
Chapter 4

Satoru stands in front of UA high once more, not as a visitor but as a student. Finally, he can put his dreams into action. He can finally become a hero to protect his sister, his family, and more. It all starts here.

As Satoru enters the building, he sees all the kids bustling around trying to find their classes. He can't exactly blame them seeing as the building is huge, and the school doesn't offer maps for some reason. But he would also expect them to chill out a little bit as freaking out is not going to help them.

Well, their problem, not his.

After asking a student that seems to know where they are going for directions, Satoru makes his way to class 1-A. When he arrives, he stands in front of a huge doorway to the class he will be with for the next year. Honestly, he's not paying attention to the second fact in the last sentence. He is more concerned about why the doorway is so huge. He understands that there are students that have mutation quirks that make them a bit bigger than average, but even then, he doesn't know anyone that over doubles his height.

UA probably has though, so maybe Satoru so just stop questioning it.

Satoru enters the classroom to find that it looks like a normal classroom if cleaner than a usual one. However, that's not the first thing to catch his attention as he makes his way to his seat.

"Please take your feet of the desk! You are damaging and disrespecting school property that way, you cretin!" A blue-haired boy with glasses lectures a blonde guy. Upon further inspection, Satoru realizes that the blue-haired boy is the same one that interrupted Present Mic during the explanation of the practical. He acts like a general ready to bite (or, well, chop in this case giving how the guy keeps making chopping motions with his arm) the moment someone does one thing wrong. Satoru can tell he will not get along with this guy.

The spikey blonde responds with a large amount of snarkiness, "Ah? Did someone shove a stick up your ass or something? You sure act like it!"

The strict boy sighs, "I believe we have started on the wrong foot. I am Iida Tenya from Somei Academy-"

"Oh, so you're from one of those rich kid schools? Like that's going to allow you to survive long here!"

"You are being disrespectful to a classmate!"

"All you are is an extra to me!"

Iida apparently has enough of the blonde's stuff, and when he sees a green-haired kid at the door, he makes his way over there to introduce himself.

Satoru may not hear what it is about, but he already knows that it is interesting seeing how animate Iida and the green hair were acting. A girl beside them made the conversation all the more interesting.

"If you're here to make friends, you can pack up your stuff now," A tired male voice suddenly interrupts them. The girl at the door slowly turns around and screams when she finds an old man on the floor with a yellow sleeping bag. He freaked them out enough to cause everyone to scramble to their seat, "It took you eight seconds for all of you to shut up. That's not going to work."

The man comes out of the sleeping bag and stands. All Satoru can think is that UA must have invested all their money into All Might this year because this guy looks like a hobo. Since he is on the campus, Satoru scrapes that idea off.  Based on appearance, he assumes that he is probably an underground hero.

The man has long messy black hair that goes past his shoulder. He looks like he needed sleep a century ago with red eyes, deep eyebags, and stubble that just makes him look more tired. His entire costume is a black bodysuit that has some slight tearing at the edges. A grey scarf, belt, and combat boots finish the look.

The man waves at the students, "Welcome to UA. I'm Aizawa Shouta, your teacher," He then pulls out what looks like gym uniforms, "Put these on and head to the field." He drops said uniforms on the table and leaves.

Satoru doesn't bother to wait as he hops up, struts to the front, grabs his size, and heads out to the changing rooms. After changing, he heads out to the field, leaving behind his peers. He rather not leave a sleep-deprived person hanging. He's seen the stories.

Satoru's classmates take a couple more minutes, but they do arrive eventually.

"Took you long enough. Today, we're doing a quirk apprehension test," Aizawa starts to explain. Immediately, one student starts to protest.

A brown bob-haired girl (if Satoru is correct, she was hanging with the green-haired boy) speaks out, "Sir, what about the introduction ceremony?"

"You don't need to waste your time with that."

"That isn't fair!"

Aizawa's glare pierces through most of the students, "Fair? Life isn't fair. Villains, natural disaster, discrimination. If life was fair, heroes would not be needed. Heroes are there to make life as fair as possible for others. We have three years to get you to that state. Don't bother trying to have a relaxing time because these three years are going to be hell."

That gets everyone to shut up. Satoru knows the man ain't wrong. He isn't going to argue against it.

