
[Bonus chapter]He Siblings

She wondered of the possibility that she would be given the chance to meet her family in this world. However, the likelihood of that happening was slim to none.

In her previous life, she was born in the Song Clan and this body did as well. Only her other part was a descendant of the Spencer, Chang, Quinn and Griffin families. None of them had any relation to the Song Clan. There's also the fact that they were from the other world.

Since the possibility was close to nil, she decided to bury these thoughts, else it would just make her miserable.

In the morning, they came down to have breakfast in the inn.

They also saw the siblings there who looked at her as if they had been waiting.

"Young Master, thank you for the pill, I was able to recover immediately." He Ruogang cupped his hands and bowed to her. "Let me introduce myself, my surname is He and my first name is Ruogang. You may refer to me as Ruogang."

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