
Discovery & Curiosity

The instant that my foot fell on the floor of the cave, just outside of the safe zone that my iteration of the system had created to allow me to undergo the metamorphosis that allowed me to truly become a Grand Adonis my mind was filled with a dizzying amount of information and stimuli. I fell to my knees as my mind reeled from the overstimulation and almost bit my tongue.

"Gah! That's a... lot." I said, moaning in pain as my mind began to slowly adjust. The warning given to me by the system had severely understated just how overwhelming and immediate the adjustment would be. I continued to quietly groan in annoyance as I slowly began to try and stand back up. I felt my mind making adjustments to my senses and to an extent to my ability to feel pain. I could sense my subconscious mind doing things, and I instinctively knew that it was due to my nature as a Grand Adonis, even if I couldn't pinpoint the exact source of that knowledge.

It took me about a minute or so before my mind finished making adjustments. Shortly after that, I was fully back on my feet and I began to be able to fully take in the variety of stimuli my senses could make out and distinguish. I closed my eyes and focused on my hearing, to test something that the system had told me.

The instant that my eyes closed and I focused on my hearing I began to fully make out countless conversations going on around me. I could hear woodland animals conversing with each other, such as a bear complaining about goblins at the edge of the forest, or trout in a stream asking each other where food was located. I could "hear" trees, and make sense of the messages they sent each other through their roots. I could hear other adventurers on the opposite side of the forest, making conversation as they began a quest to find a few mushrooms commonly used as ingredients in health potions. I allowed myself a moment to take in the weight of this moment.

"That is... truly something..." I muttered as I continued to listen. The more I listened, the more I began to feel a connection to all things. The ability to hear even plants and make sense of their "conversations" was one that I could more easily appreciate. It was a humbling sort of power, the odd kind that could make someone feel a sort of unity with life in a myriad of forms. After a few moments, I spoke again, this time directing my words towards the system.

"Hey... Thank you for the warning earlier. While I still wasn't ready, you could have just as easily not said anything and allowed me to be overwhelmed for a moment. I would have thought I was going insane." I remarked, honestly. I was pleasantly surprised when the text box that lingered in the corner of my mind's eye was suddenly covered in a new message. Only one of the text boxes.

[It is my duty to help you. I am happy to be of aid whenever I can. That said, I am also happy to hear that you can appreciate things and don't hesitate to voice your gratitude. It is a sign that you may someday grow to be a kind, helpful, benevolent higher being.]

This time the message was comparatively short but I was still happy to read it. As I read it I began to step towards the exit of the cavern. My main goal now was to leave the forest and head back to the town I was living and working in while I saved up money to continue traveling. I quickly and quietly exited the cavern, and upon doing so found myself facing an array of trees.

I began to walk towards them, a smile on my face as I listened to their conversations under my feet. None of them paid me any mind, which made sense since I was virtually a non-entity to them. I wasn't a lumberjack, nor did I mess around with fire. They had seen me before, or at least those of them closer to the town had, and as I listened to their conversations I quickly learned a lot. The most important thing I learned was that they gossiped about a lot and so if I was careful I could use them as spies.

When I first stepped into the darkened area where looming trees and the forest's thick canopy blocked out a good deal of sunlight, I considered what to ask the system next. It didn't take me long to settle on a simple question: "What is a good strategy for advancing my power?". And unsurprisingly the system was eager to answer, and it did so, so fully, that both text boxes changed.

[For now, a good strategy would be to find someone to have sex with. As a grand adonis, you are supernaturally skilled at sex, and sex with you comes with a number of supernatural elements. The first element and the most important one to consider is that the pleasure you cause any sexual partner, so long as they are willing, is capable of bending their minds and souls.]

[This is a significant thing for you to consider. Grand adonises are capable of making their partners fall in love with them through the pleasure of sex and this is not something they can turn off. Sex with a grand adonis etches ecstasy onto the souls of those they have sex with. This has many effects.]

When I finished reading the second message the text on the two text boxes changed again. I chuckled and continued to read while slowly making my way out of the forest.

[The first effect is that it makes those you have sex with experience bliss on a soul-altering level. It is easy for people to fall head over heels in love with grand adonises because of this. This means it is easy for grand adonises to gain romantic and sexual partners and even build harems. It is also worth noting that this is not limited to sex, even minor displays of affection such as handholding or kisses, if done for the sake of sexual satisfaction can replicate the ecstasy-etching effects of sex, to much lesser extents but this can build up and make people more open to sexual encounters.]

[The strategy that I recommend for you to go ahead and experience sex as a grand adonis is for you to utilize a power you possess called "Seduce the world" which is an ability that is unique to grand adonises and is frighteningly powerful. It lets you summon spirits of inanimate objects, and other things such as stars, land, mountains, rivers, and more, and gives those spirits, tangible, attractive avatars that you can have sex with. Doing so makes the object or thing in question fall in love with you and allows you to use your sex-related powers on them.]

I read the second text box and stopped walking. And much to my annoyance, the text boxes immediately changed again.

[The second element that comes with having sex with a grand adonis is that they, you, have a large number of supernatural abilities related to sex. Some of the simpler ones include that you can heal through sex, even diseases, and also that you can control your fertility aside from when dealing with spirits and beings of fertility, as they possess powers that make them always either impregnate or be impregnated when they have sex.]

