
Facing The Legend!

After a long, delightful week (Some way more than others) The day that everybody in class 1A had studied and dreaded for the longest time had finally arrived! The day of the exams was finally here!


"HAHAHAHA YOU DUMBASS! I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT YOU ACTUALLY WATCHED IT! OUT OF ALL THE RECOMMENDATIONS WE GAVE YOU, YOU PICKED THE ABSOLUTE WORSE ONE OH MY GOD!" Said Kaminari as he and along with the rest of the boys of the group laughed their asses off at Goku!

They still couldn't believe that Goku actually watched the entirety of Boku No Pico! In the beginning, it was only meant as a joke and Kaminari was going to eventually tell him the truth! The truth of what it was and how there is a mysterious entity that forces the person to watch the entirety of it! But unfortunately, it was too late for the couple as both of them were forced to watch it by the mysterious ghost!

After a while of more laughing, they all eventually calmed down and Kirishima just placed his around his friend's neck and told goku the three big rules " Goku my friend, there are three big rules in life that you should never ignore..."

"1. Never watch the ring!"

"2. Never watch Boku No Pico!"


As they were yapping their mouths, Goku just sat there continuing to ignore their rambling. He just wanted to put that nightmare in the back of his head and continue on with his life of training and fighting. He had to admit to himself that he was a little peeved at Kaminari for tricking him into watching a cursed thing. But he knew that he wasn't that type of a person to hold grudges for so long.

More importantly, he was more concerned about his brother and where he is currently. He wasn't worried about his safety as he knew firsthand how strong his brother is and he knew Shin could take care of himself but he was just more curious than anything. Ever since he had messaged him the week prior, Shin had suddenly had cut contact with him. When he tried to call or send him a message, it would just be either ignored or just immediately go straight to voice mail. He had been missing for an entire week or so and he wanted to about his whereabouts.

Goku at his point had no choice but to just push the issue to the back of his mind and join in with the banter of his friends. He knew that his brother was fine. After all, he is related to him.

It was at this point that there was an hour left before the written portion of the exam and there was a little bit of worry that was growing inside of Goku. Where could have Shin gone!? if he doesn't come back soon then he's going to miss the exams and fail on the spot!

"Hey, Goku where's Shin? We haven't seen him at all today and the exams are about to begin in an hour!" As Goku was thinking, he was suddenly cut off by his best friend Krillin. It had taken a while for him to realize but seeing Goku not being his usual self reminded him how he would normally react when he was with Shin. As they were really close and one would not usually see one brother without the other.

Kaminari, Kirishima, Yamcha, and the rest of the guys suddenly realized the sudden disappearance of Shin and looked around the classroom for his presence but there was no sight of him anywhere! They all turned their heads towards and looked straight at Goku. all of them eagerly awaiting an answer that would satisfy their curiosity.

Goku who was surprised by the sudden question just nervously chuckled. He had no choice now but to come clean about the situation "Hehe well you see, last week Shin and Momo went on this dinner date to Paris or whatever, and coincidently that was the last time I have spoken to him. We texted for a short while before I had to stop texting him due to my date with Mina. It's been a week since then and I haven't received any calls or texts from him since. I don't even know where he's currently at"

All the boys were shocked at Goku's response! They were greatly surprised by Shin's sudden disappearance! How did he just get and vanish without anyone knowing about his whereabouts!?

"And you're not worried or confused about where he went or about his well-being? Maybe he could be dead in a ditch for all we know" Tein asked. If he had a brother of his own, he would be extremely worried if he was missing for an ENTIRE week!

Goku just laughed a bit before laying back on his chair "HA! why would I be worried about him? Well, I mean I do worry about him since he is my twin brother and all but why would I be worried if he's gone for an entire week? To be honest, there's not a lot of things that could a threat to him at this point. Only high levels heroes like All Might or possibly even Endeavor and Hawks could possibly give him a run for his money. So I'm not worried about one bit. Besides, I know he can perfectly take care of himself"

Everybody just looked at Goku with ridiculousness in their eyes before just sighing. How could they forget It was goku who they were talking to? He was too relaxed about everything for his own good.

But still, Goku did have a point. They knew who shin was and who he is related to. they also knew what type of firepower he was packed with so they shouldn't be concerned about his safety. At this point, it what more of a guessing game about where he is than if he's alright.

While everybody was wondering where could shin possibly be, there was somebody in the group who had already connected the dots! He was so HOT that he made the sun seem cold! His IQ was so ENORMOUS that he made EINSTEIN look like a retard in comparison!

The MAN! the MYTH! The PIKACHU wannabe! KAMINARI!

A man of culture like himself! Who watches a variety of Anime, Manga, and even the magnificent animation that is Hentai! On the daily! It was quite simple to understand what was truly going on here!

From what everything Goku had said, it seems that Shin and Momo went on a very romantic date night. They even went to dine out in Paris! The city of love itself. There could only be one ending for such a night! What else do you think could have happened after a night such as that!?

Oh ya, It's big brain time!

But suddenly as he was thinking about his observations, his fourth sense went off and he instinctively look at the doorway! He could sense that there were two people on the other side of the door!

"Kaminari what's up?" Kirishima said as he was confused by his bro's reaction. He had never seen him like this before and he was acting extremely weird for whatever reason.



