
A Little Safe Haven

For the next few days, the new travel formation was going rather well as they could proceed further without any trouble. They were switching between who would be with Luna and Max. Today, they were walking across plains with a forest quite far away from the road.

"You know girls, I'm kind of surprised that we haven't encountered a lot of trainers in our way." Max expressed to the group, which currently consisted of Aurora, Bonny, and Luna in her new human alter ego.

{I'm kind of surprised as well.} Luna agreed. {From what I heard from the humans, being a pokemon trainer seemed to be quite popular.}

{Maybe they're just scared of us and gave up.} Bonny commented, who was walking next to Max.

{Without even knowing who we are? That's quite unlikely.} Aurora retorted.

{Maybe they just sense it.}

{Or maybe we've just been unlucky until now.}

{Always something to kill the mood huh?} Bonny replied, slightly annoyed.

{I'm just stating the obvious.}

"Girls, please." Max intervened.

{You sure have a lot of love to share young one.} Luna told to Aurora with a grin.

{Love is just a fake thing so humans or pokemon can procreate easier.} Aurora rejoined.

{Quite deep.}


"Look girls, I think we might be able to sleep in a bed tonight," Max announced as soon as he saw some habitations in the distance.

{Finally.} Bonny sighed, relieved.

"Sierra, I think it was, right?"

{That's the name you said a few days ago.}

"Good. If we're lucky, we can buy another tent there."

{Can't wait. Sleeping outside is nice and all, but not under the rain.}

"Yeah, sucks big time. Good thing we didn't get another rainy day since the last one a few days ago."

{Yeah, poor Dusk. That must have been hard for her.}

"Judging by how tired she was looking the next morning, I bet it was."

Walking some more, Max arrived in front of the town a little bit past noon. When in, the place was rather normal looking and like any other village. The first thing that hit Max was the strange feeling that they weren't being stared at since Scarlet wasn't there. It sure was pleasant even though he wasn't really used to it, but it mostly made him remember how much he missed her.

"Alright. Like usual, we should start by finding a place to sleep."

{Should we split up?} Bonny proposed.

"I don't know. If Scarlet was here, that could have been a possibility with her telepathy, but since she's not here…"

{Isn't telepathy something a psychic pokemon can do, like Dusk?}

"… Good point, but I don't know if she can do it. I mean, I'm sure she can, but over a long distance, I don't know."

{Why not ask her? Surely her training isn't worth nothing.}

"I guess."

{You can switch me with her.} Aurora told.

"Why? We're in town so there shouldn't be much of a problem if more of you stay out."

{We agreed on just two team members with you and Luna. Anyway, I don't especially want to be around other humans. You are plenty enough.}

"Alright, Scarlet number two." Max jested before putting Aurora back in her pokeball.

After putting the ball in his belt, Max grabbed Dusk's one and let her out.

{My turn already?} She exclaimed immediately after being materialized.

"More or less. We finally arrived in the next town but we thought that maybe we could split up so we can find a place to rest faster. Also, it could help us to see what's around here."

{Okay, but what do you need me for?}

"You can use telepathy, right?"

{Scarlet taught me, yes.}

"How far is your telepathic reach?"

{Oh. I… don't know.} Dusk confessed, a bit embarrassed.

"Hmm. Well, care to give it a try? It's not like we're in a bad position anyway. If anything, we can rely on Luna's nose to track me down."

{There are a lot of things that stink here, but I should be able to do it.} Luna commented.

"Good. Just make sure not to talk around humans, okay?"

{You're asking me that like I've never done this before.} Luna replied, crossing her human arms.

"Oh, yeah, sorry. I forget."

{I'll just act like a mute human-like always.}

"Do you know sign language if we ever ask you questions?"

{Just a little. When humans talk to me, I just mainly ignore them.}

"Kinda rude."

{I'd rather look like a rude human than being found out that I'm a zoroark.}

"Fair enough. Anyway, don't put too much pressure on yourself Dusk. If we can't talk telepathically over long distances yet, it's not that big of a deal, okay?"

{O-okay master.} Dusk agreed, feeling less pressure.

"If you don't have news from me after an hour, come back to me," Max instructed Luna.

{Sure thing boss.} Luna acknowledged while doing the military salute with one hand.

"Good luck and don't get yourself into trouble."

{I should be the one to say that.} Luna corrected, looking at him with a grin.

"I'll be careful too, don't worry."

At that, the four of them separated into two groups; Bonny and Max going in one direction and Luna and Dusk going in another one.

{Do you really think it was a good idea?} Bonny asked a short moment.


{No, leaving Dusk with… her.}

"I see you still don't trust her."

{No. Not completely I mean.}

"Why is that? Don't tell me you still have a prejudice against dark-types."

{They don't have a good reputation you know, and the way she looks…}

"I admit that she may have a very intimidating appearance, scary even, but I don't think she's evil. From what I sense from her that is."

{You may be wrong, or maybe she just waits for a good opportunity to strike.}

"I think you might be a bit paranoid."

{If by paranoid you mean protective, then yes.}

"You know… whether I trust her or not, it's not like I'm gonna survive forever. If it's tomorrow or in 40 years, there is always a chance to die at almost any moment. We're all meant to die one day or another."

{A pretty dark and fatalistic reasoning.}

"It's the reality. Anyway, if we're meant to die eventually, why not give others the benefit of the doubt and take some chances? Who knows, maybe we can even get more than we bargained for some time."

{If you say so. Anyway, if given the choice, I'll go with the option of having you as long as possible.}

"Fair enough."

{Anyway, we should focus more on finding what we're looking for instead of depressing stuff.}


Away from them, Luna and Dusk were also walking down the streets, looking for the same thing.

{… So, how is that human? We're alone so you can tell me the truth. I promise it will stay between us.} Luna asked when she was sure no human was nearby.

{Well, like you've probably seen already, he's very kind and nice to us.}

{I see.}

{Don't you trust him?}

{I won't say I don't trust him. He really seems to be the kind of person you said he is, but I also meet a lot of humans that more than often claimed to be nice before backstabbing their friends.}

{You seem to know a lot about humans.}

{Well, I did pass some time with them, maybe not as much as you may think, but I'm really observant. In my youth, humans were quite intriguing to me, so I did my best to learn about them as much as possible. What I discovered wasn't really what I first expected.}

{What did you discover?}

{That human can either be bad or good. Unfortunately, I also learned the really good ones were rarer than the bad ones and most of the time stepped on by the bad ones.}

{… Yeah, it's sad how they can be. Luckily, master isn't like that.}

{I hope so, for you and your friends.}

{But… haven't you said yourself that master was intriguing you?}

{He is, but it doesn't mean I blindly trust him. Personally, I think that you should never totally trust someone. You can at some point, but always keep a small corner for doubts. That way, you will be less surprised if things go bad.}

{I… see. Scarlet already told us that he was worth being trusted.}

{That red gardevoir? Well, you can hardly argue with a psychic in that matter since they can literally dive into the human mind and see every little secret or lie a human can hide. However, there's always the possibility that they work together, but it's quite farfetched, even for me.}

{Scarlet may have her flaws, but I don't think she would lie about it, especially after what master told us about what humans did to her. If even someone like her can trust a human after that, then I'm willing to give it a try myself.}

{Good point.}

Since they were seeing quite some humans around, Luna and Dusk decided to talk telepathically instead.

(Still nothing in sight?) Luna thought.

[Not yet.] Dusk answered in her head.

(This place is bigger than expected.) Luna replied as she and Dusk were passing in front of a back alley.

Unfortunately, because they were too busy looking for what Max asked for, they failed to notice some suspicious-looking bums chilling there that noticed them. A few seconds after they passed, they began to follow them at the same pace while keeping a certain distance.

(… Are they… following us?) Dusk inquired to Luna, starting to get worried.

(Looks like it.) Luna answered, not even looking fazed at all.

(What are we gonna do? Should I warn master?)

(No need to. I think we can handle a few weak humans if things go bad.)

(I… don't really want to hurt anyone.)

(Leave that to me then.)

"Hey girl, that's a nice braixen you have there. Care to let me have a closer look?" One of them behind said with the others laughing afterward.

(Just ignore them and keep walking.) Luna reassured after Dusk went closer to her.

Upon speeding up their pace slightly, Luna and Dusk arrived at a turning point. However, they were blocked by other bums as soon as they took it. Quickly, they were surrounded by maybe seven or eight of them. Dusk couldn't help but be scared and cling to Luna.

"My my, you sure are one hell of a woman. That body of yours sure do look in good shape, am I right guys?" one of them told, making the others agree with him. "Why don't you show us what it can do?" He arrogantly added.

Not saying a word, Luna only stared at him with crossed arms, almost grinning.

"Does the cat have your tongue? Hahaha." Another guy said, laughing.

"No need to be shy." Yet another guy in front of her added before moving a hand towards her. "You should come with us so we can- ow."

As soon as his hand touched one of her shoulders, Luna hit the inside of his arm with her knuckles and got him right in the nerve to push it away.

"You bitch. I guess you want to play the hard to get game." He angrily replied.

Angry, the guy then moved closer to Luna to try to immobilize her. However, to his surprise and everyone else, Luna grabbed the guy, raised him over her before tossing him in a trash can that was next to them, with only the legs coming out of it.

"… The fuck was that?" One of the group expressed, astonished.

Still slightly grinning with crossing arms, Luna turned towards the others with a 'Who's next?' face. At this point, all of them began to wonder if it was worth it.

"Come on guys, it's a single girl and a scared little pokemon. Get her!"

As they were preparing to jump on them, Luna then got into a normal and defenseless stance. However, she used her illusion ability to make all of her muscles grow slightly bigger while making them very well-defined and veiny.

"What the fuck is wrong with her? Is she on steroids or something?" One of them shouted with the others backing up a bit.

"Alright, I'm out of here." One said before leaving, quickly followed by a few others.

"Whatever, she was ugly anyway." Another one finished.

After taking out the one that was in the trash can, all of them finally fled, leaving Luna and Dusk alone.

(That was scary.) Dusk shared, finally relaxing.

(You think? To me it was rather fun actually.)

(Fun?) Dusk repeated, a bit surprised.

(Nothing like a small treat here and there to keep you awake.) She told before resuming her walk with the braixen.

For the next half of an hour, they didn't come across any more trouble until they finally found something that could be what Max wanted.

