to the team. And what better way to do that than by doing lewd things with you, like making out.}

{That's a great idea, Bonny.} Dusk enthusiastically approved. {What a great way to welcome her.}

{Wait, g-guys…} The cinderace tried to interrupt.

{I guess we can see this as a little "initiation" of sorts.} Aurora stated.

{You surprised me, Bonny. I wasn't expecting such a request from you.} Scarlet shared.

{What? My mind does think about something other than lewd activities sometimes.}

"We just have to catch it when it comes," Max stated.

{Exactly.} She replied as she was gesturing towards Sally. {Well? What are you waiting for?}

"Nothing, just…" Max started, looking at Sally, who was looking very embarrassed.

{Come on. Move that ass.} Scarlet urged, poking his sides.

"Alright, alright." Max complied, standing up to walk towards Sally near the artificial campfire.

{You too, Sally.} Bonny encouraged, gently pushing her.

{I… I don't know…} Sally replied, very embarrassed.

{Come on. Saally! Saally! Saally!} The lopunny began to softly call, before slowly being joined by the others.

Quickly, everyone beside Max began to encourage her. Becoming a little motivated by the cheers, Sally stood up and very shyly walked near Max whilst looking away in embarrassment. When facing him with her ears down, a silence settled as everyone was intently looking at them. Unable to keep eye contact, Sally was avoiding Max's gaze while holding one of her arms in slight discomfort. As he got even closer, Max extended his arms and grabbed the cinderace by the waist, pulling her up and holding her in the air. After wrapping her legs around Max and putting her paws on his shoulders to balance, Sally tried to restore eye contact, but with great difficulty.

{It's… This is really embarrassing.} Sally softly admitted.

"Let's get this done quickly, then. They want to see us kiss, so we have no choice."

{... A-Alright.}

"I'm ready when you are."

For a moment, Sally tried to ignore that she was putting a show in front of others, but hardly could. While gathering the courage, she wrapped her arms around Max's neck. After a short moment of hesitation, she finally went for it and gave Max a kiss, who gently returned it.

{Yeah!} Bonny cheered with the group applauding.

The kiss lasted for roughly fifteen seconds before Sally broke it.

"See? That wasn't so bad." Max said with a satisfied smile.

{It was super embarrassing.} The cinderace said, still shyly looking away.

"Did it feel good at least?"

{...Yes.} She softly admitted, barely audible for the others.

"Then it's a win for everyone then."

After cutely nuzzling her, Max led Sally to her chair and sat her down.

{Well, I don't know about you guys, but I'm starting to get bored.} Scarlet commented while Max returned to his chair.

"What do you suggest we do next?"

{I don't know. We could always go for something more… exciting.}

"Hmm… You know what's nice about camping that we haven't done in a while?"

{Besides extreme lewd activities? I don't know, what?}

"Scary horror stories to give us a little fright."

{Oh. That's not a half-bad idea.} Aurora said.

{True. Although I prefer master getting naked, I wouldn't mind some ghost stories.} Bonny approved.

{I admit it could be fun. Fear is the second best thing I like most… the first is mating with master, of course.} Scarlet shared.

"Really? I hope our gloomy gardevoir has a lot of scary stories to tell." Max nagged a little.

{Well… I mean, I may not be the most creative pokemon around, but I've seen enough horror myself that I can work something out.}

"Let's try to keep it fun, though. Who wants to go first?"

One by one, each one of them came up with their own horror stories to give the group chills. For the most part, no one really stood out as they were poorly narrated, the worst being Aurora's, as she was incredibly bad at improvising. Surprisingly, Dusk's and Sally's weren't that bad, the former telling a story about vengeful spirits and the latter about the start of a zombie apocalypse. It was now Max's turn and his story was doing pretty good.

{Where did they end up?} Aurora asked.

"They all ended up in that same hospital, only it was more dark and creepy than they remembered. The building was in shambles both inside and out, as well as being completely empty and devoid of all life. They were all alone… or so they thought. Suddenly, without anyone knowing why, their sanity began to slip away from their minds. Before they knew it, friends quickly became foes as they all started murdering each other, one by one until there was no one left. The remaining survivor then aimlessly roamed that hospital until they too succumbed to death. From what I've heard, the hospital has been barred by the government from being visited by the general public, claiming that a group of wild Pokémon has taken over. However, some knew better than to believe that rubbish, which brings the question that is still asked to this day; Did those people really go crazy, or was it the work of something else? Something much more sinister, pulling the strings? The world may never know."

