

The shadow of the orc, whose ponytail braided hair stretched to her waist, reached meters. Sun was about to set, and even the redness of the dawn was the pale color of her hair. Her body was covered in matte black combat armor; only the part above her lips was exposed. As her blue and red eyes watched the distance, a person approached the hill she was on called out to her.

"Nafız, preparations are complete. Whenever you want, we can launch the attack!"

The giant orc, which had a deep cut across the left side of his face, continued to walk and took his place next to the female orc. He had leather pants underneath and his upper body was completely bare. The metallic reflection of the sun's rays hitting his left arm was reflected in the sand, and different shapes were formed with the wind blowing.

"Let's wait a little longer, Alyon! They haven't shown themselves yet!"

Agreed by his comrade's decision with a slight bow of his head, the giant orc turned his gaze in the same direction as her, but there was no enemy in sight. Even though he examined it with his mechanic's left eye, he could see nothing; his anxiety was reflected in his body language.

"Calm down, my old friend. They are here. I can feel!"

A slim figure approaching Alyon in his green robes from head to toe spoke, stabbing his wand into the floor. When the energy advancing by rippling the sand reached a thousand steps away, it stopped by crashing into a wall.

"I can sense the black magic. There are evil beings under the sand. One, two, three, four, five, and the blackest, lord of the others!"

Another woman appeared to the left of Nafız. She had a sleeveless, simple fabric vest and a uniformly long skirt. Her skin color was as white as porcelain, her face was covered with freckles the same color as her hair. She opened the black-covered book in her hand and blew her breath slowly through the pages.

The tips of the pentagram-shaped magic circle formed beneath her feet shone different colors; blue, yellow, green, black, and red at the top. A rainbow-like beam of light set off, its target nowhere in the middle of the desert.

The blind eyes might imagine that, but before ten breaths passed, the beams of light hit a transparent shield and dispersed. The twilight brightened briefly and then came back even darker.

"It is rising above the ground. Be careful!"

A protruding blond-haired man was putting one knee on the ground and scanning the area of the barrier. The two large lenses in the eye area of ​​his helmet bulged outward. Immediately after his warning, the ground shook. As the distant sand disappeared into the vortex, a structure emerged.

The enormous castle was more visible to every breath, but the first part to see was the silhouette of a dragon clinging to its towers. It grasped the buildings with its claws, its tail wrapped around the walls, and with its massive wings, it covered the complete structure.

"The above-ground structure is the tip of the iceberg. Beneath the sand, complex mazes are intertwined!"

When the blonde-haired man stood up, someone else grabbed him by the shoulders, his smile almost covering his entire face.

"Look, kid. Can you see the treasures?"

Nafız turned his gaze to the man in camouflage. He was as excited as a child. Someone who had not seen the wide-spanned double machete on his back might think he was here to play.

"Watch out. The enemy is showing itself!"

The red-haired woman and the man in green spoke simultaneously, and some shadows appeared above the massive castle above the ground. Six of them were at the top of the towers, but another, disguising himself in a black cloak, stood upright at the dragon's head.

"It means you've gotten this far, orc warrior!"

The man in black spoke. The sand, caught in his voice, turned into a tsunami, aiming to engulf the six people on the hill.

"Know your place, scum!"

Two-step behind Nafız, someone took off; he was advancing alone against the giant wave. He pulled back his right fist and immediately released it. The sand in front of him punched the wall, went through it, and landed on the ground. Two breaths later, there was no such thing as sand waves. They turned into dust and mixed in the air.

"Who knew that the skinny Orc, trembling with fear in the tent of the ice-covered land, could gather such powerful allies around her?"

His voice was as dark as his image, his every word aimed at inflicting pain on the listeners' minds.

"Neither of us broke our word. In the morning, either of us will no longer be alive. I'm waiting for you at the entrance to the last dungeon if you can surpass the warriors under my command!"

Turned into a black shadow, the man disappeared. The last words were spoken. For ten breaths, silence dominated the desert, seeming to enjoy moments before the prolonged turmoil.

Then one of those standing in the towers crossed over the fortress walls, snarling as he poured the black liquid in the giant pumpkin that appeared in his hand into the sand.

"Soldiers of the curse wake up, be embodied in the desert sand. Eat on flesh and blood of the enemy!"

The liquid spread as it touched the ground. Soon after, the mud-turned sands rose and took human form.

"Burn, roast, and harden. The enemy's weapons won't cut you. Their spells can't hurt you! Immortal army, wake up!"

As the woman, whose body was covered in flames, screamed in pain, the fire overflowing from her hands descended on the soldiers formed from black mud. There were tens of thousands of people screaming at the woman when the image resembled the sea of flame.

"Open your eyes with the spirit of the wind and die for the one who gives you life!"

The fierce wind from the enormous castle strengthened the flames now; not just the area where the black soldiers were located, but the four hundred steps around the court were burning.


Six people in the enemy ranks shouted in unison. This order was for the smoking black soldiers. The ground shook, and the sand flew into the air. The target of the Soldiers of the Curse, who numbered in the tens of thousands, was the seven on the hill.

They ran smoothly across the glassy sand. Soldiers of the Curse run so fast that they would step on the sand again in less than twenty breaths.

"Khan's Rule!"

When the sound coming down from the heavens struck the seal on the sands, all the Soldiers of the Curse that remained outside the glass surface were shattered to pieces. The pressure was so great that even if they turned to liquid and tried to escape backward; they failed and disappeared.

The orc, whose face was covered with red tattoos, took its place on the hill. A shadow above the walls was pouring black liquid from a pumpkin into the sand. The Soldiers of the Curse have formed again from the sand; This cycle did not seem to end unless the sand in the desert ran out.

Nafız filled her lungs with a deep breath and roared, turning her back to the giant castle.

"My comrades, kin, and brothers!"

Neither the wind nor the Curse soldiers' grunts nor any other voice could interrupt Nafız's speech.

"We found the enemy who turned our world upside down, who set us against each other with his conspiracies. He could no longer hide in the shadows. He had no place to run. It is time to take our freedom, our lives back. Are you with me?"

When the answer came, the desert shook such that the landforms changed shape, and the waves of the transparent shield defending the massive fortress became visible. Six great armies answered the call, millions of warriors shouting that they were with Nafız. Over a million elite Orc Warriors and thousands of Druids were standing side by side. To their right was another army dressed in blood-red armor and others using mechanical tools.

The sparkles of the elements swirled over the army of tens of thousands of women to their left. The gold was dominant in the rear, the warriors with their glowing weapons awaiting the order to attack.

Nafız felt the power behind her again as she turned her head from one end to the other. It was time, the last war starting.


"Not the ones who speak the same language but the ones who share the same emotions can understand each other."

Mevlânâ Celâleddîn-i Rûmî

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