
Chapter 5:

"...Grate. How wonderful," I said sarcastically, knowing I couldn't really stop her at this point.

"That was a reaction I wasn't expecting."

"It is?"

"Yeah, usually they go wild trying to get them free."

"Hmm, I see what you mean but what's the point in that, and I can always just..." I said before disappearing from the table and reappearing a sitting on a chair on the other side of the room. "Teleport away, but again, what is the point in that if I don't know what you have done with me," I said, grabbing the drip stand that teleported with me. Once I grabbed it, I felt that there were 4 bags hanging from it.

"Hmm, it seems there is more to your powers than needs the eye. Pun not attended." The Demon Queen said, intrigued.

"Sigh, I hope so. About my powers, you are correct about it. I don't always need eyes to know about what is going on around me."

"That's quite intriguing."

"Do explain what you are doing to my body."

"No, please?"

"I will rip out your heart the moment I get the chance if you don't explain to me what you have done to my body," I said, moving my head to a corner of the room where the demon king was standing looking over us.

"How stingy." The demon queen said, sounding as if the threat didn't even bother her.

"Well, first of your eyes. I gave you new ones that will be better fitted to your powers and speed."

"What is it going to give me a better vision or something."

"Well, it's something like that. These eyes greatly increase your reflexes and perceptive abilities. It also gives you the ability to remember everything you see."

"Like a photographic memory?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

'This kind of sounds like a nock of from those red eyes anime characters.' I thought, holding in my chuckle.

"Are they red?"

"No?" The Demon Queen said, confused at my question.

"Ah, I see. Do go on."

"The other thing is a bit of your appearance has changed."

"Was it because of you doing something or my eyes?"

"I am not sure."

"How can you not be sure?"

"Well, I injected you with some injections, and I made that eyes."

"I see. There were some stories about a high up demon that loved to do experiences with humans and things, if I remember correctly. I presume you are that demon? The name was the Devil Doctor or something." I said, feeling the bandages over my eyes.

"Aah, yes, that's what you humans call me." The Demon Queen said happily.

"Why do you sound so happy?"

"Because you know about me."

"And why does that make you happy."

"Because then I don't need to explain much about your new mother."


"I thought your quick on the uptake. I said-"

"I heard what you said, and I refuse."

"What, why?"

"I know my country betrayed me and all but fuck, that doesn't mean I hate humanity and will join the enemies," I said aggressively.

"We have a peace treaty, though. That will make it possible." The Demon Queen said, confused.

"That doesn't help much you guys were still enemies. No matter what, the people that still love me would think I am a traitor. Even with this peace treaty."

"But you haven't even read the peace treaty." The demon king said, making me think for a second.

"... you have a point. Fine, give it to me so I can read it." I said, stretching out my hand.




"Should I tell you about it?" The demon king finally said after a long awkward silence.

"...yes please," I said, turning my head away towards a wall.

"Ahem, I am just going to give you a summary. You can read it when your eyes are healed." The king said, coughing.

"I guess that's better, so I know you aren't lying to me."

"Exactly. The first one is that we aren't at war anymore. Humans and demons can travel between worlds as they please."

"What? Between worlds? What do you mean by that?" I asked, confused.

"Hmm, you don't know about the Sazinamis'?" The demon queen said, surprised.

"I have heard about that word, but information on it is highly classified. So I don't know what it is." I explained getting in a more relaxed position.

"I see. That makes sense that you don't know." The Demon Queen said, humming afterwards.

"Sazanamis is the term we use for the spacial fractures that you humans made into our dimension."

"We made?"

"Yes, 38 years ago, your kind was researching how to travel time."

"It happened 2 years after world war 3? Wait, wasn't that in the time of our second cold war."

"You know something."

"Just talking to myself."

"Well, anyway, because your experiment went sideways, it created the rifts that connect your world with 3 different worlds."

"Wait, so what you are telling me? I am not on earth anymore?"

"Yes, your not."

"I see, so that's what the wall is."


"When I woke up, the first thing I tried was to teleport to one of my safehouses, but I couldn't. All I felt was a wall blocking me."

"Just a wall, huh." The demon queen said.

"Anyways, go on," I said, ignoring the Demon Queen.

"Well, as I said, people can move in and between the demon realm and human realm as they please. Though there is some restriction when it comes to army personnel."

"Sigh, that just sounds dumb. Whatever, I will read it once my eyes are good. Talking about eyes, when will they be useable again."

"I am not done yet. You were traded for what is to be called South America. We call it KnewLind." The demon king interrupted before his wife could answer me.

"I was traded for dirt?"

"Yes, your ex-government gets half it back and won't pursue more land."

"Then again, why did you give the land back to them?" I mumbled to myself even though they could hear it.

"Because we also wanted this peace treaty."

"I see. The situation overseas must be that bad," I said thoughtfully.

"Yes, we haven't seen a monster or a soldier of silver in the last year, so I presume they are focusing on something else."

"Europe," I stated with a heavy expression.

"Yes, that place. Your government even asked if we could help them if needed."

"And you refuse, didn't you."

"No, on the contrary, we accepted. My exact word was. 'No problem, we are allies now with you humans.'" He said happily.

"Are you naive or something?"

"Don't let that exterior fool you or his personality. He isn't as easily fooled as you think."

"You sure about that?"

"Yes, he did bag me after all." The demon queen said smugly.

"Yeah, that was a tuff one." The demon king added.

"If you say it like that, it sounds like you have multiple partners," I said, chuckling.

"Well, that's because he does have multiple partners, dear." The demon queen said, amused.

"...Well, I didn't expect that."

"What is to be surprised about? Strong people attract a lot of attention, and attention means more women." The demon king explains plainly.

"Oh, don't worry, it goes for women as well. The stronger they are, the more men they attract if your in-"

"Don't finish that statement, and no, thank you. I don't want to have multiple girls."

"Oh, girls, you say?"

"Yes, men just don't do it for me."

"It's the hands, isn't it?"

"..." although I didn't replay, I did feel my face going beet red.

"That's a yes, and I presume you already had someone."

"Have not had."

"Sweaty, don't take this the wrong way." The demon queen said tenderly before I interrupted her again.

"Shut up. Can we just change the subject?"

"Okay, I don't know when they will be completely healed about your eyes. I, after all, don't know about human healing factors."

"Don't lie to me," I said, disappointed.

"A month or two."

"Shit, that long," I said, sighing.

"Then I guess I am stuck here until it's healed."

"No, we will start your education tomorrow if you are up to it."

"Ugh, learning," I said disdainfully.

"Yeah, you will need it. After all, you are a princess now." The demon king said, letting the bomb fall before leaving the room.

".. that's right, you are the queen and being your adopted daughter does make me a princess. Alas, a lot less standing than the rest, but I still have the title. How troublesome."

"Uh, always fast on the uptake."

"I would say that."

"Well, any more questions."

"Yes, can you give me a rundown on the size of the royal family?" I said with a serious tone.

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