{Ooh…} Sally said, a bit spooked but amused.

{Not bad. I guess putting in a real hospital setting really gave that "insane asylum" kinda vibe.} Aurora commented.

"Don't forget that it was actually based on a true story with a rather spooky background."

{What was the real story?} Scarlet questioned.

"Mhmm. Roughly thirteen years ago, a couple of patients mysteriously died there. The official statement was that there was probably a disease that had to be contained, unfortunately resulting in those patients' deaths."

{Ah. Maybe there was really an entity behind this.} Bonny said, amused as well.

{Don't be ridiculous. Dying from disease is much more plausible.} Scarlet argued.

Max then had to contain a chuckle, as he remembered that Scarlet was afraid of spirits and ghosts.

"Probably. Well, you're the only one left Scarlet."

{*sigh* Alright, let me think for a second.}

The gardevoir then pondered for a moment.

{...Come to think of it, there was one rumor that I heard about when I was younger.}

"A rumor?" Max wondered.

{Yes. Back when I was a Ralts and before I was captured, it was told to me from one of the local Pokémon. You see, a few years before I was born, there was a small human village that was a bit isolated from the others. It was the kind of place where not many knew what was going on in there, however it was rumored to be quite a peaceful place to live in. Humans lived with each other and their Pokémon in mutual respect, and life there was really nice, but no one could actually confirm that since the village itself wasn't easy to find. Anyway, as nice as it was to live there, their simple daily routine suddenly got disrupted one day.}

"Do you know the name of that village?" Max asked, curious.

{Unfortunately, no. It doesn't matter anyway, and you're about to find out why. What was once a peaceful village soon became a theater orchestrating a terrifying nightmare. One morning, a human corpse was found in the middle of the street, his body having multiple stab wounds as well as missing a few pieces of flesh."

{O-Oh….} Dusk expressed, feeling a bit uneasy.

{Here comes the fun part.} Bonny said, intently listening to Scarlet.

{You wish, what comes next is not fun by any means. If it was only that one murder, it would have been the end, but unfortunately, reality is often disappointing. Try as they might, they were never able to find any culprit, and that person's murder had gone unpunished until another dead corpse was discovered. Again, they tried even harder to find who was responsible, but to no avail. Whoever the culprit was, they seemed to be a professional assassin or something, as they left no trace at the crime scene without anyone spotting him. When they discovered another corpse yet again, the village was placed on maximum alert, reinforcing surveillance all day and night long. Luckily, it paid off for them, because they managed to finally spot the killer; an inhabitant of this very village.}

{Who would have guessed.} Aurora commented, not that impressed.

{Unfortunately, the murderer managed to escape, but the village quickly tracked them down and captured him at his place of residence.}

"Kinda dumb for you to hide where you live," Max commented too.

{Indeed, and like any captured criminal, the fugitive pleaded and told the villagers that he was innocent, claiming that he fled to his home to hide from the killer. Of course, no one believed him, and got sent to a jail outside of the city. For the first time in a few days, the village could rest peacefully knowing that justice was served. Little that they know is that the killing spree was far from over, as they discovered two more dead bodies the next day. One human, one Pokémon.}

{Huh? Did they make a mistake?} May asked.

{That's what they began to wonder. A few witnesses confirmed the killer's identity, so they didn't understand why people and Pokémon were still dying. They concluded that there was more than one murderer within the village and that these murders were a joint effort, so they started a search party. Everyone then started to suspect one another. People were spying on each other, Pokémon were constantly monitored, it was a complete and utter discord. And the worst part… it didn't even stop the murders from happening. Humans and Pokémon alike were getting killed one by one, and corpses were piling up without anyone knowing who was responsible.} Scarlet narrated with more intensity. {In just a matter of weeks, only a small bundle of humans were left alive, as not even a single Pokémon survived. The remaining villagers then resorted to one last course of action: burning the entire village down, hoping that it would take them too. They poured gasoline all over the place and set it ablaze. One of them, however, did his best to keep his sanity as he heard the screams of death and agony around him. Before he knew it, he was the only one alive remaining. He tried to escape to start a new life elsewhere, but as he was about to exit the village, someone, or rather, something blocked his path. As the fire continued to rage and spread, the last man was shocked to see that the killer was in fact, an old friend of his. He tried to reason with him, but as he approached his former friend, he got stabbed in the throat by him. As his blood spilled and the life slowly drained from his eyes, the man fell down as he was being taken to death's door. Do any of you wonder what was the last thing that man saw?}

