
The cave of legends

"Can you tell me why my destiny interest you so much slowking."

Slowking shook its head as it began to communicate with me again.

Slowking:No I can not tell you that child.

I got frustrated at Slowking answer.

"Is there a reason you can't tell me why."

Slowking:Yes because if I tell you now it will be great changes to the future. All you need to know is that you will play a huge part in future events.

Slowking then looked at my beldum for a second before saying.

I also have another thing to tell you. I wish to offer you training from me.

Your beldum seems to have great potential. It would be a waste to not hone it.

So I'm proposing the deal of giving me a weak to train beldum. If it lives up to my standard I will further continue its training.

I had to take a second to think about this. This training will be very beneficial in the long run. With this beldum can finally break through and evolve.

Making my decision i let Slowking know.

"I agree on the deal of letting you teach beldum. I also know you must want something in return."

Slowking:Ahh yes in return I want you to protect this cave and limit the human interaction in here.

"I also agree to that idea Slowking."

With that I left beldum in Slowking care as they went on to go train.

Now with the cave problem out the way. I could finally go back home to resting.

On my way back home I received a call from Stacy. Apparently her family has found something rare in a cave and she needed my help to explore it.

Making a quick over to Stacy place I arrived to be informed more on the topic.

Stacy:We have recently found a new tome in a cave. It seems to have a type of ancient writing that we cannot decipher.

So I thought to call you since with your family backing u should be able to find someone to translate this.

Stacy then let me down a set of stairs until we reached what seemed to be a giant tomb.

Walking in the tomb I was surprised to see many picture of legendary pokemon on each wall.

It even had the creation god known as arceus on the wall and it seemed to be standing next to a strange pokemon I didn't even know.

What suprised me even more was that there appeared to be some type of writting in the middle of the room. I couldn't understand what it said but I knew the lettering was symbols of the pokemon known as unknown.

The pokemon unknown always has a mysterious background in pokemon. Not much was known about them.

People even think they may have existed before the creation god arcues. But all I know is that u must be cautious around any unknown you come across.

Me and Stacy walked around the room for a few minutes. I decided to get pictures of all the scriptures and pokemon on the wall.

I know that nobody on earth would be able to decipher this. But a certain pokemon that I just met may be able to provide me some knowledge on this subject.

Saying my good yes to Stacy. I made my way back to cave which I now named the kings cave.

Arriving there I was greeted to the sight of beldum attempting to copy Slowking method of using psychic to increase and decrease the gravity in the surrounding area.

Although beldum hasn't got it fully down pact yet it is still fast my improving compared to other pokemon.

Slowking turns it eyes towards me as if it already knew what I came for.

Slowking:What do you need child the 1 week period has yet to pass.

"I know Slowking but I have came because I have found some slightly disturbing things while returning back home."

Showing Slowking my phone it saw the events that I experienced when meeting up with Stacy.

Slowking rubbed its chin in thought for a second as it looked over the video and what was going on.

Slowking:Young one this seems to be a room depicting events that will happen with the legendary pokemon.

I was shocked and let Slowking continue speaking.

Slowking:I am not fully able to read the tablet but I can make out a few things. There seems to be a battle that will happen between the humans and pokemon.

It seems to be some type of judgement by the legendaries to see if humanity is worth living.

"Do you know when any of this is gonna occur and what legendaries will come."

Slowking shook its head as it began speaking again

Slowking: I do not know the specific date or time. I also don't know which legendaries will come but what I can tell you that it will begin with the weakest leading up to the strongest.

"What do you mean by that Slowking."

Slowking:What I mean is that their is different tiers of legendary pokemon. For instance the legendary bird hoho is a first level god while it has three guardian dogs which are of the second level.

Now knowing what Slowking meant I was in shock I never knew that legendary pokemon had different tiers when it came to their power.

Thanking Slowking for the information I went home to think on these topics.

I would need to inform the world about this seeing as it is a major event that can eradicate humanity.

Once getting home I let my parents know the situation that may happen then I contacted the league.

To arrange a meeting to speak to all the world leaders. Due to my influence that I have from the reid family name I was granted the request of having this meeting.

The planned date was next week just in time for beldum to complete its training.

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