"Bro, what the fuck?"

Every guy in the group looked at Kaminari as he had some mental deficiency. They all quickly ignored and brushed off his idiotic rambling but all of them intuitively looked at the door as it was opening from the other side. All of them waited patiently to see who they were.

Soonly the culprits showed themselves as the door opened, only for it to be revealed to be Shin who for some reason, his shirt was extremely wrinkled, and Momo who was wearing a beautiful red stone neckless. Both of them for some reason seemed to be sweating profusely and some of their buttons were undone.

They made eye contact and just smiled at each other before they both left for their respective groups.

"What's up, guys! what are we talking about?" Shin said he made a place for himself within his group of friends. There was a smile on his face for some reason.

Everybody had a look of shock in their eyes which quickly and everybody welcomed Shin back into the group with open arms. Completely disregarded their thoughts earlier. They were just happy to see Shin back and alright. especially Goku.

They talked about themselves as they usually do. talking about random topics that just randomly come up. It didn't take long that something was odd with Shin today.

There was some sweat dripping off Shin's face. His usually spiky hair was for some reason all messed up. His usually clean and smooth clothes were all roughed up and some of the buttons were even off showing skin.

Nobody said anything and just continued their regular conversations among themselves. They didn't say anything but they could tell something was going on. Why is Shin so sweaty? What happened to him during the week he was missing? Where did Momo get that red necklace from?

What happened during and after that night in pairs?

"Yo bro! How did that date in Paris go? And why are you so sweaty all over? Did you get out of the hot shower or something?" Goku said as he asked out of the blue questions. He wanted to know everything that had happened in the past week since he was missing. He didn't want to say it be he felt quite lonely without him.

Everybody turned their head towards Shin as the words fell out of Goku's mouth. They didn't say anything but they were also curious what had happened in the past week since he was gone.

With everyone staring at him, Shin awkwardly chuckled and scratched the back of his head "Well, the date went perfectly! Having the ability to instantly teleport anywhere in the world makes life a lot more convenient.."

"Wait wait! Side question! I always wonder how the does that actually even works!? I never really thought about it until now but how the hell do you just instantly go POP from one place and POP to the other!? That's like some reality-bending crap right there!" Kirishima asked out of the blue. It's not normal for somebody to have the ability to teleport around the world in an instant. And that's not even the ability of his quirk!

"Well basically..."

"OH OH! I GOT THIS ONE! LEAVE IT TO ME I'LL EXPLAIN IT!" But before Shin could get any more than two words out of his mouth, he felt a hand was placed over his mouth and quickly realized Gokus face was close to his!

Goku turned around and cleared his voice "Instant Transmission allows the user and anyone that is in physical contact with them to instantly travel great distances. we place our index and middle fingers on top of our foreheads to help us concentrate but if a little more effort is placed, we can skip that part entirely. All of this is possible thanks to Ki and a little thing called spirit control"

"Spirit control? What's spirit control?" Yamcha asked as he raised his arm like he was talking to a teacher. He was fully poured into the explanation.

"Spirit control is entirely another conversation on its own. It would take a while to go in full depth of what it is. Even me and Shin don't fully know the full extent of it. Just think of it as an advanced Ki manipulation technique. Achieving good Spirit Control allows the user to sense ki from a much greater distance and utilize their energy to attack much more efficiently. Though at first, this newfound ability to use their ki properly causes the power to be somewhat.....uncontrollable"

"Ya, you blew up our entire house remember? I've never seen Grampa Gohan so mad before. Shin said as he reminisced about the time he was teaching Goku how to use instant transmission. He tried to fire a small energy ball which turned into an uncontrollable bomb!

It was a bad week.

"I said I was sorry alright! How the heck I was supposed to know my Ki control was all messed up!?"

"Ya but how was sorry was supposed to cover the cost to repair the house? Caused Grampa a little fortune to get it repaired.

"Ok ok, I said I was sorry alright? Besides, it didn't even cause a dent in our overall wealth, did it? We could have upsized than downsized if we wanted to"

"What was I talking about again?.....Oh ya! The instant Transmission!" Goku yelled as he immediately remembered what he was explaining. He continued where he left off "Just by concentrating on a particular individual's ki signature, and transmitting or feeling that person's location. The user can rematerialize anywhere within a short range of their target"

"During that small window, the user enters what we call the Teleportation Zone. To transmit, where a user uses the zone as a waypoint to lock onto the desired ki signature and exit at that destination"

"And that my friends! is the insta-"

"OK OK! WE GET IT! YOU GO FROM ONE PLACE TO ANOTHER REALLY REALLY FAST WE GET IT! BUT LET'S NOT GET SIDETRACKED AND IGNORE THE REAL CONVERSATION HERE! said Kaminari as he yelled out nowhere! instantly gathering everybody in the group's attention! He wasn't going to be tricked by some random side question! He was going to find the truth right here and now!

He pointed his finger right at shin "SHIN!"


Everybody stared at Shin, waiting for him to answer the question. They weren't going to push it but since it was brought up they might as well find out the truth

Shin nervously chuckled at the question. With everybody staring right at him and waiting for him to answer such a personal question "Well the date went perfect and all...after that, I just kinda stayed over at Yaoyorozu Residence for the rest of the week since I had nothing to do....."