"What?" Max urged a little.

{Right as he took his last breath, the dying human saw his friend's shape, changing his form until he saw his own face staring back at him as if he has been murdered by himself. Now no one else left to kill, the creature left the village to burn until it was reduced to ashes, never to be seen or heard from again.}

{Was it… a ditto?} May asked.

"Or a deranged zoroark or… whatever?"

{No one knows. What we do know, however, is that the creature is still on the loose, taking the form of anything it can and doing whatever it pleases. It could be anywhere, watching their next victims from afar. Who knows…} Scarlet said, getting quite ominous. {It could be any one of us, waiting for the right moment to kill us in our sleep.}

The group then looked at each other, feeling quite uneasy about that story.

{It's… just a story… right?} Sally inquired, getting a bit frightened.

{…Haha! Of course. Everything I just said was all made up. Or was it…?}

"Oh-ho-okay!" Max exclaimed, standing up. "How about we stop right there for now? As fun as this is, I'd actually like to sleep tonight."

At the same moment, they heard a very distant howl in the night, too far to identify it.

{Can we… head inside?} May asked, getting very uncomfortable.

{Good idea, let's go.} Bonny agreed.

As everyone else agreed and stood up, Scarlet sighed and rolled her eyes while they headed towards the module.

"I thought you weren't that good with improvising."

{Well, it wasn't actually that good. Everything was a bit too far-fetched.}

"They still believed you."

{*sigh* I suppose I won the title of 'best horror storyteller' then.}

"Yeah. If… it was really a story that is."

{Of course, it was.} Scarlet assured. {A ditto's shape-shifting abilities came into my mind, add some gruesome deaths here and there, and poof! You got what you heard. Don't tell me that it actually scared you.} She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"What? No. I'm scared of nothing." Max assured, with Scarlet looking at him suspiciously. "It's just that when you know that an actual creature can really change their form and appearance so well…"

{Relax, master. Dittos are mostly brain dead, so there's no way they would be able to plan a murder spree like that, let alone actually do it. It was just a story.} She reassured him again.

"...I guess you're right."

{I'm quite surprised that it worked out that well, though. It was more convincing than anticipated I guess.}

"You're a very smart pokemon, it's no surprise that you manage to work out a well-elaborated story on the spot."

{Psh. It wasn't that hard, really.} The gardevoir said, looking away in slight embarrassment.

"Exactly. How about we go join the others?"

{I guess.} Scarlet agreed, standing up.

After Scarlet turned to head inside, Max was about to do the same when he saw Luna at the edge of the woods.

"Go on ahead. I'll join you in a second." Max advised Scarlet before walking towards Luna. "It's a pleasant surprise seeing you here." He engaged when near her.

{Well… I was thinking that I could spend a little bit of my time with you tonight so… if I may…} She explained, oddly a bit uncomfortable.

"Of course. You know you're always welcome, Luna."

With the zoroark warmly smiling, the two of them headed inside as well. Since the inside wasn't overly spacious, with everyone in it was starting to become a little cramped.

{Relax, Sally. It was just a story.} Scarlet tried to reassure the cinderace again, laying against the oven.

{But… it sounds so real…} The cinderace replied, sitting with the rest of the girls on the inside table.

"She's right, Sally." Max intervened, getting next to Scarlet. "That's the whole point of ghost stories, making it sound real to scare others."

{If I knew it would have ended up like this…} Scarlet commented, discouraged.

"Don't feel guilty," Max suggested. "We just have to differentiate reality from fiction."

