
Victory in the East

Lambert currently wielded his longsword with a great display of skill. He was currently locked in combat against a Muscovite heavy cavalryman on the ramparts of a large stone fortress. Lambert had long since earned his way into the Teutonic Order, and due to the favoritism the Grand Master showed him, he rapidly rose in the ranks. At the moment, he was leading an army of men to breach the walls of the Rus stronghold, which was laid on their path to Moscow. These last six months, the Teutonic Order had thrown everything at the Muscovites and was not far from seizing Moscow.

Just when Lambert thought he had gotten the better of his opponent, the man slashed his heavy cavalry saber across Lambert's great bascinet; unfortunately for the Muscovite, Lambert was covered from head to toe in steel plate and was completely unphased by the attack.

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