
Chapter 129 - Kiema

The thing that was Asta held the now eviscerated Ferria by the neck. Ferria's entrails were dangling from the open gash in her belly.

At least she wasn't still picking at herself.

I felt the push and pull of magic as Ferria's body sack expanded to almost four times its regular size. Asta pulled it on like a sweater. As her head popped through Ferria's neck, I felt my gorge rise.

Like she was pulling a snagged thread from a sweater, Asta yanked on Ferria's spine. The length of connected bones rattled in the still air. Asta threw it down to the ground and kicked it aside.

Ferria's head tipped back to make room for Asta's head where the neck used to be. With a casual tug, Ferria's legs came off with a pulpy sounding snap. Asta, giggling now, pulled Ferria's legs on like pants.

She danced a little jig in the street. At the end, Asta wiggled her fingers in the air. Ferria's hands flapped in the wind like attached mittens.

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