{Don't be scared.} Bonny assured the cinderace, with a paw on her back. {We're all here for you.}

"Besides, even if it was a true story, Scarlet or Dusk would immediately notice if there was an intruder or imposter among us."

{It's as he said.} Scarlet confirmed.

{...Okay. I'm… I trust you.} Sally conceded, a bit reassured.

{Anyway, we still have a few more hours until bedtime, so what do you wanna do now?} Aurora inquired.


Looking around, Max's gaze came across Luna, who was resting a shoulder against the wall near the door towards the bedroom.

"...How about we all watch a movie together?"

{Movie night? Yes, please!} Bonny said.

{Oof. Good luck finding a movie we'll all enjoy.} Scarlet stated.

"I'm sure we'll find something," Max assured before heading towards the bedroom, shortly followed by everyone.

Before getting on the bed, Max lowered the Tv screen and joined the others, who were still getting comfortable in their spots. When everyone had settled in, Max was in between Scarlet and Bonny with May in between his legs.

"Alright. Does anyone see a remote somewhere?" He asked.

As the girls briefly looked around, Luna noticed a small panel on the wall she was almost lying against. She flipped it open with a claw and discovered a couple of hidden buttons.

{I think I found it.} She announced.

"Huh… That's quite clever. Mind turning it on, Luna?"

{It shouldn't be a problem.}

Putting the power on, they then went into the movie selection menu.

"Okay. Anyone in the mood for anything in particular?"

{Anything that's not scary.} Sally requested.

"Alright. Let's see what we goto."

The group browsed the menu for a while in search of a decent movie to watch. They ended up choosing an animated movie that seemed to be for mature audiences but also had a cute cartoon vibe to it. The combination of the two pretty much reeled in everyone and they all agreed to watch it. The movie was essentially a story about a group of misfit chibi Pokémon who tried to get by and blend in with human society. The film contained sex jokes, trash talk, and a love interest between the male and female protagonists, as well as some character development that took place over the course of their journey across the region. Everyone enjoyed it as they were all laughing at some points of the film, its humor managing to appeal to everyone. Sally and Bonny were laughing at the sex jokes; Scarlet too, but laughed even harder when the aggressive member of the group punched or simply mistreated someone for pissing him off. Everyone else laughed here and there, having no specific field of preference when it comes to comedy. What saddened Max a little was when he occasionally glanced at Luna only to see her not laughing as much as the others. He didn't know if it was because it wasn't her type of humor or if she was keeping her emotions to herself. However, it wasn't preventing her from intently watching the movie. In fact, she actually ended up enjoying it. The movie lasted for almost two hours and had a happy ending like most animated films.

"I'm pleasantly surprised. I didn't expect it to be that funny. I mean, there were many moments that were a bit too cliché, but overall, it's a pretty good movie." Max commented as the generic started.

{If only there was a bit more blood, then I would've enjoyed it more, but you're right. Big Chungo was pretty hilarious.} Scarlet shared.

{Personally, I think some jokes were a bit too redundant for my taste.} Aurora criticized.

"Well, you're not wrong. I mean, after a while, I was like; okay, we get that he was gay, no need to joke about it fifty times."

{I liked it.} Sally said.

{Me too.} May followed.

"I just thought of something, maybe we could make this a regular thing between us. We can even start a series, watch a few episodes every night, or even do a marathon with lots of snacks." Max proposed.

{That would be nice. It was very enjoyable.} Bonny approved.

"This module is way too cool. Do you guys want to watch another one?"

{Well…} Scarlet started while two of her fingers were walking on Max's chest. {I was thinking we could do something more… pleasurable.} She coaxed with a lustful grin.

{Ah, now you're talking. I was kind of in the mood myself.} Bonny said.

{Aww, but I wanted to have fun with him too.} May shared, sounding a bit sad.

"Um… well…"

{And what about me?} Sally intervened.

{Oh ho. It seems that we are at an impasse.} Scarlet said. {Are you girls feeling frisky, too?} She asked Aurora and Dusk.

{Well… I admit it crossed my mind, but I guess I wasn't fast enough.} Aurora answered.

{That's too bad. I wanted to surprise him with some cuddling.} Dusk said.

{...Luna?} The gardevoir called, looking at the zoroark.