"As for why I'm so sweaty.... All I can say is that I came back from doing some..."

"Nighttime training..."


(A Few Hours Prior, Yaoyorozu Residence)








"UGH X10!"









Ever since that first night they actually did it, all hell was let louse as it was turned into a daily thing. Momo would constantly find something new to try every night. ranging from positions, toys, and even role play. He didn't know such a side of her even existed!

Even with his Saiyan constitution, he was barely able to hold on and endure for so long! In and out, day in and day out!

Of course, he could just say no anytime he wanted to... But it was a challenge! He was very stubborn like his brother in this regard.

And he would never back down from a challenge! Also, it feels really good!

Shin just inwardly sighed as he remembered everything that led up to that day " Well you know what they say..."

" A Saiyan gets stronger every time he comes..."

"Back from the brink of death...."

"Alright everybody settled down! the writing portion will shortly begin! Take your seat and get ready" Before shin could say anything else, Aizawa entered the classroom and started yelling.

Slowly, every boy in the group started to disperse and started walking back to their personal desks. As Shin was making his back up front, he couldn't something was staring at him. He then turned Kaminari eyeing him up and down like a madman. As he knew the truth about something that he was withholding. Luckily Kirishima knocked him in the back of his head and told him to focus on the test.

As everybody was getting themselves and sitting down, Shin secretly rubbed his tail gently. After all, it was still hurting from what momo did to him...


After the written portion of the exam, which Shin felt like he did extremely well on, all of the students of Class 1-A were escorted by their Homeroom teacher towards one of the tests zones. Where they will decide

Everybody was in their hero costume and were gathered in front of their teachers awaiting an announcement.

"Right, the physical portion of the exam will now begin shortly.! I hope all of you are prepared! At least mentally" Aizawa yelled as he has gotten everybody in his class's attention.

"Remember everyone, if you want to go to the forest lodge, then we better not see any pitiful displays today. I want every single one of you to perform to the best of your abilities. I know you can do it!"

As Aizawa finished what he had to say. A certain rat? Thing? Along with his feline friend and its fat assistant made their appearance.

"Due to various reasons, we won't be doing what we were originally intending to do" Said the rodent as he walked down from his spot.

korin spoke next after his friend "From now on, we will focus our test on students on teacher battles"

"This means that all of you today will be pared up with your classmates to engage in combat against your very own teachers," Korin said as he pointed back behind, revealing everybody's personal teachers Like Aizawa, President Mic, Midnight, And for some reason vice-personal assistant Yajirobe!? He was carrying a massive katana on his hip!

"We will be.....fighting against our teachers!? EEEEEEEE!" Said Goku before he began to squeal in delight. Visibly excited about fighting his teachers but mostly just excited about the fighting part.

"Who you will be teaming up with and who you will be up against has already been decided for all of you. You all have been chosen partners who we believe will be a good fit for you. wheater you have teamed up with them in the past or not. you will also be evaluated by how well you cooperate so keep that in mind"

Aizawa then proceeded to call out the team formation and their opponents. It was mostly similar to how it was in cannon but with slight changes like Mina and Momo were teamed up against Aizaw sensei or Bakugo was teamed up with Tooru instead of Deku.

"The team that will be going up first today are Izuku Midoriya and Son Shin!"

"I'll be teaming up with Shin?" Said Midoriya as he looked over to his partner who was currently standing next to Goku and Krillin. Whispering among themselves telling jokes and such.

"As for the opponent they will be facing ....."

"I WILL BE YOUR OPPONENT!" Then out of nowhere, a deep voice appeared startling the entire class as they all turned around to see a massive bulk of a man descending from the sky and crashing down! completely smashing the ground below him as he landed!

He was wearing a skin-tight blue bodysuit decorated with a red symbol that somewhat resembles a "Y," designed with a white diamond at its center, with white lines connected to it that trace from his chest to his back shoulders; the lines trimmed with the aforementioned red symbol. The symbol appeared to have wings on the side that ran from the atop his torso before ending around his back, over which was a similar red and white design absent of the white diamond.

It was the number one hero! All Might!

"OH MY GOD! IT'S ALL MIGHT!" One of the students in the background yelled as everybody roared in excitement! Even though they typically see him on the daily basis, This was a chance to see him actually fight for real! There was no way they were going to miss this!

"OH COME ON! THAT'S SO UNFAIR! HOW COME YOU GET THE BEST FIGHT RIGHT OFF THE BAT!? WHAT THE HFIL!? Unfortionaly. Goku didn't share everybody's enthusiasm about the situation as he yelled at his brother! How was it far that he got the best first!?

Shin just chuckled at his brother's reactions. He did kinda feel bad that he didn't get the opportunity to fight All Might. After all, he's much of a battle manic as himself if not more! "Hey hey! It's not my fault I was randomly selected! What about I make you some special ramen when we get home?"

"Nope Nope! I want a...uhhhh... OH OH! I want a pizza! I want one with Pepperoni! And, uuuuh, one with sausage! And one with ham!"

"Meat Lover's bro. You want a meat lovers"

Goku shook his head "Naw, you know I actually like to keep the meats separate! I wanna savor each animal!"

