
Handicap Match

As Leo walks from his cell to the ring, he met with a crowd of blood thirsty inmates, wanting to see someone get beaten half to death. As the young fighter jumps into the ring, he stares down his two opponent's, recognizing one of them as his last opponent, both were involved in his attack in the bathroom. As he stares them both down with an intense look, they just laugh at him, not taking the fight seriously at all.

The bell then rings and the two men circle around Leo. The out numbered young man quickly moves around, avoiding getting trapped by them.

One of his opponents then steps infront of him and throws a front hook kick, but Leo easily doges it. He then ducks a right hook, but gets kicked in the chest by the other man. The first man then punches Leo in the jaw, and the second one spin kicks him in face. As he stumbles back, the two surround him, not letting him get a chance to breathe.

They both go for kicks, one going high, and the other going low. Leo blocks both attacks and punches one in the gut. The other throws a punch of his own, but Leo blocks and knees him in the gut. His partner runs in, but he kicks him in the chest, knocking him back. His other opponent goes for a right hook, but Leo ducks it, punching him in the gut, and landing a vicious uppercut. He then follows up by jumping up in the air and landing a pele kick to the side of his head, knocking him to the mat.

His partner throws multiple kicks, but Leo easily avoids them. He then sweeps his leg and punches him across the face. The other man gets back to his feet and spin kicks Leo in the face, knocking him into the corner. He goes for another kick, but the young Saint moves out of the way and punches him across the face and in the chest.

Leo pushes him in the corner and starts land multiple punches to the body, and follows up with a five forty spin kick, knocking some of his teeth out. His partner comes in, kicking Leo in the back. He starts throwing even more kicks, but Leo is easily able to avoid them. He then punches him in the side, lands a left hook across his face, kicks him in the knee, and lands another five forty kick, knocking him to the mat.

As both men slowly gets back to their feet, one of them throws a punch, but Leo easily catches it, punches him in the gut, and flips him to the ground. He then jumps up into the air, drop kicks his partner in the chest, and lands on the mans back, taking them both out at once.

As Leo stands up on his feet, the inmates all cheer for him. He raises his hands, and lets out a scream of victory.

Later Leo is taken to the visiting room where he see his little brother behind the class. The two pick up the phone beside them and start talking.

"What's this I hear about you signing with Sunny Morgan?" Leo asks.

"Hey to you too, brother. I don't see what the big deal is, Mr. Morgan told me dad was gonna do the same thing." William replies.

"And you actually believe that?"

William let's out a sigh at his older brother.

"Leo, Mr. Morgan has done a lot for me. And bro, I'm going to be smart, I'm gonna let keep doing what he does best."

Leo shakes his head in disapproval.

"It would be smart to stay away from him."

"Look, I appreciate you trying to look out for me, but I'm not a little kid anymore. This is my decision. I'm heavyweight, Mr. Morgan thinks that I can be a champion. The champion."

Leo sees the determination in his little brothers eyes and accepts his decision.

"Alright. It's your call baby brother. How's Frank taking it?"

William doesn't answer for a moment.

"I had to let Frank go."

Leo is stunned by this news.

"What? How could you do that to-"

"Look, he couldn't get past me signing with Mr. Morgan, so he left. Besides Frank can't give me a shot at the title, Mr. Morgan can. Dad realized that too late and I can't make that same mistake."

Leo doesn't look at his brother for a moment.

"Frank was the one who took us in when mom and dad died. He trained us, raised us, Will."

"I know, and I'm grateful for everything Frank has done for us. But at the end of the day, I have to do what's best for me."

Leo let's out a sigh and finally looks at William.

"I can accept you signing with Morgan. But not this."

Leo then hangs up the phone, as William tries to get his brother to understand. The oldest Saint brother then puts his fist against the glass and gets up to leave. William calls out Leo's name but he is unable to hear him as he walks away in sadness.

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