{...I would be lying if I said I wasn't in the mood.} The dark-type pokemon answered.

{I see.} Scarlet said, sitting up better. {Hmm… This is a problem.}

{Well… since you have priority, I guess you decide.} Bonny mentioned.

{Come on, now. I'm not that selfish.}

"Do I even get a say in this?" Max asked.

{What? You want to share your thoughts, too? Don't tell me you're gonna refuse a night of passion with us.} Scarlet inquired with a skeptical face.

"Of course not… but all seven of you at once? I don't think I have the vitality to get through all of you."

{He does have a point.} May stated. {He can manage three, sometimes four of us, but seven… that's a bit much, even for him.}

{And we know how much he insists on wanting to satisfy us properly, so that means he'll probably end up passing out due to fatigue.} Aurora stated.

{Hmm…} Scarlet mumbled, getting thoughtful.

After a short moment, she quickly opened her eyes and looked at Bonny.

{Hold on… Do we still have it?}

{Huh? Have what?} Bonny wondered, confused.

The gardevoir then quickly jumped down from the bed and floated away.

"Where is she going?" Max asked, confused as well.

With the girls shrugging their shoulders, Bonny left as well and joined Scarlet. Once she was out of the bedroom, she began to hear noises coming from the storage room. Guessing it was her, she headed there.

{What are you doing?} Bonny asked upon seeing Scarlet searching inside Max's old backpack.

{C'mon, where is it…} She mumbled.

As Bonny was raising an eyebrow in confusion, Scarlet found whatever she was looking for.

{Aha! Here it is!} She exclaimed while holding a modestly sized glass vial.

{What's that?} The lopunny questioned.

{Don't you remember? The little gift we got from that gardevoir in Zino City? The one who worked at sex shop.}

Bonny then spent a few seconds trying to remember what she was talking about until it clicked for her.

{Ohh, I remember her! So is that…}

{The aphrodisiac she gave us. That gardevoir said that whoever drinks it experiences a temporary increase in sexual performance.} She explained, opening the vial to sniff it. {Oof! Doesn't smell so good, though.}

{Ahh, okay. Wait, don't tell me you want to…}

Before she could even finish, Scarlet nodded with a grin. After her eyes went wide, Bonny grinned as well, both smiling devilishly.

{Scarlet, I don't mean this as an insult… you're a despicable bitch of a Gardevoir.}

{Hmph. I really am, aren't I? Also, I don't know how much he needs.}

{Why not the whole vial?}

{Hmm… I don't know…} the gardevoir hummed, looking at the vial in her hands. {I guess we could... Oh well, it's just an aphrodisiac, how bad can it be?}

{Holy shit! Now it's getting interesting.} Bonny said, her smile getting wider while rubbing her paws together.

{Let's see how much of a beast we can make him.} the gardevoir said while standing up, gently making the bottle dance.


"I wonder what they're doing back there," Max said.

{Who knows. It's hard to figure out what goes on in their heads.} Aurora replied.

{Maybe they wanted to give us a chance and left us.} Sally guessed.

{Hm… I wouldn't be so sure about that.} Luna told her.

{I agree.} Dusk followed. {No way they would miss an opportunity to get intimate with master.}

"Maybe I should go and see what this is about."

Then, right as he was about to sit up, Scarlet and Bonny re-entered the bedroom.

"Oh, there you are. Is everything okay?" Max asked, slightly worried.

{Of course, master. Why wouldn't it be?} Scarlet replied nonchalantly while Bonny got on the bed, not saying a word with an oddly satisfied smile.

"I don't know. You kind of dashed out of the room without any warning."

{Did I? I'm sorry, then.} She apologized.

Getting on the bed too, Scarlet crawled very close to Max before getting on her knees.


Smiling warmly, the gardevoir opened the vial she was hiding behind her back and put the entire thing in her mouth in front of him.

"Scarlet… you're starting to scare me. What did you just drink?"

Now her mouth and her cheeks full of liquid, she moved over Max and planted a kiss before emptying everything into his mouth, forcing him to drink it.

"Hgmn…!" Max mumbled while struggling to push her away. Luckily for Scarlet, the deed has been done. *koff* *koff* "What did you do?" *koff* "What did you make me drink? Agh! It's burning my throat."