{A motel, huh?} Luna mumbled.

{Is it a place that we can sleep?} Dusk inquired.

{My human knowledge isn't that huge, so I'm not sure, but it sounds like 'hotel', so maybe it's the same thing.}

{Should I call master?}


At the other side of the town, Max and Bonny were still roaming through the town.

{Really? And what did you do after that?} Bonny asked.

"I punched him, what else should have I done?"

{Good point. I'm not particularly violent, but maybe I would have done the same thing.}

"I'm not either, but sometimes, people are just too dumb to understand with mere words."

{Yeah, I can relate.} She replied, looking away.

"Reassure me, you aren't talking about me, are you?" Max asked suspiciously.

{You know me, I would never dare.} Bonny responded, obviously lying.

"Oh, you little… you better watch your rear the next time we're alone."

{Can't wait to see what you'll do with it.} Bonny replied lewdly.

"Trust me, it won't-"

{… Ster! Master… hear me?} A faint voice in his head called.

Max was used to voices in his head, thanks to Scarlet, but this one was different than hers. This one was sounding more like…

"Dusk? Is that you?" Max wondered.

{Dusk? Where?} Bonny replied, looking around.

"In… my head I think," Max informed.

{… Yes, master… me. I still… difficult… keep up… too far.}

"No problem Dusk, you're doing your best."

{I do.}

"Did you find anything?"

{Yes. Luna… join you… where it is.}

"Okay, we'll wait, thanks" Max thanked, understanding what she was trying to say.

{What did she say?} Bonny asked.

"I think they found a place to spend the night and Luna will come to get us here," Max explained before walking towards a nearby wooden bench next to the street.

{Great. Because you talking about my rear again made me a bit… frisky.} Bonny shared, following him.

"Okay, so we can't say ass or butt without you getting all humid?" Max queried as he and Bonny sat on the bench.

{Want to find out if I am?} Bonny coaxed.

"Tempting, but no. Not here at least."

{Pff, you're no fun.} Bonny retorted before resting her head against Max's shoulder.

"I didn't say not later though."

{Eh, like you could slip away from me.} She told while discreetly rubbing his thigh.

"I know now that I can't, don't worry." Max conceded, petting Bonny's head.

For a moment, both of them waited for Luna while being careful not to be too affectionate when people were passing by. Every time they were alone again, Bonny used that opportunity to give Max's crotch a quick grab, just to tease him a bit. Then, when the zone was empty, Luna appeared from above and landed in front of Max as a liepard.

"Luna?" Max wondered, not sure if it was her.

After giving a small grin, the pokemon transformed into Luna's human form.

"You scared me for a second. I thought it was a pokemon that was looking for trouble."

{Sorry, but a pokemon look less suspicious when jumping and running around compared to a human.}

"True. So, you found an Inn or a hotel?"

{Not exactly. We found a motel. Not sure what it is, but I'm guessing that it would be something similar to a hotel.}

"Good guess. It's indeed like a hotel, but cheaper, in every possible way."

{As long as it has a bed, I'm fine with it.} Bonny commented.

"If we get a good one. Where's Dusk?"

{She's waiting in front of that motel.}


{Don't worry, she's a big girl. I wanted her to follow me, but she insisted on me going alone getting you, saying it would be faster that way.}

"… Alright. After all, she's a pokemon, so I'm not too worried about her. If someone annoys her, she will just burn them to crisp, haha."

{I'm sure too.} Luna half lied.

"Show us the way then." Max requested, standing up with Bonny.

After nodding, Luna began to walk towards the motel direction with Max and Bonny behind.

"So, have you got any trouble finding the motel?" Max inquired after a moment.

{Not really. I just went randomly here and there in the hopes to find anything.}

"Okay, but what I meant is that does anyone have suspected anything about you?"

{I don't think so. Humans just walked by us like I was a normal human.} Luna half lied again.

"Well, even in that form you're pretty intimidating, so I guess they just didn't want any business with you."

{Probably. A big plus for us then.}

"I suppose. This place looks like a good neighborhood anyway, so I'm not too worried. Was the motel looking good?"

{I don't know, I only saw the outside, but it wasn't that big.}

"Damn, I hope we didn't come across a shitty and all-cramped up one."

{I can search for another one if you want to.}

"No that's okay. If anything, we still can go back to sleep outside." Max joked.

{Not sure if it's healthy for a human to spend too much time sleeping outside.}

{I don't think too.} Bonny agreed. {Remember that you got sick just by standing too long in the rain.}

"Come on, it was just a one-time thing. I rarely get sick."

{Let's try to not increase the number of times you are, shall we?} Luna expressed with a rather motherly tone.

"Sure thing, mom." Max quipped.

Unnoticeable by Max but barely by Bonny, Luna seemed to have flinched slightly by the word 'mom'. Bonny wanted to ask if she was alright, but she was certain that she wouldn't want to talk about it anyway.

"Can't wait to get a shower as well."

{Hope there will be room for two.} Bonny shared, a bit seductively.

"If it's a very cheap motel, don't set your expectation too high."

{Not very enticing.} she complained.

"It's just for one night. I'm sure they have nice hotels at Corsocoast. There, we will be able to enjoy a cozy room after a hard day at the beach."

{Weren't you planning on taking on the gym leader?}

"Of course, but what will prevent us from taking a small break after beating him, or her?"

{I guess. I never have been to the beach, so I don't really know what to expect.}

"I'm sure you'll like it. The sand, the ocean, the nice weather, and probably the nice-looking pokemon." Max told while bumping Bonny with his hips to tease her.

{Yeah, sure. I can't wait to ditch you for a male lopunny that I'm hundred percent sure will be there.} Bonny rejoined sarcastically.

"There's a possibility."

At that, Bonny looked at Max with an unamused face.

"Come on, I'm just messing with you."

{Like I already said, the male that will make my head spin away from you isn't born yet.} Bonny assured fervently.

"Haha, if you say so pretty girl." Max teased, feigning not believing her while petting her head.

{It's true.} Bonny argued before pushing his hand away.

"Ohh, a bit susceptible I see."

{I'm not, it's just the kind of thing I don't like to joke about.} She informed, a bit upset.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to put you in a bad mood." Max apologized.

{You haven't, don't worry.} she reassured, less upset. {It's just that I love you a lot master and I take it very seriously.}

"Okay, I got it. No more jokes about Bonny finding a male lopunny attractive." Max complied, half-serious.

{Thank you.}

Upon hearing them, Luna couldn't help but let out a small giggle.

{What's funny?} Bonny demanded, a bit offended.

{Well, I was wondering, were you with Max when you evolved?}

{Yes, why?}

{Have you ever seen another lopunny since?}

{… No.}

{I see.}

{What's wrong with that?}

{Nothing. Nothing at all. It's just that I'm wondering if you'll keep that determination when your hormones will speak for yourself when you'll meet your first lopunny male.}

{My hormones are only for master.} Bonny, starting to get upset again.

{I don't even doubt it. However, it seems that your 'master' is the only male figure you ever had since you evolved, so your desire and hormones could only be guided towards him. I don't doubt your love for him, but sometimes instinct can overcome a lot of things.}

{And what is that supposed to mean?}

{Nothing. I'm curious about your reaction when you will be around your own species, that's all.}

{Why you-} Bonny started before Max interrupted.

"That's not very nice to say, Luna. Bonny is a very loyal pokemon that loves me." Max scolded a bit.

{I'm sure she is. I'm sorry if I hurt you Bonny, but I just wanted to give you something to think about.}

{… Hmpf.} Bonny huffed, a bit mad.

"Next time, try to avoid sensitive subjects please, Luna."


After that, they pretty much walked without talking much until they arrived at said motel with Dusk standing in front of it.

{Happy to finally see you again master.} Dusk greeted when she spotted them.

"Everything went alright on your own?" Max asked.

{Pretty much, yes. Well, besides some humans asking if I was lost, nothing happened.}

"Great. Not wanting to pressure you Dusk, but I would really like it if you could improve your telepathic range. Not that there's anything wrong with it, I just don't like the idea of leaving one of you alone."

{Okay master, I'll try my best.}

"I hope I wasn't rude."

{Not at all master. I also want to improve it, so no harm is done.} She replied with a warm smile.

"Good," Max said, relieved. "Let's see what we're dealing with now."

Passing in front of Dusk, Max went towards the motel entrance with Luna, Bonny, and Dusk following him. Passing the door, they heard a small doorbell above them, attracting the man's attention at the client counter.

"Welcome to the Lumbersleep, how may I help you?" the man asked, half politely.

"Yeah, I would like a room please," Max responded, not caring that much.

"Alright. A room for two or two rooms for one?" He asked while looking at him and Luna simultaneously.

"Hemm…" Max wondered, looking at Luna as well.

Smartly, Luna showed one finger to say one room instead of speaking.

"One room please."

"Alright. Are you the kind to be loud at night? The walls aren't very thick here."

"No, we're…" Max replied shyly while briefly looking at Luna. "We're not in a relationship. We're just friends that travel together."

"Alright. Less job for the room service tomorrow I guess. Here's the number eight." the receptionist told him while handing him the key. "That will be $35 please."

"Sure," Max replied before handing him the money.

"Thank you. Have a good day sir. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

"No problem."

When done, Max and co. left the counter and the building to search for room eight outside. Finding it after a moment, Max unlocked the door before all of them went inside.

"… Doesn't smell that good," Max commented after closing the door.

{A lot of human intercourse happened here.} Luna informed with a slightly snubbed nose.

"Thanks for the info, Luna," Max replied sarcastically.

{Sorry. I thought you might want to know.} Luna falsely apologized.

"Not really." Continued Max while dropping his backpack on the ground, close to the bed.

{At least the bed isn't half bad.} Bonny shared after dropping herself on the bed.

"Good to know."

{Indeed. I wouldn't have liked a bed that breaks due to us mating too hard.} Bonny expressed seductively after rolling on her belly to look at Max.

"For once, I agree," Max replied, sitting on the edge of the bed.

{Wow. Master siding with my perverted side, that's new.} Bonny stated with a smile while hugging Max from behind, still on her belly.

"At this point, I already know that's it's inevitable with you, so…" Max retorted, petting the lopunny. "Besides, I do want to try it too."

{That's what I like to hear.} Bonny said, nuzzling her master.