Once Aizawa confirms that nobody is going to speak out, he continues, "As previously said, we're doing a quirk apprehension test. Gojo," Satoru snaps his attention to the man, "You scored the highest at the practical exam. What was your record at the ball throw in middle school?"

Satoru thinks for a moment, "78 meters (203 feet)."

Aizawa nods, throwing a ball at him for him to catch, "Throw that using your quirk. I don't care how as long as you don't leave the circle."

Satoru catches the ball and enters the circle, "You got it. You guys might want to step back a bit."

His classmates heed his order.

Keeping the ball in his left hand, Satoru quickly prepares a repulsive force with Red. Then, he throws the ball up and releases it, shoving the ball out of sight within a second for most people. He raises a finger to represent 'give it a moment.' He lowers it once he sees it falls.

Satoru returns to the students are, and Aizawa raises what looks like a phone that reads his score.

10,523 meters.

Obviously, his classmates were impressed based off the noise they were making.

"It's irrational for schools to ignore something that is a part of you. By treating everyone like equals, they are limiting everyone. You will be doing the same thing you did in middle school except with your quirks. I don't care how you use your quirks as long as they are within the guidelines I provide," Aizawa explains.

The students seem excited as they chatter amongst each other until one says, "This is going to be fun!"

That seems to be the wrong thing to say as Aizawa glares at them again, "Fun? I'll make it fun if that's what you believe it is. The person in last place will be expelled."

Immediately, Satoru's classmates freak out.

"What?! You can't do that!"

"We only just got here!"

"I am so screwed!"

Aizawa huffs, "I can and I will. UA is known for their freestyle learning, and that includes expelling students as I see fit. Welcome to UA. Plus ultra. Now get to work."

Satoru wasn't worried at all. He's pretty confident that he won't be in last place. However, he isn't planning on being average either.

Satoru plans on being first if only to mess with the spikey blonde from earlier. He seems a bit cocky, and cocky people are always fun to mess with. His brain cemented this idea when he saw the boy steaming when Aizawa announced he got first place in the practical.

If Satoru isn't in any danger, he might as well have fun while he is here.

It doesn't take long for Satoru to realize that he can't use his quirk for a majority of the tests. Some of them seem to be looking at physical fitness alone as he noticed a couple, like the sit-up challenge where nobody used their quirk. That's not an issue for him as he is physically fit. Satoru is better than most of the class, which makes sense given his intense training regimen. For those, he was only outdone because of a quirk benefitting a person. Otherwise, he performed highly.

On the ones where Satoru could use his quirk, the only technique he used vacuum technique Blue, and that was to drag him to another place quickly. He would use Blue at a distance past his point, practically fly wherever he needs to go (though not as elegantly), and drop it before he reaches it to keep himself from getting injured. Then, he basically crashes on the ground due to the sudden force being gone, but he lands safely.

He doesn't plan on using that again.

During Satoru's short breaks, he watches his classmates perform to see his teammates/competition. Overall, they have good quirks and know his to use them. He ends up specifically focusing on the spikey blonde and the green-haired boy from class.

The spikey blonde, who Satoru learns his name is Bakugo, has a quirk that gives him bombs right at his hands literally. It doesn't seem like much, but with his creativity, he knows how to make it work.

The green-haired boy, Midoriya ironically, is a different matter. Satoru didn't plan on watching the boy, but when he is the only one that hasn't used his quirk, he is bound to get some attention.

That changes in the ball throw.

While Midoriya is entering the circle, he hears Strict Boy and Bakugo talking, and he heard Bakugo calling Midoriya a "Quirkless small fry." Satoru assumes that Bakugo and Midoriya know each other, and that is certainly interesting to him. He saves that information for later.

Midoriya enters the circle and starts to use his quirk when it suddenly stops while he is throwing the ball. That clearly wasn't in the plan because it only lands a couple of meters in front of him. However, Satoru saw that it was a good thing for him to stop. He saw the energy from his quirk. That would have shattered his bones.

Aizawa then uses his scarf (which intrigues Satoru as it is apparently a capture weapon) on the boy with his hair raised and eyes red and drags him in front of himself, "You plan on becoming a liability on the field?"