{Sorry. I admit it's a bit unpleasant.} Scarlet shared, twisting her tongue multiple times in her mouth.

"That-" *koff* "...doesn't answer my question."

{Let's just say it's a little something to enhance your… sex drive a little bit.} She explained, emphasizing lustfully at the end.

{Sex drive? Wait, is that the vial we got back in Zino City?} Aurora demanded.

{Oh, so you remember as well. Yes, it is.} Scarlet replied proudly, staring at Max and enjoying his reaction to the "potion."

"I… Burrhh… Uhgnn… Phshsh…" The human blurted as if he was slowly losing control of his body or being possessed.

{You made him drink the whole vial?!} Aurora exclaimed. {What is wrong with you?! It could be dangerous!}

{Relax. I'm sure it's risk-free for him.} Scarlet assured.

Max then began to calm down a little and the first 'Mon he saw was Aurora.

{However… I can't guarantee that we'll be "safe" from him.} She said, very amused.

"Aurora…" Max mumbled, slowly moving towards her.

{Wait wait wait! Why me?} The lucario said, backing away a little.

"Come here, you sexy jackal!" He loudly exclaimed before jumping on her, aggressively starting to make out with her.

Taken by surprise, Aurora had gone wide-eyed and frozen in shock instead of returning the kiss, yet she chose not to fight back.

{What do you say, girls? Shall we properly celebrate our first day back on the road?} Scarlet asked the group with a mischievous grin.

{Oh my! He has become quite the beast.} Dusk commented, not sounding that worried.

{M-Max. Are you- Khyaa!}

Sally wanted to check if everything was okay for him, but as soon as she got close, Max grabbed her with one arm and strongly put her down, next to Aurora, and started to make out with her instead.

{Agh! Oh my god, Max!} Aurora cursed, more lustful than angrily.

{Careful now. Don't get near him unless you want to get plowed.} Scarlet warned, more amused than ever.

{Sally! You traitor!} Bonny complained as she saw Sally get ravaged by Max.

{...How long will the effects last?} Luna questioned.

{I don't know, but I gave him the whole vial, so probably long enough for us all to have a few rounds with him.} The gardevoir answered.

{*sigh* I hope you know what you're doing.}

{I'm staying ready in case something happens, so don't worry. Right now, just enjoy the show.}

Max regularly switched between Sally and Aurora, fiercely making out with them. It was only a matter of seconds until Max couldn't take it anymore and pinned Sally beneath him, quickly removing his boxers in the process to reveal his throbbing erection.

{Oh my god! I think it's bigger than usual.} Dusk commented upon seeing his blood-filled shaft.

However, she didn't have a lot of time to inspect it as Max quickly shoved it inside Sally and immediately started fucking her.

{Hhaaaaaa!} Sally loudly moaned, her eyes quickly turning inside her skull.

While doing so, he didn't forget about Aurora and began to vigorously finger her.

{Ho…Holy shit! *grunt* He's out of control!} Aurora exclaimed, finding Max's thrust extremely pleasurable despite being a bit too rough.

{That's the idea.} Scarlet pointed out.

{Aw man, I didn't even get the chance to mega-evolve.} May mentioned, a bit sad.

{Don't worry. He may be on the loose, but I'm sure his mind is still intact, so he'll surely mega-evolve you as soon as you get your turn.}

{Master? Can I have some too?} Bonny kindly asked, lying next to Sally.

Max immediately used his other hand to thrust into Bonny's clit and started working on her without saying a word, the only noises he could make were some barely audible grunts.

{Shit… it's getting hot in here.} Scarlet said, pressing her legs against each other in excitement, getting wetter and wetter with each second.

At the power and speed Max was going, he was able to make Sally orgasm rather quickly, the Cinderace moaning in pleasure as soon as she got her release.

"Come here, you."

Moving onto Bonny, Max grabbed her and pulled her on top of him, as he was now on his back.

{Such a naughty master!} The lopunny gleefully commented with a very lustful look on her face.

Strangely having a bit more strength, Max managed to lift her and dropped her on his shaft, instantly smashing her womb.

