
You Are Finally Mine

Meanwhile, Lady Aisha has her own share of doubts even in the midst of her wedding.

She was still in the Clesia Hall with King Leandro beside her as her groom and the other noble lords and ladies and guests behind them.

"Is Gaea really worth it of this sacrifice?" Aisha muttered to herself.

Even though she was greatly motivated by the Great Theos and she really liked the king especially after she witnessed his loyalty, the thought of being married and having children still hasn't signed into her yet.

Just then, the Chief Priest said something that made Aisha glance up. "Children are a hertitage from God, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quivers with them. He shall not be put to shame when he talks with his enemies in the Gates."

He was reading a verse from their own bible. 

The guests nodded their heads in agreement with the Chief Priest. 

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