
Unknown being

"Sir, Cherno Alpha engaged with the Driller, but it didn't have any effect on it. But then someone came out of the Driller." The man operating the radar and communications informed his superior.

"What do you mean something came out?"

"Sir, this live video feed..." Then the man opened up a video file on his hologram and shared it to the largest screen in the control room to let everyone see what happened."...is being sent to us by the Cherno Alpha."

"Is the Driller protecting it?" Asked an officer in the room after the Driller seemed to wrap around the "being" who came out of the Kaiju.

The "being" then lifted his left arm up and immediately the camera of the video feed started getting higher and higher.

"What is going on?!" Shouted the Marshall. The man controlling the radar then sent another live video feed, this time coming from one of the Battleships.

They all saw as the Cherno Alpha started rising from the surface and floated in the air.

"Telekinesis?!" Suddenly a man entered the room. This man used a cane for walking and had a little haggard look.

"Gottlieb! What is going on over there?!"

"Sir, if what I am seeing is right then this being either has extremely powerful telekinesis or magnetokinesis. But seeing that the other ships are not moving, I would say telekinesis."

"Whoah... Telekinesis!" Shouted someone behind Gottlieb.

"Newton! We don't have time for your antics right now!"

"Sir! Sir!" Newton hurriedly moved towards the Marshall, "Sir! Look at that being! Sir now you have to authorise me to create a neural link with the Kaiju!"

The Marshall thought about it for a little before reluctantly nodding his head.

"Okay, but only when I am present will you ever perform the link. Got it?"

Newton then did a victory cheer and quickly promised the Marshall.

The Marshall then turned his head around and ordered all the ships to fire their all their firepower at once.

Immediately within a few seconds, hundreds of missiles started getting released from the battleships and all the jets present.

But right before they were about to hit the "being" all the missiles stopped in the air. Everyone in the control room was speechless. Then with a flick of the "being's" hand all the missiles started opening up and broke down into its different components. Suddenly, unknown objects materialised from the air and attached itself to the inside of the missiles. Then the "being" made a clasping motion with its hand and instantly all the missiles closed up returned to their previous states. Suddenly all the missiles started flying backwards towards the battleships.

The moment the missiles made contact with the Battleships a huge explosion occured. All the battleships and the jets got incinerated by the extreme heat.

"Was that amount of destruction possible through our weapons?" Asked the Marshall.

"No sir, those weapons were designed specifically to reduce collateral damage, so it is not possible." Answered Gottlieb.

The Marshall was about to ask something else, but they saw through the cameras from the ground units far away from the battle as the "being" picked up Cherno Alpha, which it had dropped when it redirecting the missiles. Then it lifted up its right arm which looked like a cannon and pointed it towards the Jaeger. Suddenly, a black ball like thing started forming on the mouth of the cannon. After a few seconds ball got released from the cannon and started heading towards the Jaeger. Just infront of the Jaeger the ball stopped and then the ball started increasing in size. Slowly, everything felt distorted around the ball as if space itself was bending. Finally when the ball became nearly 20 meters in height, it stopped growing. But suddenly the parts of Cherno Alpha started coming off and headed straight for the ball as if attracted towards it. Gradually, the Cherno Alpha started bending in unnatural directions and became a long spaghetti like object and got pulled inside the black ball. After the Cherno Alpha disappeared inside the ball the ball instantly vanished.

"Was that... a... black hole?" Asked Newton, a little afraid of what is happening.

"Yes... It looks like... it... is a black hole. A miniature one but a black hole nonetheless." Replied Gottlieb.

The Marshall then looked away from the video feed and started giving out orders, "Ask all the Jaegers and their pilots to return immediately! I don't care who they are fighting right now, I want them here! I want all the weapons active even the nuclear ones! I want them able to be fired immediately on my command! Prepare every single Jaeger! I want all of them to be combat ready! Everyone get ready! We've got a God to kill..."

(AN: A short chapter, sorry~

Anyway, thanks for reading~)

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