Midoriya sputters, "N-no! That's not my plan at all!"

"But that's exactly what you are doing. One punch and you are out. The judges were illogical when they allowed you into the course. Midoriya, you should not be in the hero course," Aizawa's eyes return to normal and his hair drops, "I returned your quirk. You have another shot." He lets Midoriya off his scarf.

While Midoriya returns to the circle, Satoru's curiosity gets the best of him because he wanders over to the girl that he saw Midoriya hanging out with her and starts a casual conversation, "Hey, enjoying your day so far?"

The girl huffs, "No. We are threatening to be expelled and it's only the first day."

"I can see the frustration in that. Gojo, by the way. Pleasure to meet you."

The girl smiles, "I'm Uraraka! Nice to meet you too!"

"Cool cool. You seem to be good friends with Midoriya."

"Oh no! We are only meeting for the second time today! He actually saved me in the practical."


"Yeah. When those big bots came out, everyone ran while I was trapped under the rubble. He jumped up and smashed the bot to the ground. But he ended up a bit broken cause of it."


"Yeah, he broke both of his legs and an arm."

Satoru cringes, "Ouch. I would let him in with that pain tolerance alone. He doesn't need a quirk if he survived that."

"Oh yeah, he was still awake too until Recovery Girl came."

"Once again, that pain tolerance is a blessing."

"Yeah. By the way, what's your quirk? Midoriya has been wondering what it is, well, more like mumbling it," Uraraka asks as she chuckles.

"It's complicated, but in simple terms, I play with molecules like legos."

"Wait, so how do you do all that?!"

Satoru grins at her, "Science!"

"I couldn't imagine having to learn science to understand a quirk."

"It's more like constantly experimenting and hoping it doesn't blow up in your face!"


Satoru shushes Uraraka "Looks like Midoriya is about to do something."

Uraraka nods, and they focus their attention on Midoriya.

Midoriya stands there for a moment, looking down at the ball in his hand. It looks like he is strategizing a plan. Then, he throws it, dust lifting around him as the ball zooms through the sky.

Midoriya looks back at Aizawa with his hand in a fist, "I am not a liability, sensei!"

Honestly, Satoru doesn't know what is more concerning: the psychotic grin that Aizawa is giving the boy or the purple finger Midoriya has now. He decides both of them are concerning in their own right at the moment but decides later on that the purple finger is a bigger concern. Aizawa does not let Midoriya go heal his finger after that. He forces the boy to finish the test with that finger!

Satoru gives Midoriya full credit for surviving that long with a broken finger.

However, now, something, or rather somebody, starts running at Midoriya.


Thankfully, Aizawa stops Bakugo before he actually reaches the boy, but it confirms that they know one another. That's certainly intriguing to Satoru. Seems like they are enemies, though.

Eventually, the tests are finish as the students try to catch their breath.

"It's too much work to go over your individual scores with all of you, so I'm just going to put the class rankings up. Figure it out yourself," Aizawa explains as he presses something on his phone.

In front of Satoru and the others, a projector comes up with the class rankings. Satoru looks at first and last place.

In first, it is him. Obviously. Satoru smirks at that. He beat that Bakugo kid, and that's all that mattered to him.

Then, Satoru looks at last place to see Midoriya's name. He sighs. He was rooting for him too due to his pain tolerance. Looking back at the kid, he sees how down in the dump he looks.

Aizawa interrupts them, "Oh, and I lied about expelling last place," The man grins, "that was just a logical ruse to force you to do your very best!"

"WHAT?!" The class screams.

One of the girl's speak out, "Oh, you didn't know? Should I have given a warning?"

"YES!" In Satoru's humble opinion, probably not. He doesn't think Aizawa was lying. She would have probably got herself expelled by pointing out the truth. He's not going to say

Aizawa shrugs, "Return back to class and pick up the syllabus on my desk."

The teacher leaves, and Satoru and the others return back to the classroom to continue with the rest of the school day.

{Author's Note}

{Remember the Discord server is up and I post chapters for all my fanfics there early to get an opinion of what you think. It is a PDF of the chapter. Comment below to get the invite to the server.}




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This chapter follows the basic story from the first day of school from the anime just a little extra stuff. Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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