
Returning from Copenhagen

Upon returning home, Berengar was greeted by his family. The looks on Adela's and Linde's face when they found out Alexandros had stowaway'd on Berengar's journey were priceless. During the Kaiser's absence, his wives were anxious as can be, with Linde sending out a nationwide search for the missing Prince. It turned out that the boy had snuck into Berengar's supplies and joined his parents on their journey. 

It was one thing to be lectured by Berengar, but to be scolded by all five of the boy's mothers at the same time, Alexandros swore he would never again in his life sneak out of the Palace. Naturally, the boy was grounded and confined to his room for the next sixth months, as Berengar had promised. He was only able to leave for classes and social events, such as family meals.

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