

"Customer, we appreciate your patronage, but any untowards manner to our staff would not be tolerated." Xiong Chen said to the man.

"Well, if you really appreciate the business I bring to your store, why are you being stingy? It's just a mere worker.. Tell you what–I'll give you a nice gift if you will give her to me.." The square-faced man dangled a bag.

Xiong Chen didn't even glance at the bag he was holding. He stared at the man coldly.

His actions reminded Xiong Chen of the kind of people that sent him to the black market before. The people who treated humans who they deem to be below them as cattles.

He stared at the man coldly, reminding himself to not be rash.

"Customer, our employees are not for sale." Xiong Chen said. "Please excuse me.."

He turned to leave the man.

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