{You guys could at least wait until we're out.} Luna told with a grin.

{I-I second that.} Dusk followed a bit shyly.

{What? Afraid to see something you might enjoy, Dusk?} Bonny teased with a mischievous grin while rubbing Max's thighs dangerously close to his crotch.

{N-no… it would just be… really embarrassing.}

{Come on little braixen, love is blind and limitless.} Luna defended.

{I-I know but…}

As Luna was telling Dusk how love is good, Max and Bonny looked at each other before discreetly laughing.

"Well girls, I don't know about you, but I would like to go search for a store that sells tents."

{I don't mind exploring a bit.} Luna started. {I've never been in this place before, so I wonder how things are around here.}

"Do you want me to come with you?"

{Don't get it wrong little pup, but I would prefer going alone. You know, moving at my own pace.}

"Oh, okay then," Max replied, not sounding mad or sad.

{Hope I didn't make you sad.}

"No you haven't, don't worry."

{Ah ha, master's date demand got rejected.} Bonny mocked.

"It wasn't a date demand. I was just trying to be nice." Max protested.

{Sure master.} Bonny quipped, tapping him in the back as if to reassure him.

"And what about you smarty ass? What are your plans?"

{… I think I'm gonna stay here and keep the bed warm for us.}

"Or you just want to be a lazy lopunny like always."

{I prefer the term 'energy saving' for later.} She corrected with a lewd grin.

"Yeah yeah, if you like it." Max teased, scratching Bonny's head with a smile, at which Bonny smiled back. "Maybe I should let the others out to see if they want to explore as well," he added before letting the others out, except for Jade.

{… Smells bad here.} Aurora commented as soon as she was out. {Don't tell me you couldn't wait a minute without doing it?} She continued while looking at Max with an almost desperate face.

"Not guilty this time."Max protested.

{… I guess. It doesn't smell like you.}

At that, pretty much everyone looked at her a bit suspiciously.

{I mean, I'm always at the place where you did it, so it's easy to know.} Aurora pointed out with faint blush.

{Rrright.} Bonny replied, rolling her eyes.

{It's true.} the lucario protested aggressively.

"Anyway Aurora, me, and Luna were planning on taking a little tour of the town while Bonny will do her sloth impression here."

{Hey!} Bonny complained.

"So what do you want to do?"

{… I don't really care about this place, so you can do whatever you want while I stay here.}

{Yippee, girl party.} Bonny exclaimed happily.

{No party.} Aurora corrected.

{Rhaa, party pooper.}

"May? Dusk?"

{I… don't mind going with you master.} Dusk answered.

{Me too.} May followed.


{At least I'm reassured that you won't be on your own.} Luna told with a smile.

"Why are you worried? We're in town, so we're pretty much safe here."

{I suppose.} the zoroark half lied.

"And you know that you can take your normal form in here."

{Why? You don't like this form?}

"No, it's-"

{He prefers your pokemon form a lot more, isn't that right, master the pokemon molester?} Bonny teased.

"It has nothing to do with my…"

{Your deviation to female pokemon?} Bonny finished with a mischievous grin.

"Ahem. Anyway, be sure to not run into any trouble Luna." Max replied quickly while standing up.

{I'm sure I can manage.} Luna retorted while giving Max a seductive look, just to tease him.

"Alright, so May, Dusk, and I together while Aurora and Bonny wait here, right?" Max recapitulated.

{And with me on my own, you have it.} Confirmed Luna.

"Alright. I'm sorry to say May, but I won't bring my backpack, so…"

{No problem master, I don't mind staying in your arms.}

"… Okay," Max replied, not expecting that answer with the others hiding their laugh.

{Hihi, don't worry master, if you got too tired, I'll just walk.}

"Thanks, May." Max thanked, a bit relieved.

At that, Max took May in his arms and left with Dusk and Luna tailing him.

{Have fun.} Bonny wished before they exited the room.

"We'll try," Max answered before closing the door.

Walking outside, Max and co. passed in front of the reception's door.

"It could be faster if we ask someone directly." Max proposed as he was stopping in front of the door.

{See you later than little pups.} Said Luna walking away from Max.


After making sure that no one was around, Luna transformed into a liepard before starting to jump from roof to roof through the town.

"She's a true mystery," Max commented after she was out of sight.

{At least she seems nice.} May added.

"I'm sure she really is."

{I'm sure too.} Dusk agreed.

Passing through the door, Max went towards the same receptionist as before.

"Hi again. Everything okay?"

"Yes, no problem. I was just wondering if you knew a place that sells tents for travelers."

"Hmm, I'm sorry to say that all we have is a general store, but unfortunately, it doesn't sell tents."

"Damnit." Max cursed lowly.

"Why are you asking? I think I remember seeing one on your backpack when you arrived."

"Yes, but it's all torn up and unusable."

"… I see. Well, we don't have a store that sells tents, but we do have a really good tailor here in this town."

"A tailor?" Max repeated.

"Yes. She's very good and if you go see her, maybe she could take a look at your tent and see if she can repair it."

"That would be nice. Where does she live?"

"I'll write you down her address so you can track it down with your pokedex."

"Great. Thanks."

Nodding, the man then took a piece of paper before writing something on it.

"Here you go." the man said while handing him the paper

"Thanks." Max thanked again.

Taking it, Max said goodbye to the receptionist and left the building.

"Well, at least we will still have the nice and cozy tent we're used to."

{It will look a bit less pretty, however.} Dusk told.

"Maybe, but the important thing is that it does its job at keeping us dry and protected."

{Besides mosquitoes and rain, it doesn't protect us that much. On the contrary, it makes us more visible in the distance.} May pointed out.

"That's why you all sleep with me."

{True. I won't let those pesky bugs touch you master.} May exclaimed fervently.

"Glad to see I'm protected from itches." Max joked with a smile, making Dusk giggle a bit. "Anyway, we should go take the tent with us."

{That would help.} May replied.

"Sure will."

Going back to their room, Max put May down before opening the door.

"Can you bring me the tent please Bonny?"


Jumping down from the bed where she was lying, Bonny went to Max's backpack and took the tent before bringing it to him.

{Did you find another already?}

"No, but there's a tailor here that can repair it for us."

{Oh. That's great.}

"Indeed. Be back a bit later. Stay out of trouble, especially you Aurora." Max joked while looking at his lucario that was comfortably all stretched out on the only armchair of the room.

{I don't promise anything.} She answered nonchalantly without looking at him.

Chuckling, Max left them and exited the motel area.

With some trivial talk, all three of them kept walking down the streets with Max following his pokedex indication until they arrived at the address the receptionist at the motel gave them. Since he had to hold the tent, he preferred to give the pokedex to Dusk so she could navigate for him.

"Are you sure it's here?" Max asked as he and Dusk were standing in front of a normal-looking house after a little while.

{It's supposed to. That's what your pokedex says anyway.} Dusk answered back, looking at the device's screen.

"Hmm, maybe she does her job at home."

{The best way to know is to go knock.} May told.

"What would I do without the mawile wisdom." Max jested.

{That was mean.} May retorted with a fake offended tone.

Smiling while petting her a little, Max went to the entrance door and knocked. For quite some time, they waited for an answer that never came.

"Maybe she's out." Max wondered.

{Maybe we can try knocking again.} Dusk proposed.

"Good plan." Max agreed before knocking again but louder.

"… Coming, coming."

On the other side of the door, they heard a feminine and beautiful voice coming towards the door. Upon hearing the door being unlocked, they saw a rather young and cute woman that was looking in her mid-twenty on the other side. However, she was looking quite tired.

"Sorry. I hope I didn't make you wait for too long." the woman apologized.

"No, don't worry. But maybe we arrived at a bad time."

"No. Well, not really. I just fell asleep because I didn't sleep well last night."


"More or less. I have insomnia from time to time, so my face tends to get intimate with my desk sometimes."

"I… see," Max replied, quite surprised by the woman's frankness.

"But it doesn't prevent me from working efficiently, rest assured. A few coffee cups and I'm ready to go. Oh, maybe it is perhaps why you're here."

"Actually, yes, and-"

"Don't stay outside then, get in." the woman cut before freeing the passage for them.

"… Sure."

Giving a glance at the others, Max and his two pokemon entered the house with the woman closing the door behind them.

"Cute pokemon you have there." the woman complimented.

"Oh, thanks. They're-"

"This way. I'm gonna show you where the magic happens." She cut again while passing in front of them to go into another room.

{She doesn't seem like the very relaxed type of human.} Dusk commented.

"You tell me." Max agreed, slightly wincing before following the woman.

"Oh, and my name is Cindy." the woman told from the other room.

"Hemm… nice to meet you, Cindy." Max greeted as they arrived at the doorway of the room where the woman, known as Cynthia, was.

All around the place were complete and uncomplete clothing of all varieties. Dress, shirt, coat, as well as tailor material was scattered everywhere in a big messy room.

"Don't look at the mess. Well, peoples call it a mess, but I call it organized chaos."

"I'll… try," Max replied, unable to see anything else but that.

"So, what brings you here handsome?" She nonchalantly asked while sitting in front of a sewing machine and starting to work on something.

"Well, I was wondering if you could repair a torn-up tent."

"Of course I can, who do you think I am?"


"Oh, sorry, a force of habit. Even the regulars always say that. They're like 'Can you repair my shirt?', and I'm like 'Of course, it's like the tenth time I've repaired it, but whatever."

"That mustn't be very helpful for business."

"Nah, I'm always able to make it pass as a joke."

"… Okay."

"Care to show me what I'll be dealing with?"

"Sure. Here we go." Max answered after giving it to her.

"… Hmhmm." She hummed with an intrigued face after unrolling the thing. "I can already see that it will take quite some time. Unfortunately, I won't be able to work on it today, but I promise I'll get in it tomorrow."

"Thanks. How much will it cost?"

"Hard to say. I usually make a price for the amount of time it takes me to repair the said item."

"Estimation would be enough."

"Hmm… around $60 maybe."

"… Okay," Max replied, finding the price a bit high.

"Something wrong?"

"Nothing. It's just that I'm running low on money, so I'm just hoping it won't be too expensive at the end."

"I see. Well, I'll try to do it as fast as I can then."

"Thanks a lot."

"See you tomorrow," Cindy told before resuming her sewing.

"Sure," Max replied before grabbing May in his arms and heading outside.