"Wait, but they all have pig-"

"Oh-oh! But for the one with ham! Make it HAWAIIAN!"

"UWHAAAA! UWHAAAA!" As soon he heard HAWAIIAN, Shin immediately started to gag! Why the hell would you ruin perfectly good pizza with pineapple!? It's an abomination! He now believed that Zamasu did absolutely nothing wrong!

After what felt like of eternity of gaging and resting the urge to throw up a waterfall, He managed to stop himself from hurling and took a big, deep breath "Ok, ok. I love you so I'm going to respect your decision as your brother. So I'm just going to order multiple sets of pizzas just for the both of us"

As the twins were currently talking pizza toppings, Midoriya was shaking down to his boots! the prospect of fighting his sensei brought fear that washed down over him. There was no way they could put up a fight!

How could they fight against the strongest Hero!? They absolutely had no chance of winning this!

While Midoriya was shitting bricks down his pants, Shin who talking to his brother, had a more serious look on his face. He was growing his strength for this moment. And it was finally here!

He could finally see where he stacks himself compared to the strongest hero in the world!


A few minutes later, the new trio were already inside of a bus making their way towards their testing grounds. Where they would be tested and observed for their grades.

The teacher who was responsible for testing the students was also responsible for driving them to the site also. in this case, it was All Might who had the responsibility of taking care of the students.

As he was driving, he constantly kept on looking through the rear-view mirror, observing his student's interactions. Which he could only describe as non-existent.

Midoriya was filled to the brim with nervousness as he was fidgeting all over. He was just too focused on making a strategy on how to make it to the exit without fighting All Might at all. He wanted to discuss what to do with Shin but try as he might, he was just too scared to actually try and strike up a conversation with him.

Shin on the other hand was the complete opposite as he exuded an aura of calmness and confidence. His eyes were closed and his head was laid on the window of the car. He was wearing the same outfit he had worn when he back and participated in the world-student tournament. He quite preferred this outfit over his original hero outfit. He'll more than likely use his original for training purposes though.

Even though his body was currently resting, his mind was always constantly training as he was once again in image training. Testing his strength against all the strongest opponents he had faced against in the past.

Over time, Image training became his personal favorite way to pass the time as he found it that always kept his mind and senses sharp. He always made sure to set aside personal time for it as it was the best way the keep in shape.

Even though physically, he wouldn't have grown any stronger than he already was, mentally he was far better off than he was before. He had begun to understand why Piccolo was always meditating, It is an amazing form of training!

Shin felt the bus all of the sudden and soonly opened his eyes and realized that they already made it to their destination. Their personal fighting ground.The testing site!

"So our only options are to either run or stay and fight?" Said the little green man as he thought aloud in the open. Not realizing that his mind accidentally voiced out his thoughts.


Both protagonists didn't say anything and listen as they let big-man continue talking.


"THAT WHY THE SUPPORT DEPARTMENT PERSONALLY MADE ME THIS!" He then showed some heavy bracelets he already had on. Shin could tell those weights actually seemed heavy enough to hold him back.


"I recommend that you remove those weights if you're going to fight me" Said Shin as he finally spoke. He wanted to fight All Might at his full strength. Not Half Might.

All Might, in response just chuckled at Shin's response. it was not one of a true hero but something different "DO NOT FRET YOUNG SHIN. I'M FULLY AWARE OF HOW STRONG YOU ARE AND YOUR SATISFACTION FOR FIGHTING"



(A few minutes later)

After a few minutes of preparation, Shin and Midoriya were waiting for the announcement from Recovery girl. They waited at the starting as All Might went who knows where. Shin could only assume he went to set up an ambush for the both of them.

Silence filled the air as both of them didn't say a word to each other.

Shin tried to initiate a conversation with the little guy but the awkwardness in the air just made it a little too hard for him. It dawned on him that besides a few small instances like the time they visited the mall(Kirishima invited everybody) or at the tournament, he never really had a full-on conversation with Midoriya. Or the rest of the class as a matter of fact. The only people he actually talked with outside of the Z group were Kirishima and Denki. Maybe he needs to expand his friend group?

"Umm...Shin, what are you planning on doing? I recommend we should just run straight to the gate" After a while of no talking, Midoriya finally opened up a conversation and asked what Shin's plans are. Finally managing to put nervousness aside.

Shin, who was looking in a specific direction, turned around and looked him in the eye. He could feel faint life energy coming from that direction "I'm going to fight All Might"

"What! You're actually going to go through with it!? Are you insane! This is All Might were talking about here!" Midoriya said he looked at Shin as if he was mentally unstable! The notion of fighting All Might was incredibly ridiculous to him. There was no way anybody could beat him!

"Midoriya, he's not some type of god of destruction that can't be killed. He's just a guy like you and me. If He can bleed then he can be hurt. you're just letting the image of him run wild in your head" Said Shin as he let out his senses and tried to pinpoint the exact location of his opponent. It shouldn't be too hard to find since it was actually distinctive.

"Still Shin! This is the number 1 hero we're talking about! He had fought many powerful opponents and has many wins under his belt! No matter how many handicaps he decides to puts on himself, the actual thought of fighting him head-on is so stupidly absurd!"

