
Create Your Own Fate

"Well, it shouldn't be me, since I believe my story to go somewhere else entirely," Zhang Yong spoke matter of factly. Though he'd be lying if he had no interest in the witch, the man was keen on solving the mystery of the beasts more. He owed it to himself and the little girl, to finish what he had started, and if fate was to be believed, then this definitely was his.

In fact, he felt himself close already, and going after the witch now would change the course of his story, most likely for the worse.

Ran Wei, who was still in incredible agony that Lin Zhuyue would reach so far within the story, spoke, "I don't think this one is for me either. I don't have the strength or the will to summon the wizard. To be honest, I am unsure of the reason I am in this world in the first place." Her face was haggard and lackluster, like a person who had lost their lifesaving in the casino.

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