{Hhaaa!} Bonny moaned as well, slightly shoving her claws in Max's skin without injuring him. {He is… a bit bigger than before. Uhh…}

Wanting to go at her own speed, Bonny was the one who started things off, going at a rather quick pace. Still being a bit too slow for him, Max grabbed her hips to make her go faster.

{D-Damn…!} Bonny exclaimed lustfully, jaw clenched from the intense pleasure.

{Y-You bastard!} Aurora growled, upset while getting on her knees. {You can't just turn me on and leave me hanging like that!}

"Just…*grunt* come closer," Max told her, extending one hand towards her.

{Hmrr!} She growled some more before doing as told.

Once she was within reach, Max resumed where he left off, quickly making Aurora moan softly while being fingered.

{Oooh… don't mind if I do…}

With a pleased grin, Scarlet moved over to Max and placed her knees beside his head, revealing her drooling womanhood to him. His hands now leaving Bonny's hips, he grabbed Scarlet's and pulled her into his face, fiercely eating her out.

{Gaaaaah…! Oh, how I've wanted this! Don't stop! *moans*} She exclaimed with a depraved face, all of her lower half going limp from pleasure.

All while that's happening, May and Dusk looked at each other.

{You can go ahead.} Dusk kindly told May.

{T-Thanks, Dusk.}

Since Sally was still recovering from her powerful orgasm, one of Max's hands was free, so May approached him in hopes of receiving the same treatment as Aurora. Fortunately, he immediately went to work and used his available hand to play with her tiny vulva.

{What about you?} The delphox asked the zoroark.

{I can wait. I'm patient.} Luna answered, becoming very intrigued at the scene before her.

Now being a bit out of control, Bonny was riding Max and trying to reach her orgasm as fast as possible, as well as trying to get Max to reach his. With Max beginning to smack her butt, she was lost in utter lust and depravity. Right now, the only thing that mattered to her was her master's penis and the pleasure it was bringing.

The same could almost be said for Max, who was assaulting Scarlet's genitals with his tongue. He did everything from pressing and swirling his tongue against her clit, sucking on it, shoving it inside her vagina as far as he could, gulping down her juice… she rarely saw him so hungry for her pussy, making her even wetter from the excitement and bliss she received. She even grabbed his head and pushed it against her slit even more, trying her best not to go overboard and suffocate him. After a little while, she was the next one to receive her orgasm. Even after she came down from it, Max didn't stop and kept voraciously eating her.

{No… master… stop… it's too sensitive.} She said without moving herself.

With him continuing to eat Scarlet out, it had felt as if she was being shocked from inside her clit by an electric-type, causing her to shake a little more.

{It's… *groans* too much… Aghh…}

As she was barely able to keep herself composed, Bonny was also approaching her first orgasm as well. With Max's help, she was able to reach it shortly after Scarlet reached hers, containing a loud moan with a clenched jaw as her eyes almost rolled over. As soon as she stopped moving, Max left both Aurora and May and pushed Scarlet away, making her fall on her stomach next to him. He then turned around and tossed Bonny aside while getting on his knees and grabbing Scarlet's waist before penetrating her from behind.

{Fuck! Oh my…fuck! Ahh! Ah! Yes!} Scarlet cursed in pure pleasure, her head and chest resting on the bed.

{Oof… it's unreal.} Bonny commented, sitting up. {At least he waited for me to cum first before tossing me to the side.} She jested.

{Maybe giving him the entire bottle was a bit much.} Aurora said, strongly rubbing her legs together.

{Well, good idea or not, it's too late now. Besides, don't tell me seeing that sex-starved monster in action doesn't entice you. I'm getting turned on again just looking at him.}

{I hope it'll be my turn soon.} May complained with heavy breathing.

After a few minutes of aggressively thrusting his shaft inside the gardevoir, Max finally reached his first orgasm of the night, releasing his seed deep into Scarlet's waiting womb.

{AAAAGHHH!} She screamed in ecstasy when he reached and exploded inside her. {His cum… is so hot! Fill me up! Ahhh…!}

At the same time, however, the gardevoir reached her second orgasm. When they both calmed down after an euphoric release, Max took a short break.

"Damn…" He simply said.