"I know how strong you are but your not on that level!"


"You both have 30 minutes! GO!" Out of nowhere Recovery girls' voice rang out of nowhere. announcing the start of the test.

At the same time, Both of them could hear a noise coming from the same direction Shin was facing. You could hear big stomps coming right towards. Each stomp getting louder and louder as it got closer to them.

It was only until the last minute did the both of them realized that their opponent made his dramatic entrance as he crashed through a building landed right in front of them! Crushing the ground beneath him like before!

The massive gust of wind pressure was so much that it sent massive fragments of the building and the road towards both of them. Shin wasn't fazed by any of this as his body naturally moved on his own! dodging the fragments before they could even hit him! Unfortionaly, Midoriya wasn't so lucky as he was able to protect himself from the fragments but the gust of winds so too much that he was sent flying back!

Shin, who didn't care about the condition of his partner started walking towards All Might. He knew that little-green giant could take the damage so he would be alright for the most part. Besides if he wanted to, he had no time to check on his well-being...

It was time to see if the fable of All Might's strength was true or not!

All Might, who was slightly surprised by Shin's straightforwardness, uncrossed his arms and chuckled "OH?! YOU'RE APPROACHING ME!? INSTEAD OF RUNNING AWAY, YOU'RE COMING RIGHT TOWARDS ME!?"


"I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer!" Shin said as he approached All Might without fear.

"HO! HO! THEN COME AS CLOSE AS YOU LIKE!" Said All Might as he began to walk towards shin until they got extremely close to one another. All Might looked down as Shin looked up. Both of them looking at each other eye to eye.



Both of them yelled at the same time as he both lunched their fists together in which it connected with each other! They then proceed to launch many more blows and clashes before their fists connected once again!

The ground beneath them was started shaking! Seeming due to the hero's overwhelming power! Soon the two started blocking and parrying each other's blows with speed yet unseen before!

Shin always being the aggressor he is, pushed on with his advantage! seemingly being on par with the legend and actually seeming to beat him in terms of speed! adding on with his smaller physique, He was actually able to land multiple devastating blows and was able to dodge any incoming blows that would be devastating!

And this seemed to be more apparent as Shin let out more of his power and put it on display! landing more and more hits that All might that couldn't even react to and putting even kicks into his barrage! At this point, Shin was displaying even greater strength than even All Might couldn't compete alongside with a greater display of speed, it was clear the ancient hero was outmatched!

Shin continued on with his onslaught, landing multiple hits and kicks in a single combination! His instincts went off as his body naturally moved out of the way of an incoming fist from the left! Using this chance of opportunity, he landed a powerful roundhouse kick right into All Might's face! This didn't stop him though, as he continued to rush down Shin! ignoring the pain throughout his body!

"YAAAAA!" yelled the might hero as he launched a devastating crushing down below! right on top of Shin's head! But to his shock, all he managed to his was a ghostly projection as his fist went through Shin's body and down onto the ground! cracking the ground right beneath him!

"AN AFTERIMAGE!?" Roared the angered hero as he locked below in shock due to the sudden disappearance! He looked around all over for any signs of his student only to be met with a knee to the face as he turned around! sending the hero stepping back in pain before falling down on one knee! Blood was coming out of his mouth!

"The afterimage! How could I forget the afterimage!? I always keep falling for Gohans now I'm falling for his grandsons!? I hate that stupid technique!" All Might said to himself as he cursed at himself for falling for such a simple technique! It looks so real in the moment! so much that he could never figure it out that it's a fake!

Shin just smirked as he looked on at the fallen hero right in front of him. He hoped this wasn't it " Come on All Might! You got to have more than this!? Are you going to let me put on these cuffs on ya or are you going to let go of those restraints and fight me for real! At this rate, I'm going to have to put you in an old folk home before you can even retire! I don't want to feel bad for bullying the elderly!"

All Might couldn't help himself but to chuckle and wipe the blood off his mouth. Revealing his evil smile "You have a mouth to ya! But don't get too cocky brat! Even with me being restrained I could easily take on multiple heroes at the same time! I haven't started to tap into my full strength yet!"


"LET ME SHOW SOME OF MY REAL STRENGTH!" Yelled the villain as his body expanded with vigor and with speed yet known! He appeared right in front of the small boy and launched a massive punch! Shin being shocked by the sudden development, placed his guard up! trying to protect himself only to meet by his guard suddenly broken!

"WHAT POWER! AND SPEED!" Shin yelled as he was greatly pushed back by the seeming overwhelming strength of his opponent!

And in an instant motion, All Might grabbed Shin's right hand like a doll and proceeded to throw multiple machine gun blows right into his guts! Landing tons of blows before landing megaton punch right in shins face! sending the young hero flying backward with great speed!

Shin was sent flying far back and In an instant, he backflipped while mid-air and he quickly recovered himself and he smashed his feet through the ground and fired multiple ki blasts before placing his hands together, and fired a massive ki beam!

All Might being the juggernaut he is, tanked the majority of the damage as he rushed through the majority of ki blasts! tanking, blocking, and swiping away the rest! But as soon the massive Ki beam rushed right at him, he put tons of his strength in his fist and fired it right into the middle of the beam! completely smashing it apart! He rushed Shin down as he placed his hands outwards! Intending to grab him by the head!