"… Alright girls, what do you think we should do? Go back to the motel or explore a bit?"

{Well, I don't especially want to explore, but it's your choice master.} Dusk responded a bit shyly.

{I don't mind exploring.} May replied.

"Hmm… dilemma again." Max retorted while thinking.

{If Dusk really doesn't want to explore, I don't mind going back in our room master.} May expressed.

"You sure?"


"… Alright. This place doesn't seem to offer a lot to see anyway."

{Yeah. Besides human houses, there's not much here.} May commented before Max began to head towards the motel.

A few minutes later, they got inside their room once again. By the sound of it, it was like Bonny and Aurora were talking until they heard the door opening.

"We're back. Hope we're not interrupting anything." Max said while closing the door behind.

{Not really. I was just explaining to Aurora how a human male works.} Bonny answered with a small grin, sitting on the bed.

{That's not even true.} Aurora protested, making Bonny giggle.

"Hope it wasn't dirty," Max replied, sitting on the edge of the bed.

{I would never dare talk about dirty stuff.} Bonny retorted with the most obvious fake innocent face in the world.

"Pfff, sure you wouldn't." Max quipped before getting on his back with his head resting on Bonny's soft and furry legs.

{So? How was the tent repairing hunt?} Bonny asked while starting to rub Max's hair.

"Pretty good. We found a tailor but she will start working on it only tomorrow, so we have an entire day to do not much."

{An entire day, huh?}

"Yup. But honestly, I don't feel like doing much. I could just stay here forever." Max shared before rolling on his side so he could rest his face on Bonny's furry belly.

{Really?} Bonny replied with a small grin.

"Yup," Max confirmed. "… Ever told you how good you smell?" he added after taking a slight whiff of Bonny's fur.

{Hehe, not a lot, but I'm glad you like it.}

"Yeah, it reminds me of the gentle and nice scent of a kitten," Max told, wrapping his arms around the lopunny, hugging her.

{Not even a baby bunny?}

"Don't know, never smelled one."

Rolling her eyes, Bonny then looked at the others with a smile.

{… So you're really planning on staying here doing nothing for the rest of the day?} Aurora asked.

"… Well, unless you have suggestions, I don't really know what we can really do."

{Hmm, I do have an idea.} Bonny proposed.

"What is it?" Max replied, looking back at Bonny's pinkish-red eyes.

{Ever done it with four pokemon at the same time?} she asked with a lewd grin.

"Goddammit, I got screwed again."

{Haha.} Bonny laughed. {I'm quite surprised you didn't see that one coming.}

"Ah, ah." Max laughed sarcastically.

{Well, just saying, but personally, I don't mind.} May shared.

Looking towards her, Max had failed to notice that May had jumped on the bed and was lying on her belly with her hands resting on her cheeks, staring at him with a smile.

{Oh, would you look at that, If everyone is up to it, maybe we could actually just do that.} Bonny replied with a bigger grin.

"Please girls, don't," Max begged, making May and Bonny laugh.

{I was wondering master.} May started. {Wasn't this town the one that had that pokemon center you talked about?}

"Pokemon center?" Max repeated, turning his head on Bonny's thigh so he could face May.

{Yes, you know, the one that's supposed to have lots of rescued pokemon that are given to starter trainers?}

"Oh, right. I had completely forgotten about it. You girls sure do have a good memory." Max praised, getting on his back.

{Not that much since I had forgotten as well.} Bonny corrected, still petting her master's hair.

{So, do you want to visit it?} May asked.

"That could be an idea. What about you girls?"

{That could be fun.} Bonny answered.

{I agree.} Dusk followed.


{That will be without me.} Aurora told.

"You don't want to come? Why?" Max asked, a bit surprised.

{Because I'm comfortable here. Besides, someone should stay here to keep an eye on our stuff.} Aurora explained before stretching and going all limp on the armchair.

"Or maybe you just want to laze around."

{… Maybe.} Aurora retorted, making roll his eyes.

"Well, I do agree that someone must stay here to watch our things, so if Aurora proposed herself, that question is already answered," Max said while getting on his feet.

{It didn't have to be right now you know.} Bonny complained, wanting him to stay a bit longer.

"Don't worry Bonny, we'll have plenty of times to be 'physical' later," Max reassured before kissing her forehead.

{Now I'm really tempted.} Bonny retorted lewdly, sitting at the edge of the bed.

"Alright. Take care while we're gone, Aurora." Max wished while getting to the door.

{Sure.} Aurora responded, waving a paw to tell them 'go away'.

Smiling, Max then exited their room with Bonny, Dusk, and May beside him.

"Okay, so let's see where that pokemon center is," Max mumbled before having his pokedex on hands. "… This way," he told while pointing to the right of the motel after checking the town map on the device.

At that, all four of them headed towards the said direction, walking through the city.

{So, what kind of pokemon do you think we will meet?} Bonny asked.

"Dunno. The pokedex said that it has a huge variety of pokemon, so we can expect pretty much anything."

{Even sexy female pokemon?} Bonny queried, looking at Max with a grin.

"Female? Probably. Sexy? I don't know, nor do I care."

{Sure thing, master.} Bonny quipped with a smile, making Dusk giggle a bit.

"Even if it's the case, what would that change?"

{Hmm, let's see; a pokemon molester human right next to a good-looking female pokemon? Hmm, the equation is hard. Can anyone help me?} Bonny mocked.

"Okay, we get it." Max rejoined, slightly annoyed. "I already got you, girls, so why would I want to go with another one?"

{Besides the three you already had?}

"Hem… as I recall it was just… two." Max corrected, looking at Bonny slightly in fear.

Her response was to look at him skeptically.

"What?" Max replied, feigning innocence.

{My strongest sense maybe my hearing master, but I can still smell.}

"So you…"

{Yup. My nose maybe not as strong as Luna's or Aurora's, but I can tell when you have been with a pokemon besides one of our group.}

"Looks like I've been revealed," Max replied, a bit ashamed.

{That kind of smell always stays for a bit. It takes a few baths to wash it off completely.}

"It doesn't disgust you that I did it with, well, another one before we did it?"

{To be honest, it's not something I'm glad to know, but I don't care that much either. Unlike them, I have your love, which isn't nothing.}

"How optimistic."

{I can also have you way more than them since you're mine, so nothing to go crazy about.}


{Seeing you all happy afterward is almost candy to the eyes hihi.}

"If I didn't know you better, I would think that you like seeing me with another one."

{Nothing like that, I can assure you that. However, knowing that my master is very sexually active, I don't know, but it gets something inside me.}

"Like the idea of receiving all of that sexual energy later on?"

{Hmm… now that you put words on it, I think it might be it, yes. Maybe the thought of you being that active increases the chance of you jumping on me… damn, I think I should stop now before I make a mess.}

"… Well, that was disturbingly well detailed. Thanks for sharing."

{You're the one that asked me why I personally didn't mind you doing it with another one.}

"I didn't ask personally, but I guess it explains a bit."

{I still prefer that you have me rather than a stranger, however.}

"Well, two of them kind of literally jumped on me."

{And I'm guessing that they threatened you and mistreated you for not cooperating? Forcing you into submission?} Bonny replied, looking at Max with a mischievous grin.

"You tell me. The eyes they were making… Scary." Max told Nonchalantly.

{Poor, poor master. That must have been terrible. Looks like you didn't have a choice but to comply.} Bonny quipped.

"Unfortunately, yes. As long as I was cooperating, they wouldn't hurt me." Max retorted before he and Bonny start laughing. "What about you girls?" Max resumed while looking at May and Dusk.

{You know me master, as long as you're happy, I am.} May answered while looking at him from below.

"Same for me, cutest pokemon ever," Max answered back, kissing May's head. "And as for you Dusk?"

{Well… I'm a bit like Bonny, but also like May.} Dusk responded.

"Which means?"

{I… as long as you're happy, I don't really have anything to say.} she shyly explained.

"Are you sure?"

{Well… I-I also wouldn't mind… having you just for… m-myself.} she embarrassingly shared while blushing.

"Really now?" Max replied, petting the braixen.


"To me, it looks like you don't like that." Max guessed, looking at Bonny.

{D-don't get me wrong master, I don't mind s-sharing you. After all, I already share you with the other members of the group.} Dusk corrected quickly.

{She has a point master. We pretty much are all already sharing you with the rest of the team, so one more or one less.} Bonny pointed out.

"Yeah, but you all love me, so it's a bit different."

{Not that much. The only thing that it changes is that we don't mind sharing you.}

"… No, nothing to do. In the end, I will never understand pokemon."

{You don't have to. Just shut up and enjoy it already.} Bonny commanded.

Sighing a bit desperately, Max kept walking with his pokemon through the streets. Even though it wasn't that much of a big town, he was a bit surprised to see that not many people were outside, even less pokemon. After maybe 45 minutes and many turns, Max, and co. finally arrived at their destination.

"Damn! That's one big pokemon center." Max exclaimed when he was in front of a pretty big red-roofed building. "Maybe they're compensating for something hehe." he joked, making Bonny looking at him with an unamused face.

{Seriously master, you have to work on that shitty sense of humor of yours.} she told, crossing her arms.

"Come on, it wasn't that bad."

{It was master.} May told, still in his arms.

"Pfff, whatever. Let's just get inside." Max replied, a bit upset.

{… What did he mean by compensating for something?} Dusk asked lowly to Bonny.

{I'll explain later.}

Then, as Max was about to go inside, a young-looking man, probably eighteen or close, almost bumped into Max as both of them wanted to get in at the same time.

"Oh, sorry dude, didn't see you there." the guy apologized.

"It's alright, no hard feelings." Max joked.

"I guess I was just too excited to get my new pokemon."

"New pokemon? Are you starting your pokemon journey?"

"Yes. I know it has become less popular lately, but I want to know what it's like to travel with pokemon and battle."

"Well, if you draw the good cards, you could get more than you bargained for," Max told, looking at Bonny with a grin.

"Yeah, that's what is exciting about it."

"Little advice then; pokemon aren't just about the battles. They do battles to get stronger, but it's more about the relationship you have with them. Friendship, affection, presence; all of that is what matters more with pokemon." Max explained, petting his mawile.

"I… see. I knew the bond you share with your pokemon was important, but not that much."

"More than you think. Personally, I enjoy more being with my pokemon than battling."

