
84:Lang Jue.

The referee asked Wang Wei in a respectful attitude " Senior do you need some time to recover your stamina. If so, you can return to your room and come before evening to challenge other top 10. "

Wang Wei replied while sitting at one of the seats placed for referees and competitors to rest " No need, I will recover here in a few minutes. You continue others match while I rest. "

The referee nodded and informed other challengers to start their respective matches.

Wang Wei sat down on the open field and absorbed the sunlight to replenish his lost blood energy and physical strength.

While using holy inner energy to treat the injuries he suffered from Han Li's steel hand.

As Wang Wei his restoring his lost energy in the sunlight.

The emperor, peak innate masters and those who know something about innate masters looked at Wang Wei with a solemn expression.

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