
RISHA. What a coincidence

When I raised my eyes, I was face to face with Teren.

This time, there wasn't air in my lungs to even shriek. I felt the colour drain from my cheeks as I pushed away, only for my hand to get caught in Teren's steel grip. The world around muffled, and I think someone shouted something, but I didn't hear a single word.

This wasn't right. Teren was… never to pester me again, Rosha said. I knew that this meant dead, and I knew Voren was involved in arranging this, somehow. No one knew more than that one day Teren just mysteriously disappeared from his house, together with his money and some things, and this was it.

I blinked, and Teren's face was replaced with that of an unfamiliar sleazy guy, one out of the three, but I didn't feel much less scared.

"Oh, come on, we are just having some innocent fun, Dina! Look, no one else protests. Even Risha, right, Risha?" another one said and leered at me.

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