"It's understandable when you have a pokemon like mawile."

"You like mawiles?"

"Yeah, they're one of my favorite with their big maw on their head. It's scary but so cool at the same time."

"Agree. A cute pokemon should have a way to defend itself. Isn't that right sweetie?" Max replied, petting May on her sweet spot.

{Of course master.} she responded happily.

"You sure seem to get along well, you and your pokemon." the man told, a bit impressed.

"Care as much as you can for your pokemon and you could also be like me."

"I can't wait. Say, I don't really know which pokemon I should choose, so maybe you could help me?"

"I don't see any problem here."


At that, both of them then entered the building. To Max's surprise, the inside wasn't as spacious as he thought. The entrance was consisting of many waiting chairs with six persons sitting there. Half of them had a pokemon accompanying them. Further on the right, there was a rather large counter that was unoccupied at the moment. On the left was a large hallway, going pretty far with more hallways to the right and left.

"No nurse in sight," Max commented, quickly looking around.

"Maybe we should wait for one to come."

"I don't think we have much of a choice," Max replied before both of them headed towards the waiting area.

As Max took a seat, Bonny and Dusk sat on each of his sides while the man sat in front of him.

"So, any idea of what you want?" Max inquired.

"I don't know honestly."

"A type in particular? A gender maybe?"

"I don't really care about the gender, but my favorite types are fire and steel."

"Not a good pair, but those two types sure are cool."

{Yes, they are.} Bonny commented, a bit haughtily.

"But normal types are too. Did you know that the normal type is the type that has the biggest potential in terms of move pools?" Max told to the man, knowing that Bonny didn't like that statement.

"Oh, not really. A normal could be good then."

"Until now, I'm still satisfied and proud of my lopunny," Max replied, booping Bonny's nose.

{Glad to hear that I'm doing my job well.} Bonny retorted lewdly.

"The least I can tell is that he's looking strong."

"She. Bonny is a girl."

"Oh, right. Bonny. I should have guessed. Anyway, I was wondering, what brings you here? You seem to already have pokemon, so why come here?"

"Nothing in particular. I just wanted to see the place."

"Oh, okay. Say, when I got my pokemon, can I have a battle with you?"

"Hem..." Max hummed.

"You don't want to?"

"Not that I don't want to, but my pokemon and I have been training for a little while now, so maybe it wouldn't be a very fair match."

"Maybe you're weakest then. I just want to know the thrill of the battle before starting."

Thinking, Max then looked at Bonny.

{… I can hold back if you want to.} Bonny proposed.

"… Alright." Max accepted.

"Awesome. Thanks."

Shortly after, a nurse finally arrived at the counter.

"Time to start." the boy expressed before both he and Max stood up and went to it.

"Hi. How may I help you?" the female nurse asked nicely.

"Hmm… yes, I would like a pokemon to start my journey please."

"Certainly." the nurse replied, nodding. "If you follow me, I'll lead you to where we keep them after recovery," she added while leaving the counter.

With the nurse going to the hallway at the left of the entrance hall, the boy, Max and his team followed here.

"Pretty big here," Max commented while walking.

"This place has been well-financed due to its goal to help pokemon to recover."

"If it's not too indiscreet, to recover from what?" Max asked.

"From any kind of injuries or traumatism, but most of the time it's from injuries between wild pokemon and abusive trainers."

"Tsk, those are the worst," Max commented, not liking the last one.

"Yeah." the boy agreed "You must be very pathetic to try to hurt those cute and cool creatures.

"It's a shame that they manage to get past the trainer's test." the nurse replied. "Speaking of the test, I hope you're aware you'll have to through one after you picked your pokemon young man."

"I do, and my name is Jeff."

"… Feeling better Koko?" A voice bit further from them said.

{I do, thanks.}

Upon hearing those voices, Bonny couldn't help but look at what she just heard. As soon as her eyes landed on the source of the voice, they went almost all wide at what she was seeing. At the bottom of a hallway to her left, Bonny saw another female nurse with… a male lopunny. And not any kind of male lopunny, it was a very good-looking one. Dark brown fur, tall, well-toned masculine body, and a cute face.

"Bonny, watch out," Max warned.

Unable to unlock her gaze from the male lopunny, Bonny failed to notice that she was deviating from her course and walked directly against the left hallway wall, hitting her head a little.

{Ow!} Bonny Growled, holding her head.

"You okay?" Max inquired, worried.

{… Yes, don't worry.} She responded after looking back at the male lopunny and quickly moved away.

Before she left, she had the time to see that the male lopunny noticed her and was smiling. After Max noticed what Bonny was looking at, he quickly caught up to her.

"… He sure was good-looking," Max told, having figured out that it was a male.

{If you say so.} Bonny replied with an uninterested tone while rubbing her head.

"Don't tell me you don't agree?" Max queried with a small grin.

{Can we forget about it already?} proposed Bonny a bit aggressively.

"Why so defensive?"

{I think that male lopunny may have caught her eyes.} May teased.

{No, he doesn't.} Bonny denied.

"Oh, is that it?" Max teased as well, making May giggle.

{Rhaa.} she growled before speeding her pace.

"… Do you think we overdid it?" Max asked.

{We were just kidding.} May replied.

"Yeah, but…"

{Does that make you jealous master?}

"What are you saying? Of course not." Max assured, a bit too defensively.

{Oh, I think it does.} May jested, attempting to sound like him.

"Pfff, whatever." Max retorted, making May giggle again.

A little bit later, the nurse had lead them in front of a door that was at the bottom of the main hallway.

"Here is where we keep most of our pokemon," she told while opening the door.

After they stepped inside, both Max and the boy Jeff were quite baffled. The room they were now was a very vast one filled with various types of pokemon as well as various types of furniture, starting from couches to finished with televisions.

"… That's… wow," Max commented, hardly believing what he was seeing.

"I'm not the kind to brag, but we are pretty proud of what we have here for pokemon."

"You don't say," Jeff replied, raising his head to check the ceiling, seeing a few flying pokemon.

Quickly, the group got noticed by a couple of pokemon. Quickly, most of them went back to their previous occupation while some kept staring at them, especially at Max.

"Say…" Max started, a bit uncomfortable. "You said this is where you kept most of them, so where are the others?"

"Glad you asked. Follow me."

Doing as told, Max and Jeff followed the nurse through the room while passing next to some pokemon. As they were walking, Max began to feel that more and more glares were landing on him. Quickly looking around, he saw a few pokemon whispering to each other.

"Looks like one of you is quite popular. I rarely saw that many pokemon getting that interested in newcomers."

{Yeah, I wonder why?} May quipped while looking at Max with a grin.

"Maybe it's not me." he lowly guessed.

{Pretty sure it is.} Bonny replied, still a bit upset.

Still following the nurse with Max receiving some smiles here and there, both of them finally arrived at a door that was further in the room. After passing it, they were now all outside with a large, ten feet tall, rock wall surrounding a grassy and also vast terrain, with only the sun to illuminate the zone. Pokemon were also scattered everywhere, but less than inside and mostly small or very young-looking pokemon.

"Damn, that's a pokemon paradise here," Max commented.

"No pokemon have ever complained about this place yet." the nurse replied proudly.

"But why the rock wall?" Jeff asked.

"To protect them from other pokemon or even humans."

"Humans? Why?"

"Like I told you, some of them have been put here after being abused by their trainer, so we offer shelter from them so they can recover in peace."


"We can assure you that none of them lack anything and we do our best effort to keep them happy and healthy."

"Didn't expect less from a pokemon center," Jeff replied.

"Have you made your choice yet? Or do you need some time?" the nurse inquired.

"Hmmm… they all look awesome and cool. Can't decide."

"You can take any pokemon you want, but if I may make a suggestion, I would recommend choosing a young or inexperienced pokemon."

"Why?" Jeff wondered.

"Your bond with your pokemon will be better if you can grow with them. Older and experienced ones already have their journeys that they have done on their own, but a shared one is way more rewarding."

"I understand."

"They are more likely to work with you in battles and develop a way to fight alongside you."

"I see," Jeff replied, looking around.

"If you want, I can let you have some time to choose." the nurse proposed.

"I would like that, thanks."

"Alright. Once you choose, come back to the entrance hall so I can register your new companion."

"No problem."

"See you later then." the nurse wished before leaving them.

After the nurse got back inside, Jeff went back to his companion hunting.

"Which one should I take?" Jeff asked Max.

"I can't really decide for you buddy. Why don't you just head over there to see if one takes a liking to you."


At that, Jeff then left Max to go roam around. Quickly, some of them came to greet him with very few keeping their distance from him.

"Well, might as well take a break," Max announced before heading towards a part of the rocky wall.

Followed by Bonny and Dusk, Max dropped May and sat on the ground with his back against the wall.

{Which one do you think he'll choose master?} Dusk asked.

"Hard to tell. They all seem nice." Max answered while look at Jeff, who was surrounded by an oddish, a paras, an aipom, a machop, and a few more.

While looking around, Max noticed that Bonny was rather quiet. Looking at her, he saw that she was looking quite thoughtful.

"… I'm sorry for teasing you earlier Bonny." Max apologized.

{It's okay. I'm not mad, really.}

"Is something the matter then?"


"Does it have a link with the male lopunny we saw?"

{O-of course not. I couldn't care less about another male that isn't you.} she retorted, looking away.

"… Okay, if you say so."

Leaving her alone, Max looked around for a moment until he wanted to break the awkward silence.

"Well, might as well go take a look too. What do you think girls?" Max proposed before standing up.

{Sure.} May agreed while she and Dusk stood up as well.

{I'll… just stay here.} Bonny told.

"Okay. Just stay out of trouble."

{Like always.} Bonny reassured with a small smile.

With Max also giving a small smile, he and his two other companions left Bonny on her own. Across the field, Jeff had moved further as he was greeting other pokemon. As Max was walking towards him, a small group of small pokemon interrupted them. The group was consisting of a pancham, a slurpuff, and a pansage.

{Hey, what's your name?} the pancham asked May.

{Hemm… May.}

{Do you want to come play with us, May?}

Before answering, May wanted her master's approbation by looking at him.

{Go ahead, sweetie.} Max encouraged.

{Thanks master.} she thanked before leaving with them.

"… She's so cute," Max mumbled.

{May is very social.} Dusk shared.