Shin's danger sense went haywire as his body did everything it could to dodge out of the way! Then out of nowhere, He felt immense pain coming from the back of his head as a massive fist hit him right from behind! Sending him face-first crashing down unto the ground!

"WHAT'S WRONG HERO!? PLEASE DON'T TELL ME THIS ISN'T THE FULL EXTENT OF YOUR STRENGTH!? All Might laughed as he picked up the fallen child like a teddy bear! Giving the hero the best view to see the evil in his face!

"Y-you really are taking this whole villain bit too seriously don't you think?" Shin said as he gave what appeared to be a weak smile. This whole situation just reminded him about the time he watched that old Z Broly movie. Facing off against such an enormous opponent gave him a little sense of deja vu.

"GAHHHH!" All Might could only yell as he lifted Shin high above before kicking the high in the sky! Causing the child to scream in agony as he was sent flying across the distance!

He flew for a long time before landing down hard on the ground! He even barreled rolled for a few seconds before stopping!

He slowly tried to get up as terrible pain washed throughout his body! That's when he heard massive earth quacking stomping sounds getting louder and louder! He could have only turned his head for a second only to see a hulking mass of a man rushing right at him before feeling a rush of pain as a kick landed right on his face!

He was sent a few meters backwards before crashing down on the ground! his back facing the ground! He opened his eyes to see what appeared to be a little dot in the sky!

Was it a bird?

Was it a plane?


Shin tried to move his body on time but it was too late as All Might landed right onto Shins Chest with his bare feet

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" Shin yelled in pain as the massive amount of weight was pressed down right onto his chest!

"HAHAHAHA! I DO LOVE MYSELF A DRAMATIC ENTRANCE! HAHAHAHA!" All Might yelled with excitement as he suddenly started to hop right on the poor boy's chest. Sending a tidal wave of pain as his chest kept being jumped on!

Even though this is supposed to be a testing area, if people actually lived here, they would only hear screams of agony across all the streets!

All Might continued to laugh like a madman before suddenly stoping his hops and proceeding to punch the living shit of the poor boy below him! sending countless blows to his face which kept on getting faster and harder each time! he raised up his arm into the sky and put tons of powers into it


And soon the fist went flying down and it connected to his target's face as a massive pillar of wind appeared! the punch was so powerful that it created a massive crater down on the ground! The punch was so powerful that it could easily break down multiple massive buildings at once!

All might landed on top of a nearby building and watched down below of the mess he created. With that level of strength, that should be more than enough to knock out the grandchild of his friend. even though he knew how resilient shin is, he felt that he went a little too overboard with his strength. Even if he is the grandson of the forgotten Gohan and strong as well, in the end, he's still a kid. It's just a shame that Midoriya wasn't here to help him. If that massive gust of wind didn't send him flying, maybe he could have saved his teammate?

He sighed in disappointment. This exam was already over...

He turned around and was about to start looking for his protege until he heard a massive sound right behind him! He just in time turned to see shin with great force, jump out of the crater, and landed right below him! Besides damages to his outfit, There seemed to be no signs of massive damage on him!

How!? How can meer 16-year-old boy survive a massively powerful punch that could wipe out multiple buildings in an instant? He tried to put all the shock in his heart away put on the best evil smile he could muster!

"AMAZING HERO! TO SURVIVE SUCH A POWERFUL PUNCH IS NO SMALL FEAT! BUT TELL ME, GRANDSON OF GOHAN! IS THIS ALL YOU HAVE TO OFFER!? DIDN'T YOU SAY YOU WERE GOING TO BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF ME!?" Said All Might as he looked down on shin from the top of the building! provoking the young hero the come right at him once more!

Shin in response, just chuckled at what he said and wiped off the blood from his mouth with his thumb "I did tell you I would beat the shit out of you but I want you to be at your best while I'm at it! Grampa used to tell us a few stories about how strong you were and all the villains you face before! So I want you to show me that strength that he was talking about!

Shin had to admit that he was very surprised by the display that All Might had shown him. His attacks were fast and precise and carried strength behind them. but they were nothing compared to the villains he had fought in the past. He easily could have won in their earlier struggle if he wanted to but held back as to see the full extent of what a suppressed All Might could do.

And he was not impressed.

All Might didn't say anything as he looked down upon Shin with a serious look. He can feel the powerful aura that was radiating off of him. He knew those words carried massive weight. he knew that if he wanted to fight back, he would have to remove the weights. if not, he could get heavily injured or possibly have a life-ending injury


He then let loose all 4 bracelets and when they all fell on the ground. A massive dust cloud formed and the ground started to shake quake!

His muscles started to expand with vigor and eventually, it stopped. Even from where shin was standing, he could feel the power that All Might was radiating. He was significantly more powerful than he was before.

"LET'S CONTINUE SHALL WE!?" All Might exclaimed as he jumped off the building and dashed down towards Shins with his fist raised up with massive strength behind it!

Shin raised up both of his arms and was pushed back far as he blocked the attack. He then proceeded to continue to be on the defensive as he managed to block all of All Might's powerful blows. he then dodged and punched the side of his stomach all while finally going on the offensive

He threw a flurry of punches towards the number 1 hero, landing many blows he could land before pulling his fist back and infusing it with his ki and landing right onto the hero's face! causing a min explosion that sent All Might flying!

