
All The Same

"You worthless, spineless pig." One of the females lashed out, staring coldly at Wei Kwo.

"I was under the presumption that you were man enough to finish and clean up the mess you started. Yet, here you are, defeated and slumped back in the gutters where you initially crazed from." 


Weo Kwo slammed his fists on the table so hard blood began oozing and staining his sleeves. 

"Say it again! Say it again, I dare you!" 

He too now found his outlet to release his anger.

"Woman, don't think because I've been trying to be nice to you all, that you can talk to me the way you like. I've f**king had it with you all. Talk to me like that again one more time and I swear you will see the real Shrew in me. I may be big, but if I set my hands on your face, trust me... all that makeup on you will vanish." 


No one has ever seen Wei Kwo this furious. 

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