"Yeah, something we don't have in common," Max told, starting to walk again.

{You don't like being around others?}

"Not a lot. It's different with you and the other girls, but in general, I'm the solitary type."

{Oh, I see. If you ever feel the need to be alone, don't be afraid to tell master, I won't be mad or sad.}

"And be away from a pretty and cute girl like you? That would be terrible." Max reassured, petting his braixen.

{T-thanks.} she shyly replied, blushing slightly.

A moment later, Max was behind Jeff.

"How's the hunt so far?"

"Not well. I just can't decide." He answered, now petting an eevee.

"That eevee looks neat. Eevees can evolve into different types of pokemon, so it could be a good start so you can take your time to decide which type you want later on."

"Can they evolve into a steel type?"

"I don't think so, but they can evolve into a fire type."

"Neat indeed. I think you may be one of my main choices buddy." Jeff announced to the pokemon.

{Thanks.} the pokemon happily replied while swinging its tail.

"I'm gonna keep continuing my tour. Stay in sight buddy." Jeff told after a last petting.

After Jeff left, the eevee then more or less followed him, hoping he would choose him.

"Poor Jeff, it must be hard for him to choose between so many pokemon that want to go with him," Max commented.

{That eevee seemed to have liked him a lot.} Dusk said.

"Do you think he will choose him?"

{The chances are pretty high.}

After chuckling, Max saw another small group of pokemon close to another part of the wall, but with bigger ones, consisting of a monferno, a pignite, and a houndoom. By the look of it, they were probably belonging to the strong ones but were outside so they could have fun with their flames like they were doing at the moment. Max then noticed that Dusk was staring at them.

"Do you want to join them?"

{Hemm… n-not really.} she responded, obvious she was lying.

"Come on," Max replied before taking her hand and pulled her towards them.

{It's… not necessary, master.} Dusk told shyly.

"Come on my pretty, you have to open up a bit."

Barely protesting, Dusk kept being pulled by Max by the hand until they were next to them.

"Hey, guys. I was wondering if you would let my pretty braixen hang out with you?"

{… Sure, why not.} the pignite answered.

{A fire type is always welcome.} the monferno expressed.

"Thanks," Max replied, leaving Dusk's hand.

{And I'm a girl, thank you very much.} the houndoom corrected a bit arrogantly.

"Oh, sorry miss. Guys and gal then." Max apologized with a small bow. "Have fun pretty girl," he added before petting his fire-type pokemon and leaving.

{Your trainer can understand us?} the monferno queried.

{Y-yes, thanks to a psychic member of our group.}

{… He seems nice.} the pignite commented.

{He… he really is.}

{Also good looking if I might say.} the houndoom shared while looking at him moving away. {And don't even talk about his scent. I could just gnaw on him. In a good way of course.} she continued with a lewd tone.

{Hemm…} Dusk hummed shyly.

{Calm down Sheeva or you're gonna make a heat burst again.} the monferno told.

{Heat burst?} Dusk repeated.

{Sheeva here is so perverted that every time she sees a male she likes, she almost enters estrus immediately.}

{Shut up Ridge. There is no shame in liking to have fun from time to time. You should try someday.} the houndoom retorted, known as Sheeva.

{I'm not a slut like someone here.} Ridge spat, the monferno.

{Who's the slut now?} Sheeva growled.

{Guys, stop it now.} the pignite intervened, moving between both of them.

{She's the one that started it.} Ridge protested.

{And I always finish what I start.} Sheeva retorted lewdly, making the pignite sigh desperately.

{Sorry for that. Those two are in love but they can't find the courage, to be honest about it.} the pignite apologized kindly to Dusk.

{N-no problem.} Dusk reassured.

{As if I would like someone like her.} Ridge denied before huffing.

{Same for me. You're too stuck up for my taste.} Sheeva replied a bit haughtily.

{Fuck you.}

{You wish.}

At that, the pignite sighed one more time as Dusk couldn't contain a giggle.

On Max's side, the human was walking through the place while greeting more pokemon. He couldn't really tell why, but most pokemon that were approaching him were almost female only, from what he could tell anyway. Unfortunately, a lot of pokemon don't have gender dimorphism, so it was rather hard to tell what gender they were. Luckily, it was just a minority as most of them have it. Then, as a few were moving away, Max noticed that a pokemon was all alone in a corner of the place with no pokemon around it in a certain radius. The pokemon was an absol and seemed to be female as the blade on its head was rather short. The absol was lying on her belly and had its head resting on its front paw. For a moment, Max wondered if he should go see her or leave her alone. However, he could tell by her look that maybe she didn't especially want to be all by herself, so Max slowly began to walk towards her.

"Mind if I… sit there?" Max asked when next to her.

Only looking at him with the corner of her eyes without moving her head, she shrugged her shoulders in a 'I don't care' manner.

"Thanks." he thanked before sitting next to her. "The name is Max by the way, and I can understand pokemon speech."

{… Really?} she replied with a rather morose tone.


{That's… cool I guess.} she simply said before looking straight forwards again.

"It is, and I am in the best place to tell," Max told, trying to break the ice.

However, the absol didn't seem to react at all.

"So… mind me asking if everything is okay… or is it none of my business?"

{… That and why should you care anyway?}

"Well, because I really care for pokemon."

{… If you say so. Anyway, you shouldn't stay close to me and stay away like the others.}

"Why? That would be mean."

{You… don't know what an absol is all about, don't you?}

"All about?"

{Hmpf, I understand now.}

Not knowing what she was talking about, Max took his pokedex out and searched for absol info.

"Absol," Max mumbled. "The disaster pokemon. Still a mystery to humans, absol seem to be always present or nearby when a disaster strikes. Some say it's to warn their surroundings from the danger, others say that they are at the origin of those disasters. Unfortunately, absols are not very appreciated by humans and pokemon, believing the latter most and avoiding them as much as possible." Max read. "Damn. I'm sorry to hear that," he added before putting a hand on her back.

This time, she did react and looked at him aggressively and almost growled.

"Sorry." he apologized, quickly withdrawing his hand.

{… I don't care. My mom used to always say that it's the fate of an absol.} she told after calming down.

"Which is?"

{… Being hated by others. We can sense disasters before they happen, and we get blamed for them.}

"That's… quite unfair actually," Max replied, feeling bad for her.

{That's how things are. Can't do much about it.}


{Now you know why the others keep their distance from me.}

"… How long have you been here?"

{Almost a year. Why?}

"Surely no disaster happened here in one year, so why do the others still treat you like this?"

{… Don't know. Maybe they think something will happen to them if they fraternize with me.}

"That's stupid."

{… But what do 'you' think about it? Aren't you scared or afraid that something might happen to you if you're close to me?}

"Not really. I believe you in that absols just sense disasters rather than provoking it. Even if it was the case, that would be pretty unfair to treat you differently just because of that."

Turning her head towards him, the absol looked at Max for a moment.

{That's… very nice of you to say.}

"I'm like this."

After looking straight forward again, the absol seemed hesitant about something for a moment. Then, slowly but surely, she crawled from the side towards Max until she was almost touching him.

{You… can pet me… if you want to.} she told, blushing a bit.


{Y-yeah, go ahead.} she replied rather calmly.


Carefully, Max then gives the pokemon a stroke with his hand from her neck to her lower back.

"Like I expected, your fur is extra soft."

{Thanks. You can pet me more if you want to.}

"Are you sure? I don't want to abuse your charity."

{Don't worry.}

"Hehe, alright."

In the distance and still at the same place, Bonny kept looking around while being a bit thoughtful. After a little while, the male lopunny from before passed the door alongside a charmeleon and a scrafty. Thinking it will change something, Bonny hide her face by turning it around and shield it with one paw.

{What are you doing?} a voice above her said.

Rising her head, Bonny saw Luna in her liepard form sitting on top of the rock wall.

{Nothing.} Bonny answered, revealing her face.

{You know you're the only lopunny around here, right?} Luna replied before jumping down, next to Bonny. {Well, besides that nice-looking male lopunny over there.} she added while sitting.

{R-really? I haven't noticed him.} Bonny lied, trying her best to look everywhere but at the male lopunny.

{…Riiight.} Luna retorted, rolling her eyes.

{Now that you're here, why staying in that form?} Bonny asked, changing the subject.

{Humans and pokemon tend to be… a bit too cautious because of my appearance, so a more friendly form is more convenient.} Luna explained.

{Fair enough.}

As Bonny was sweeping the field with her eyes, Luna couldn't help but notice that Bonny's sight was often going towards the male lopunny.

{Ahh, the first crush. I remember when I got mine. I was so young and naive back there.}

{W-what are you talking about?} Bonny inquired, feigning ignorance.

{Come on little lopunny, you can lie to yourself, but you're gonna have to try harder if you want to lie to me. It's pretty obvious that the handsome lopunny has caught your eyes.}

{Don't exaggerate. He may not look half bad, but he's just… well, a male, that's all. Master is still way better than him.}

{Then why do your eyes always land more on that lopunny instead of your master?}

Staying silent, Bonny began to feel uncomfortable.

{You don't have to feel bad about it. It's only natural to be attracted to your species.}

{I'm not attracted.} Bonny protested. {I'm just…}

{… Curious?}

{… Maybe.} confessed Bonny.

{Why don't you go speak to him then?}

{I…can't do that. I mean, what will I tell him?}

{I don't know, and I suggest that you find it fast.}

{What are you…}

Looking in front of her, Bonny quickly understood what she meant when she saw the male lopunny walking towards her.

{Good luck.} wished Luna before standing up and walked away.

Passing next to him, Luna smiled at the male lopunny while proceeding to leave them alone.

{Mind if I… sit there?} the male lopunny asked nicely when in front of her.

{Hemm…} Bonny hummed, very uncomfortable.

Quickly trying to look around, Bonny saw Max in the distance with an absol and seemed to be having a bit of fun with her. At that moment, she couldn't help but feel slightly jealous.

{S-sure.} Bonny finally accepted with a light blush.

{Thanks.} he thanked her while sitting next to her. {So, I'm guessing that one of them is your trainer.} he started while looking at the two humans.

{M-mine is with that absol.} she shyly replied.

{I see. He seems nice.}

{He really is.}

{I can't help but feel a bit envious sometimes.}


{Don't know. The adventure, the encounters… All those things that make traveling with a human look cool.}

{… It does have its moment.} Bonny shared, not sure of what to tell.