Shin dashed forward as red ki appeared all around his body as he rushed towards All Might! landing many powerful blows before landing a powerful blow that sent him crashing down onto the ground!

Shin knew that he continued on his assault like this then it would only be a pointless waste of time! He needed to do something that would cost massive damage in a short amount of time!

And that's when it hit him!

He stretched out his arms as massive balls of ki appeared in each hand! "Piccolo! I'm borrowing your move!"


The balls in his hands grew even more massive and soon, he started to rapidly fire massive amounts of ki blasts! gaming right at his target!

All Might, who was getting up from his earlier pounding, saw multiple massive ki blasts aiming right at him! hoping to completely knock him out! He had no choice but to be on the defensive as he dodge every single! with relative ease to add!

But that's when he noticed something was off. The more and more he dodged, the more it seemed that there weren't even going for him! He stopped moving and sure enough, every single blast was completely missing! "UHHH, I STOPPED MOVING! SERIOUSLY, ARE YOU EVEN TRYING TO HIT ME!?"


'WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY Nooooo.... ohhhhhhh....crap.." All might yelled back but before he could even finish the words, he finally figured out what vary extremely dangerous position he was in!

All around him were glowing yellow orbs of death! seemingly waiting for their command to explode!

Everything that he dodged was merely a distraction!


"HELLZONE GRENADE!" Yelled Shin as he crossed his arms! soon every single orb glowed and rushed towards All Might! rushing at him before eventually exploding!

"Ahhh man he even came with a cool name for it ..."


Soon every single orb made contact and at the same time explode! resulting in a small explosion! every single building in the vicinity was consumed by the light and was instantly blown away by the power of the explosion!

Soon the bright light went away and all that that is was less debris and dust falling from the sky! Shin stood there waiting to see any single sight of movement. He put enough power that would knock anybody out without suffering too much damage. That should be more than enough to end this.

Be that's when he saw it! moving ruble from the distance. It seems that move wasn't enough to end the hero! Even though that didn't work...

He still had one more move left!

"I see that you're still standing! but....."


Shin placed out his hands and put them together and soon as that happens, a blue ball started to form between them. Seemingly made of pure energy!

And that ball was slowly getting bigger and bigger!



"Ahhhh he really put more effort in that final move... At least I could give him points for such a clever technique name" On the other side, there was a hulking man slowly rising up from the rubble. He got from the ground suffering from a few minor injures and wiped off the dust from his clothes.

That's when he noticed a bright blue flashing coming right in front of him. All Might just smiled as a case a deja vu washed over him " A Kamehameha huh? Just like the good old days eh Gohan?"



All Might just continued smiling as all the memories he had ever spent with his good friend Gohan went through his mind. He faced the energy wave without a fear in his heart "You may have not taught me how to use ki old friend, but I have my own ways on how to handle such attacks"




Shin's voice echoed like a great ape as he fired a massive Kamehameha! The beam traveled towards its target as it swallowed every single thing in its path!

As soon as the blue beam came close to its target, All Might placed out his hands and grabbed the Kamehameha wave! Halting it with his bare hands!

"HNGGGG!" All Might grunted as he use the majority of his strength! Even though he was in a position where he could possibly die! He still had a massive smile on his face "I may not know how to use ki! and I'm definitely not as good as my heyday! BUT ALL I NEED!!!!"




All Might yelled with all of his might as he put every single amount of his strength into one singular punch and jammed it right into the Kamehameha wave!

The beam was starting to vibrate more and more uncontrollably until the beam collapsed on itself! Resulting in a small dome explosion! Bright lights surrounded the nearby cars and buildings as everything shook due to the explosion!

Soon the blinding lights vanished and all you could see was a small dome in the ground! small little blue ki dust fell from the sky as they slowly descended to the ground. You could see two individuals down below. both of them were on one knee gasping for air. They were looking at each other eye to eye as they slowly got up on their two feet.

They both had smiles on their faces. They were clearly enjoying themselves and just taking the moment. One was enjoying fighting the legendary hero while the other one was enjoying watching his friend's descent grow!

Shin smiled and got back into his fighting stance " How was that Kamehameha wave compared to my Grampa's"

All Might couldn't help but smirk as he got up and wiped the blood from his mouth "Young Shin, While your's contain raw power, it lacks mastery and experience"

You could see the confusion on Shin's face "Lacks mastery and experience? What do you mean by that? I've mastered the Kamehameha a long time ago!"

All Might just shook his head "You throw your Kamehameha like it's some ordinary blast! While your grandfathers contained his very essence. His very soul! It showed his age, knowledge, wisdom, feelings! He was Kamehameha as the Kamehameha was him!"

"With age comes wisdom. You must move well! Learn well! Play well! Eat well! Rest well! Enjoy your life merrily and to the fullest as your Grandfather did before you! Only then will you understand the true way of the Kamehameha! And only then will you reach the same level as your Grandfather Gohan"

"The same level as Grampa?..."

"Live life to the fullest?..."