[You can bestow copies of your powers upon those you have sex with which is a power that grand adonises share with a number of other higher beings, but is remarkably more powerful when possessed by a grand adonis than when done by other kinds of beings. This means that you can share your extremely potent variation of omnilingualism with people you have sex with. You can also share your immortality with them, or allow them to take on their ideal appearances. The reason why the version of this that grand adonises possess is superior to that possessed by other people is that grand adonises can also take away said powers at will.]

The information the textboxes were revealing now was the sort of information that I suspected some of the same kind of beings as I used as powerful leverage over extremely influential people. Without even thinking about getting creative about it, I could imagine how much power someone would have over someone else if they gave them immortality and then had the power to take away said immortality at will.

"Incredible... What a truly, planet-changingly powerful ability that is." I muttered, genuinely astounded by what I was learning. Even just taking away the need to eat or sleep could utterly transform how someone lived their lives.

[What's even more incredible is that a grand adonis with enough power can bestow their powers on anyone who drinks their semen or blood. You are far from that point in your maturity as a grand adonis, but provided you don't die there will come a point where you can do that as well.]

[Grand adonises are also immensely desired by virtually every major faction in the omniverse. The reason for that lies in a power they have that you haven't been told about yet. A grand adonis can empower those they have sex with beyond the abilities they can bestow. A grand adonis has the power to buff abilities possessed by those they have sex with, even if the grand adonis in question does not have some variation of the power they are buffing in any given recipient of this power, and this power can be used to multiply someone's overall power and their holistic abilities. This is the effect of a power named "Empowerment", and you can already use this power.]

"I have become... something truly incredible, haven't I?" I asked myself, only to watch as one of the text boxes in my mind's eye changed.

[Yes, you have. And in time you will grow even stronger.]

I leaned back against a tree and considered those words. I needed to formulate a strategy that would allow me to cleverly boost my powers, preferably an efficient one.

"I definitely could spam 'Seduce the world'. If I awakened many trees a night and used them to steadily boost my powers, while also gaining influence over every tree in the forest. Or I could even do other things with that particular power. I could use it on buildings and seduce them. Or even on things like weapons and clothes." I muttered, quietly. I was pleasantly surprised when one of the text boxes the system used to communicate with me abruptly displayed new text.

[Your power isn't great enough to use "Seduce the world" on small things or ultra-massive ones. Not yet anyway. This is a power designed to be used on objects of certain sizes. You could easily use it on trees, or things as big as mountains or rivers. You cannot yet use it on entire oceans, though you could use it on portions of oceans. You can't use it on something like a moon, a star, or a black hole, but if you found one, you could use it on a spaceship, so long as the spaceship was on the smaller size.]

I studied the text and learned that "Seduce the world" was an upgradable power. That gave me another reason to boost it. As I mulled that over, I was surprised when the text boxes changed again.

[Something worth noting that is specific to you is that your connection to nature will have a profound effect on nature spirits you summon. Using "Seduce the world" creates spirits that are immediately desirous of their creators, but some grand adonises awaken and possess potent, innate power or connections to certain things. In your case, your innate connection is to nature which will have a number of effects on you down the line, but right now means that nature spirits you awaken will immediately be in love with you, no sex required.]

[That will boost the potency of the power you gain from having sex with them, in addition to causing them to be fonts of power for you that idly increase your power. In fact, just so you can get an idea of what to expect, why don't you go ahead and try that power out for size right now? Just focus on the tree you wish to awaken a spirit in and wait a few moments.]

I chuckled as I read the words in the text boxes. I could see why the system had decided that me being a grand adonis first and foremost was a good choice. I had a powerful synergy with the powers wielded by grand adonises, and this world had a lot of nature I could idly draw power from. After I read the system's message, I turned around and took a few steps away from the tree I was leaning against. I studied it for a moment and began to grin.

"Well... Here's goes nothing, I guess?" I remarked, softly, as I focused on the tree and waited for something to happen. Fortunately, I didn't have to wait very long. Maybe five seconds after I began to focus, the tree's trunk began to vibrantly glow.

A few moments after the trunk began to glow, a tall and curvy woman stepped out of the tree and began to look at me. She was naked and had a smile on her face as we studied each other. I gazed at her and I knew that the emotions in my eyes mixed lust and awe, and she gazed at me with a look that mixed lust and joy.

She had skin the color of the bark of the oak tree she had stepped out of, and her eyes were a vibrant green that I found quite fascinating. She had long, beautiful arms that were surprisingly muscular. She was a muscular beauty and I found that quite attractive. She opened her arms to me and grinned, even as the tree behind her ceased glowing and she rested against it, while waiting for me. I took a step forward, as I gazed at her beautiful, unclothed body. I watched as her nipples hardened into perfectly kissable little nubs, and that was the final bit of encouragement I needed. I stepped forward, until I was right up against her. She wrapped her arms against me and began to kiss my face, which caused me to blush, furiously.

"Hello. Raul." She whispered, between kisses, as she stepped backward and caused us to exit the exterior of the forest, entering into her tree.

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