

"Among all the seeds that corrupt the heart, the seed of Greed germinate the fastest."


Aldrich was a greedy scholar.

There was no better way to put this sentence. He knew it. The only thing that differed him from others was that he only used this nature of his for accumulating knowledge.

If Aldrich hadn't been greedy, he would have never pushed himself so hard to gain lucidity in dreams. The result would have been him being an exceptional Dreamer on Barren Earth and not an abomination like he was now.

If Aldrich hadn't been greedy, he would have never entered Bellerophon Dungeon to gain answers. The result would have been him working on a more plausible way to dispose of the "doom" coming towards earth rather than going full blast mode in space.

If Aldrich hadn't been greedy, the things that would happen at the end of this volume would never have happened.


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