{But there's always a chance to end up with the wrong human, you know.}

{Y-yeah. I was lucky to get a good one.}

{Must be great. Oh, and I'm Koko by the way.}

{I-I know.}

{Ah, right. You must have heard it when you first arrived.} Koko replied, making Bonny look away in embarrassment. {Don't be embarrassed, I've seen worst.}


{May I ask you your name?}


{Nice to meet you, Bonny.} Koko greeted, presenting one of his paws.

{N-nice to meet you too.} Bonny greeted back before awkwardly shaking it with hers.

{Hope you don't mind me being that friendly right off the bat.}

{Not… really.} Bonny half lied.

{It's just that when I saw you, I told myself that it would be a crime not to go say hi to such a beautiful specimen.}

{T-thanks… but…}

{Oh, sorry. Maybe I was a bit too blunt. It's an old habit of mine. I'm a really friendly guy, but I tend to be maybe a bit too friendly sometimes. Pardon my indelicacy.}

{N-no, it's okay. I'm not used to be hit on.}

{Oh no, don't get me wrong. I don't seek anything else than friendship, that's all. If you don't mind that is.}

At this point, Bonny was still uncomfortable around him but told herself that it couldn't hurt just to speak with one of her species.

{Well, if it doesn't go beyond that, then I don't mind.}

{No problem. Pardon my curiosity, but is it because you're already taken?}

{P-pretty much, yes.}

{I'm not really surprised. I'm guessing with one of your trainer's pokemon.}

{…Yeah.} Bonny lied.

{I wouldn't mind meeting him because I didn't saw any male getting in with you.}

{Oh, h-he stayed at the motel where my trainer and the others are gonna spend the night.}

{… I see. It makes sense then.}

{… Yeah.} Bonny awkwardly replied.

{So, mind me giving you a tour of the place?}

{Oh…I've already seen a bit with my master when we first came in.}

{But you didn't see everything.}

{… I guess not.}

{If it's okay with you that is.} Koko said while presenting his paw after standing up.

{… Okay.} Bonny accepted, taking it.

After Koko helped her stand, both of them began to head towards the building entrance. While doing so, she couldn't help but look at Max with a worried face.

As he was talking and having fun with the absol, Max noticed Bonny getting up with the male lopunny. When she looked towards him, he couldn't help but feel uncomfortable when he saw her with him, slightly jealous even.

{You okay?} the absol asked.

"…Yeah, don't worry." Max lied as he saw Bonny and Koko going inside.

{If you don't mind… what kind of… relation do you have with your pokemon?} she shyly asked.

"Why are you asking?"

{Just… by curiosity, that's all.}

For a moment, Max looked at the absol, wondering if he should tell her.

{W-whatever may be the answer, I won't tell anyone.} the absol reassured.

"…Well, let's just say that our relationship is… beyond just friendship."

{…Oh.} the absol replied with a heavy blush, embarrassed. {With… everyone or… just one?}

"… Everyone."

{I… see.} the absol said, even more embarrassed. {So… does that mean you…}

"… I what?"

{You do… those kinds of… things… with them?} the absol inquired, hardly able to look at him.

"…Yeah. You could say that." Max confessed, now being the one embarrassed.

{Oh. Lucky them.} the absol muttered.

"What was that?"

{Oh, n-nothing.} the dark pokemon lied.

"… Okay. Say, sorry for saying it only now, but I didn't even catch your name."

{It's Trisha.}

"Wow. Pretty name."

{Thanks.} she replied, blushing again. {It's the name they give me here. I can't complain, it is a pretty one.}

"A pretty name for a pretty girl." Max complimented.

Trisha then looked at him with slightly widening eyes.

"I mean, absols are pretty pokemon, so I guess it's only natural to give them a pretty name, you know.} Max tried to correct.

{I-I s-suppose.} the absol replied nervously.

Then, an awkward silence settled between them. Fortunately, they were saved by Jeff who arrived near them with the eevee in his arms.

"Hey dude, I've made my choice. This little guy will be my partner in crime."

"Nice choice." Max praised, standing up. "I'm sure you're gonna be a strong pokemon buddy," he told before petting the eevee.

{I'm gonna try my best.} the little brown pokemon replied.

"So? Ready for a battle?"

"Well, all of my pokemon are gone."

"Oh. I thought that absol was one of yours."

"Not really. I was just keeping her company."

"Hmm, that sucks then. I really wanted a pokemon battle."

"Besides, you don't have the ergowatch yet to make battles safe."

"Oh, right," Jeff remembered before putting his eevee down. "I do have one." he continued before withdrawing an ergowatch from a pocket. "I wanted to put it on as soon as I got my first pokemon." he finished before strapping it on his wrist.

"You already have one?"

"Yeah. I wanted to be all prepared before coming here."

"Good thinking, but I'm still 'pokemon less' now."

At this moment, Max then saw May running with a few other small pokemon nearby.

"May!" called Max.

{Yes?} she answered after stopping.

"Can you come here for a minute?"

{Sure, master.}

Quickly, May was next to him.

"Jeff wants a battle, so do you mind giving him his first one?"

{Not at all master.}

"Thanks. She agreed."

"Cool. Maybe we should go to a more spacious place."


At that, Max, Jeff, May, and surprisingly the absol went to a battle zone in a corner of the wall that was made of sand. Upon arriving, two pokemon were already fighting; a machop and a tyrogue, mostly wrestling with a few other pokemon watching them. Quite intrigued, all four of them joined to watch them as well. After a few blows trade, Max was half surprised to see the machop win as he was looking stronger than the tyrogue.

{Good match.} the machop told his defeated opponent before helping him to stand.

{Not really since I lost again.} the tyrogue replied while standing up.

{You did better than last time, so give yourself some time.}

{If you say so.} the tyrogue retorted before leaving, a bit frustrated.

After sighing, the machop looked at the two humans.

{Are you looking for a battle?} the machop asked them.

"Yeah. Jeff here and I want to have a battle, so if it's okay with you."

{Sure. Looking at a battle instead of taking part is a good change of pace.} the machop responded before leaving the battle zone.

After both nodded at each other, Max and Jeff went to two different extremities of the battle zone.

"Is it me or can you understand pokemon very easily?" Jeff queried after letting his eevee down so he could get into position.

"Yeah. Thanks to a very lovable and faithful pokemon on my team, I can understand pokespeech," replied Max as May was getting in position as well.

"That's cool. I wish I could understand them like that as well."



"All right," Max began before kneeling behind May. "Go easy on him please sweetie," he whispered.

{Sure thing master.}

"Now I'm ready as well," Max announced before reaching for his watch.

After Jeff did the same, a small dome shield appeared around the two pokemon.

"You can start," Max told to Jeff.

"Okay eevee, let's start with a nice Charge attack," Jeff commanded.

{Roger.} the eevee acknowledged before charging at May.

Since he was not much of a threat, May didn't bother dodging and blocked instead. Upon the impact, May barely moved backward without feeling anything. For the eevee it was like he had just charged against a cushioned wall.

"Wow! You're mawile is pretty tough," Jeff declared.

"We've been practicing for a while now."

"I see. How about some Scratches eevee."

{Roger,} the brown pokemon replied before dashing towards the mawile again.

With its claw faintly glowing, the eevee attacked May with multiple Scratches attack, at which the mawile only blocked again.

"Brush him off May," Max commanded as May was taking very little damage.

Understanding, May then used her giant maw and hit the eevee to the side with moderated force, propelling him a little to her left.

"Geez, she's quite strong too."

"Indeed. "

"Well, it won't stop us, isn't that right, eevee?" Jeff claimed as his pokemon was standing up.

{Of course not.} the pokemon agreed, still wanting to fight.

"Go for a Sand-Attack."

Nodding, the eevee turned around and began to use his hind paws to throw a huge amount of sand at May. Since they were on already sandy ground, the attack efficiently was doubled, completely blinding her.

"Good job eevee. Now use Charge on her back."

"Greet him with your hardest jaw May," Max ordered while the eevee was moving behind May.

As soon as the brown pokemon charged at her, May's giant maw teeth began to glow in a metallic color and readied a Steel Fang attack. Literally throwing himself at the wolf's maw, May closed her maw and threw him forwards after he took heavy damage from Steel Fang. On its side and on the ground, the eevee tried his best to stand up again but fell when he was mid-way, unable to continue.

"Good match Jeff." Max praised after deactivating the shield dome.

"Thanks, but I was no match for you." Jeff conceded while taking his weakened pokemon in his arms.

"Give yourself some time. Today was your first match ever, but after a couple more, you and your pokemon will start getting better."

"… Okay. Thanks again for helping me."

"No problem."

"I think I'm gonna take eevee to the nurse so he can recover."

"Good idea. Just by curiosity, have you thought about a name for your eevee."

"… Not really actually, thanks for reminding me. I'm gonna think about it at home tonight before starting my journey tomorrow."

"Great. Good luck with that."

"Thanks again." thanked Jeff one last time before leaving him to get inside.

"Good job as usual May." Max praised before grabbing his mawile in his arms.

{Thanks master.} May thanked before nuzzling her master a bit.

{I must admit that your mawile looks quite strong,} the machop told after getting near them.

"Yeah, my little sweetheart has been through some hard training, but the results are worth it," Max affirmed while petting his small pokemon.

{I can see that. Say, mind if I spare with her?}

"I don't know, what do you say sweetie?" Max asked, looking at her.

{I don't mind.}

"All right." he started before dropping her down. "Just be careful with her; I don't want my cute pokemon being hurt."

{No problem mister, I train with others all the time and I never injured any of them. I can sense the limit of my opponent.} the machop reassured.

"Cool. Have fun then."

With May smiling, both of them went to the sand ring so she and the machop could do some friendly sparring.

{... And here is where the humans make us food,} Koko pointed out as he was showing Bonny the kitchen of the building.

{Is it good?} Bonny asked.

{Why don't you try it yourself?} Koko replied before going in front of a sliding door.

After he opened it, Bonny was quite surprised to see how deep the pantry was going with lots of racks filled with pokemon food. When both of them were inside, Koko went over to a zone designed for normal-type pokemon. After grabbing something, he tossed it at Bonny.

{… What is this?} Bonny inquired as she had a rather flabby black ball of food.

