
Arriving at the End Phase

"What the hell is this music," Han Wi looked around, confused. Even the slightest bit of change would unnerve him right now, and it was hard to believe just mere moments ago he brazenly waltzed into this store like some kind of big boss. "Where is this shit coming from?"

The duo merchants started shuddering, weirding out those around him. But they could not possibly understand the sheer terror that came with this catchy little tune. It promptly brought them back to the past when they had entered the store for the very first time. Even now, Hei Er feared anything that sounded remotely like this and has retired to a quiet countryside that has no rhythm at all. "Oh lord, he is fucked."

"What's this music, it has a good feeling to it," Lan Jiu bobbed his head up and down.

Li Yangyi glanced around. "Woah, you are right, that sounds good. Who's the one playing it? It must be several people, I can hear a flute, drums, and some kind of string instrument."

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