

Klara had tears going down her face as she was reaching the conclusion of her story. Zoar was silent. Yet, everyone in the room felt an intense aura coming from him. The pressure was the most intense thing about it.

When Klara finished the story, no one said a word.

Zoar suddenly stood up and everyone flinched.

His eyes were closed and he stood calmly.

Zoar opened his eyes and everyone felt a sudden burst of energy go through them. Zoar was enraged and it was very obvious.

"Thank you for that, we'll be staying here tonight and leaving tomorrow morning." Zoar said.

Klara gulped and then nodded.

Zoad then began to make his way out of the room. Ami and Maurice quickly moved out of the way.

Zoar had an overwhelming amount of anger piling up inside of him. He decided he should go outside for a second.

He walked out of the apartment and took in a deep breath of the polluted city air.

He walked down the stairs to ground level and looked into the sky. He was still very pissed and it made him more frustrated.

"I could sense that strong hatred your holding from a long distance." a voice said behind Zoar.

He quickly turned around and saw a hooded man.

The hood was dark green and very worn out. He wore a stained white t shirt under it. He wore gray pants. His shoes looked very thin.

"Who are you?" asked Zoar.


They stared at eachother for a few seconds that felt like minutes to Zoar.

Blitray took his hood off and approached Zoar.

Zoar then saw that Blitray had a staff in his left hand.

"Why don't we blow off some steam." said Blitray.

"You sure? I could practice accidentally kill you the way I am right now." said Zoar.

Blitray chuckled.

"Follow me, there's a small field this way" said Blitray and walked past Zoar.

Zoar followed him.


The field was flat as a metal sheet and it had 3 lights surrounding it.

"This place is used for high bidding street fights events." Blitray said as he began to release the hood from his body.

When his hood was removed Zoar noticed lots of tattoos on his arms that looked like ancient symbols and writing of some kind.

"You religious?" asked Zoar.

It was very very rare for people to be into religion.

"We can say that, but let's ignore that and begin, shall we?" said Blitray

Zoar nodded and drew his sword.

Blitray smirked and his staff suddenly started emitting a dark purple aura around it.

Zoar was startled and stopped in his tracks.

The aura moved to Blitray's body and his eyes became a bright yellow.

Zoar decided to not worry about it and dashed towards him.

Blitray dodged it swiftly.

Zoar quickly struck back and Blitray caught the blade.

Zoar gasped and Blitray swung Zoar back with his sword.

"Think about all that anger and unleash it upon me!" said Blitray.

Zoar closed his eyes and thought about Klara's story. The betrayl. The kidnapping. The flames. The murder. It all made Zoar angry and full of all the emotions he's been missing for years.

Zoar suddenly became engulfed in a bright aura and moved so fast that not even half a nano second could measure his speed correctly.

Blitray was startled by this as a sharp blade cut into his arm.

Blitray immediately hit Zoars sword with his staff almsot half as fast as Zoar's speed.

The cut didn't go very deep and Blitray heald it quickly.

"We should stop here." said Blitray as his aura disappeared.

Zoar suddenly calmed down and didn't know how or why. He looked at Blitray's patched arm.

"Oh, sorry." Zoar said.

Blitray grabbed his hood.

"I can tell you have an important mission ahead of you. I want to go. There are things I need to teach you about your magic." said Blitray.


Zoar's heard of magic in school before but he thought it didn't exist anymore. Magic was used in World War VI and it destroyed most of what Earth was at the time. But after coming back to Earth, all magic had disappeared from existence.

"Yes, that speed you where able to endure and create was magic, your magical ability. It's very rusty so I shall go with you on your journey to help you sharpen your skills." said Blitray as he put his hood back on.

"I guess you can, as long as you tell me more about this before we leave tomorrow morning." said Zoar as he out sword away.

"What is your name?" asked Blitray.

"Zoar. Zoar Malite."



"Nothing. Anyways, I will be here tomorrow morning at 7 to depart with you. Goodbye for now." Blitray said then walked away.

Zoar had many questions. Too many to count.

Zoar made his way back to Klara's apartment. He walked in on Maurice snoring on the couch and Ami alseep upside down in the recliner.

He sighed and closed the door.

He went into the hallway and leaned against the wall. He closed his eyes and began to think about everything that's just happened in one singular day. He didn't realise how exhausted he was.

Zoar fell alseep in the matter of 43 seconds.

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