{It's a very nutritive meal for a vegetarian normal-type. Try it.}

Doing as told, Bonny then took a bite of it.

{Wow. It tastes good.} she exclaimed while munching on the food.

{Isn't it? The humans here always do their best to make the tastiest and healthiest food for us.}

{It resembles a little paradise here.}

{And yet, I haven't shown you the best part. This way.} Koko told before exiting the pantry and kitchen.

{Is it really okay for me to eat your food?} Bonny asked as they were walking through a hallway with her still having her spherical meal.

{Don't worry about it, there's plenty of it as you were able to see.}

{Yeah, but I don't belong here.}

{No one will say anything, I promise.}

{… Okay.}

After they passed the hallway, they were back to the main hall where the majority of the pokemon were before they took another hallway. At the bottom of it was a single door.

{What's behind that door?}

Answering with a smile, Koko opened the door to reveal a dormitory. The place was composed of a couple of oddly shaped round bunk beds with a weird but comfy-looking mattress on them.

{The best place on earth; the sleeping area.} Koko presented.

{Wow! That… looks cozy.}

{It is,} he began before sitting on one of them. {Try it.}

{Hmm…} Bonny hummed uncomfortably.

{Come on, it's just a bed we use only to sleep on.}

{Sleep? You don't do… things, on it?}

{Not really. Firstly because it could disturb the others, and secondly, we have an area specially made for that?}

{You have a zone only for… mating?} Bonny replied, a bit surprised.

{Yeah. It's up there,} Koko told while pointing behind him with his thumb. {I can show you if you want.}

{N-no, that's okay.} Bonny refused.

{All right. It's only filled with simple but very thick tatami, so there's not much to see anyway.}

{A tatami?} Bonny wondered.

{A human creation. It resembles a carpet, but it's a lot thicker to absorb impacts.}

{Impacts?} Bonny repeated.

{Yeah well, you know how wild pokemon can be when it comes to mating. Conventional beds wouldn't be resilient enough and would break within seconds after starting. I'm guessing however that I'm not teaching you that since you already have a mate.}

{Y-yeah, of course,} Bonny retorted with a small feeling of shame.

{I bet you do it like a savage when your master is not around.}

{…Well, he's the caring type, so…}

{Ah, I see. It has its perks too I guess if you are the docile type. Just as long as he doesn't mate like a human.}

{What is that supposed to mean?} Bonny demanded slightly aggressively.

{It means what it means. Every pokemon knows that humans are basically weak, and it's even more flagrant when it comes to mating. They can barely make a bed squeak when they do it.}

{Well… f-from what I've heard they're very good with their fingers and tongue,} Bonny tried to defend.

{Really?} Koko replied, looking at Bonny with a raised eyebrow.

{From what I've heard,} she repeated.

For a moment, Koko stared at Bonny almost funnily before going back to a neutral one.

{If you say so. At least, they caught up with something else, so good for them I suppose. Anyway, I'm not into humans, so I don't really care actually. However, what I care about now is you trying the bed.}

For a few seconds, Bonny hesitated.

{… O-okay, but don't get the wrong idea, all right?} Bonny complied before sitting next to him.

{Please Miss Bonny, I'm a gentleman. I'll never attempt something against someone's will,} Koko reassured.

{I hope. I'm a loyal girl you know.} Bonny clarified.

{And so am I. I hope it's the same for your mate.} Koko told before letting himself fall on his back on the bed.

Upon hearing him, Bonny couldn't help but think about Max doing it with the other members of the team. After that, him doing it with that absol. Those images weren't making her all that mad, but not happy either. Was she getting jealous and possessive? She then looked at Koko. She couldn't deny that he was very handsome and masculine. Maybe she could-

(No! What are you thinking Bonny? You love master, and no one deserves you better than him.) she thought while shaking her head rather strongly.

{You okay?} Koko inquired, a bit worried.

{Y-yeah yeah, don't worry. Just… some parasitic thoughts, that's all.}

{Oh, okay. You should lie down too, maybe it will help you feel better.}

{I… shouldn't…}

{You have to feel it.}

{I'm already feeling it.}

{I mean with your entire body.}

At this point, Bonny was finding him a bit too insistent for her taste. However, the bed was indeed feeling good, even with just her rear, so decided to give it a shot and laid down next to Koko.

{Whoa!} Bonny exclaimed lowly, feeling her muscles already relaxing. {It is really comfortable.}

{Told you. We spend the best nights on these. Once you sleep in one of these, you will never want to go back on the mere ground or even a simple bed after that.}

{I can tell. I wish master had one of these, but it's too big for his backpack.}

{… Well, if you stay here, that wouldn't be a problem.}

{… What?} Bonny exclaimed before quickly sitting up.

{Think about it. This place is wonderful and you won't lack anything here. Plus, I don't talk about the fun you could have. Your mate could stay too of course, but don't expect him to stay 'that' loyal around here, so might as well enjoy yourself while you're at it.} Koko tried to convince while sitting up as well.

{What is that supposed to mean?} Bonny rejoined, a bit aggressively.

{Well, there's a lot of very good-looking females here, so he might be tempted at some point.}

{Are you implying that I'm not sexy enough to satisfy my male?} Bonny retorted, getting upset.

{Of course not. You are a pretty and beautiful lopunny. I just meant to say that there are pretty interesting other specimens here.}

{I am too, as well as my master.} she replied aggressively while standing up from the bed.

However, upon realizing what she just said, Bonny put her paws on her mouth in shame.

{Your… master?} Koko repeated, looking at Bonny suspiciously.

{Hmm… well…} she nervously mumbled.

{I guess it explains a bit then.} Koko told, not looking fazed. {The way you were talking and not looking interested in anyone one here spoke for itself.}

{I'm still sticking to what I said about being loyal.}

{Really? Is there really no one that has caught your eyes here?} Koko replied seductively.

Remaining silent, Bonny looked away with a faint blush.

{Quick question; with which kind of pokemon did you do it before going with your human?}

{… N-none.} Bonny muttered.

{What was that?}

{I said none. Master is my first one, and my last.}

{Oh, so you never did it with another pokemon? Hmm, no wonder why you look so unsatisfied.} Koko jeered, a bit haughtily.

{I. Am. Satisfied.} Bonny almost growled

{Are you sure? You know, I could show you what real mating is like if you give me the chance.}

{… You're joking, right?} Bonny rejoined, looking at him with almost a disgusted face.

{I'm just proposing.}

{… Go to hell, jerk.} Bonny spat before turning around to leave.

{Hmpf, females.} Koko muttered nonchalantly.

After almost violently opening the door, Bonny was now again in the main hall and very mad-looking. While walking towards the entrance, she came across Max that was walking with the absol.

"You okay Bonny?" Max asked, worried.

{I'm fine.} she answered aggressively, going past him.

Rather confused, Max stared at Bonny until she was out of the building.

"… I'm gonna go see what's wrong," Max announced before leaving the absol to chase Bonny.

{O-okay. I'm just… gonna… wait here.} the absol replied a bit sad after looking at him leave.

When out of the building, Max saw her heading towards the street.

"Bonny! Wait!" Max called, running at her.

With her ignoring him, Max caught up to her on the street.

"Bonny, please! Can you wait up a bit?" Max inquired before putting a hand on one of her shoulders, making her stop.

{… I said I'm fine.}

"And you expect me to believe that?"

{… You believe whatever you want.}


{Just… leave me alone, please.} she demanded before starting to walk again.

Feeling powerless, Max could only look at Bonny walking away from him. For a moment, he was strongly feeling worried until anger began to rise.

"What did that son of a bitch do to her," he growled before heading inside again.

{… Max! I was worried you left.} the absol exclaimed, relieved when Max was once again in the main hall of the pokemon zone.

"Sorry for leaving you like that." Max apologized before briefly petting the pokemon.

{It's okay. I can tell she means a lot to you.}

"She really does," Max confirmed while looking around.

Then, he spotted the one that was the main suspect in making Bonny mad.

"Hey! You!" Max called when close to Koko.

{… Me?} the male lopunny answered after turning around.

"Yes. I don't know what you did to my Bonny, but I suggest to you that you leave her alone from now on." Max warned.

{What makes you think I did anything?} Koko answered, a bit provocatively.

"The last time I saw her she was with you."

{…Well, she was with me, but her fragile personality is none of my concern.}

"… Just, stay away from her."

{… Hehe. A human threatening a pokemon, that's quite amusing. Do yourself a favor and leave before things get too hot for you.} Koko threatened before pushing Max.

Being stronger than expected, Max backed up quite a lot and almost tripped. At this moment, both of them had attracted a lot of attention.

"You little…" Max growled before starting to walk towards the lopunny.

But before Max could get close, a liepard got between them before transforming into a zoroark, making some pokemon around gasp in surprise.

"What are you doing Luna?" Max demanded while she was facing him.

{He's not worthy of your time little pup.}

"He did something to Bonny and I won't let him get away with this."

{Bonny is a big girl, all right? Do you really think causing havoc here will make things better?} she scolded with crossed arms.

"I can't just stand there and do nothing."

{Yes you can, and that's what you will do.} Luna replied while glaring at Max with an unamused expression.

For a moment, both of them stared at each other until Max understood that he can't have the last word against her.

"…Grha, whatever," Max grunted before leaving the place once again.

{Good riddance.} Koko snickered before turning around to leave.

{Hold on there, you cheeky young one.} Luna interrupted before turning to face the lopunny.

{What?} Koko replied, facing the zoroark as well.

{I don't know what you did to my human or my lopunny friend, but you better watch yourself.}


{Or otherwise,} Luna cut before putting her claws under Koko's chin. {You could come across someone that has very limited patience and could just do…anything, you got it?} Luna threatened with her usual intimidating power.

Unable to answer, only fear could be seen in the lopunny's eyes.

{Glad that we understand each other. I'm also gonna warn you; stay away from them. May, Dusk, let's go.} Luna called when she saw them in the distance.

Without saying a word, Luna and the two others went outside before Luna took her liepard appearance.

{You two should get back to the motel. That's probably where he and Bonny have gone.} Luna commanded before disappearing through the roof of the houses.

{I hope they're okay.} Dusk said before she and May began to head back towards the motel.

{Me too. I don't know what happened but master looked angry.}

{Maybe we can ask.}

{I think we should wait until he cools down a bit before.}


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