When back to his senses, the next one he spotted was Luna, who was comfortably lying on her sides and looking at him.

"You're next!"

{Oh come on!} Aurora complained with crossed arms.

Unplugging himself from Scarlet, Max went over to Luna, who allowed him to approach her while staring at him intently. He then grabbed and lifted one of her legs towards her shoulder, giving him access to her dark-furred palace.

{I admit that I don't dislike you being so straightforward.} She commented, letting him do as he pleased with her.

Surprisingly, when Max started mating with her, the zoroark's face changed, like she was actually feeling pleasure from him.

{...Not fair…} May complained softly.

Unfortunately for them, Luna was the one who lasted the longest, as Max still couldn't find a way to make her orgasm, despite his increased sex drive. However, her slightly pleased face was a sign of progress. The girls then wondered if he could succeed sometime in the future if he tried hard enough. Speaking of climaxing, Luna's vaginal bump was able to make him reach his rather quickly, preventing the others from waiting too long. For the first time since their, well, first time, Luna had enjoyed the experience Max gave her, if her light panting was any indication.

{This is your chance. Go get 'em!} Bonny said to May before grabbing her and dropping her between Max and herself.

After he recovered a few seconds later, Max turned his head towards his next target, and luckily for the mawile, it was her. Max left Luna and almost literally jumped on May, making her fall on her back in anticipation. Max then briefly grinned before moving down and giving the mawile her favorite treatment; cunnilingus.

{Ahaaa…M-Maa…!} May moaned in bliss, grabbing the sheets under her.

Unfortunately for her, he stopped for a short moment as he was unable to control himself.

"May, I want you." He said with extreme lust.

{We… can't… not in this form.}

Immediately upon hearing her, Max touched his keystone and made her mega evolve. As soon as she was ready, Max hungrily yet briefly kissed her before impaling her with his rock-hard shaft, making her moan and squirm with pleasure.

{Please… *whine* just let me be next…} Aurora complained with her paws pressed together, suffering from intense unsatisfied desire.

{It's getting painful…} Dusk commented.

{*pant* It's too bad there aren't two of him.} Scarlet said.

{We would need more than two if you ask me.} Bonny pointed out.

Like with everyone else, Max was thrusting at a rather fast pace, but did his best not to go as hard due to May's smaller and more narrow passage, which was even more so than Scarlet. She had been used to her master's size at this point, but since he was slightly bigger than usual, she had to try and adjust to the best of her abilities. The subtle size difference wasn't enough to hurt her a lot, but the sharp pain lasted for a brief moment before being replaced by bliss. Even with her narrowness, Max still went too fast and was about to orgasm yet again. When she calmed down from her orgasmic high, Max managed to hold on to his, wanting even more.

"So, who's next?" He said, looking at his two remaining Pokémon.

Before he could even walk over to them, Aurora couldn't wait any longer and decided to take initiative.

{Rhaa! That's it!} She exclaimed, pushing him a bit away from Dusk and leaping right into his waiting arms. {I can't take it anymore! I'm dying here! Fuck me as hard as you can Max, and don't stop until I'm satisfied!}

{Don't forget about me, master! I need some love, too!} Dusk said, exposing herself to Max.

Quickly fulfilling their request, Max pushed Aurora over to where Dusk was and began giving her tongue treatment, while also going for Dusk's flower and fingering her with his free hand. With the lucario finally getting what she was longing for, both she and Dusk moaned in pleasure upon reaching their climaxes. He regularly switched between the two of them, always simultaneously licking one while fingering the other. Since her sexual tension was through the roof at this point, Aurora was the first to orgasm from Max's relentless tongue. Now that she had calmed down a little, he went over Dusk and started mating with her. Like with the others, Max kept fucking her until she reached her climax before going over and doing the same to Aurora.

Throughout the rest of the night, Max switched from one Pokémon to another, never stopping until they either came or he did. Max fucked away until the potion's effects wore off, which lasted until the early rays of the sun peeked over the horizon. Half the group was already asleep by the time the sun had fully risen, and as Max finished his final orgasm inside Scarlet, his exhaustion finally caught up to him, causing him to immediately fall unconscious beside her, with the rest of the team doing the same shortly after.

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