Shin thought hard on these very words as the image of his grandfather appeared in his mind. He always thought Kamehameha wave was that. A merely powerful Ki wave. He never thought of it as anything else.

That's when an old memory he thought long forgotten reappeared in his mind....


(Many years ago)

"Ahhhhhh Grampa! Why did you wake us up so early!? Isn't it like 4 in the mourning!?

"Mhhhhh so tired....."

It was the middle of the night. All the lights in the neighborhood were turned off. There were no signs or sounds of cars anywhere. It was completely silent. Just another regular night for the people of the city.

Well except for one family.

If you look closely at the backyards of one of the houses, You could see two spiky-haired identical twin little boys. There were wearing what appeared to be pajamas. Some of their buttons were undone and they holding small little teddy bears in their little hands.

They weren't the only ones there though. They were staring at an old man who has mall dark eyes and a bushy white mustache and eyebrows. He was wearing a Chinese martial arts uniform, which consists of a sleeveless orange jacket over a long-sleeved black shirt, and wears a green hat.

The old man just laughed at his grandchildren "Hahaha! I'm sorry little ones! Just think of this as a part of your training? Why don't I treat you to a trip to the ramen shop later?

The two of them just pouted "It better be some good ramen...."

Gohan just continued to smile. He knew filling their stomachs to the brim is the key to their hearts and happiness "There is something I want to impart to both of you. I learned this move a long time ago from my mentor. Now I want to teach it to the both of you!"

They both tilted their head like little puppies " Is it a cool technique!?"

Gohan nodded his head "It's a cool technique!"


"It's really a cool, cool technique!"

"ALRIGHT!" The twins roared out in excitement!

Grampa just smiled before turning around. His face turned serious and he placed his arms together and bent his knees" Alright know kids! I want you to pay close attention to what I'm about to show! I'm only going to do this once! I also want you not to think not as a technique, but as something that is a part of you! Put all of your feelings, heart, and soul into it!

"Now! let me show you!"

Then as he mashed his hands together, a small bright blue ball started to form between them. It wasn't too big nor was it too small. It was just enough. Shin could feel no ki leaking whats so ever coming out of it. It was calm and tranquil.






Grampa yelled out with all his might as a blue beam fired out of his hands! The blue traveled among the grass as it made its way towards the big tree in front of them! The blue beam made contact with the tress and then slowly disappeared! You could a big hole at the side of the tree with visible burn marks!

Grampa turned around " And that my children, is a move I've learned many years ago..."

"The Kamehameha!"

"Now, try to do yourselves! It's alright if you don't succeed on your first attempt. It took me years for me to use and master such a technique! " Gohan said as he instructed his twins to do the same. He knew how seriously gifted his children were but he didn't have high hopes for this technique. He had spent many years learning and mastering it. So how could mere 3 years olds be able to pull off such a feat?

What he saw next shocked him!

The twins nodded their heads at the same time and did as they were instructed to. They placed their bears down on the ground and placed their hands together. To Gohans surprise, Two little bright blue balls appeared in their hands!


Then the twins yelled at the same time as two blue beams were fired out of their hands! Both beams traveled alongside each other as the beam hit the tree at the same time! The hole from earlier grew bigger in size and there were more burns marks than before!

"A....Amazing!" Gohan couldn't say anything else as he was shocked by what he just witnessed. to be able to perform a Kamehameha at such a young age, one their first try no less! It took him a long time to perform such a powerful technique and yet there were able to do it instantly! Are they even human!?

But besides shock and awe, there was a sense of pride within his heart. Watching his children be able to perform a technique that required him 50 years of mastery brought him pride! But he had to admit, he was a little envious that they were able it performed it first try. But it was overshadowed by delight!

"Grampa is this move even strong? it didn't feel as powerful as yours when we did it?" Goku asked curiously with a pout. Even though they made the hole on the tree bigger, it didn't have the same impact as Grampas

Grampa Gohan laughed innocently and rubbed both of the twin's heads "Hahaha It's alright if it didn't feel strong as mine! It's way more impressive than you were even able to do it on your first try! That alone is cause for celebration!"

"It took me many years for me to learn and master the Kamehameha. But during that time I lived my life the best I could. I trained and fought many villains in my life but I've also experienced happiness and sadness. I laughed and cried many times but that didn't stop me from becoming who I'm am today"

He picked both of the twins with both hands "What I'm trying to say is that it's alright you didn't get the result you were looking for. It took me years of practicing to even get the result that I wanted and yet you two are able to do it instantly!"

"Train, fight, laugh, cry. Live both of your life's to the fullest and go with your flow. Your both so strong for your ages and just because you didn't get it on the first try doesn't mean you'll get it eventually. I promise one day you'll be stronger than even me!"

"Now why don't I make two you an extra-large breakfast?"


"Hahaha! anything you want!"


Shin smiled as he pushed the old memory away " I guess I've still got a long way before I get to the same level of strength as you Grampa.."

He then looked over to his opponent and once more, got into his fighting stance. He could say that he was actually having fun "Let's put the emotional strings aside and get back to the test shall we?"

All Might smiled and prepared himself for the next struggle. This time it wasn't one of fake malicious intent, but one that was genuine " hehe...Let's do that! You only a few more minutes left after all!"

"It's just a shame that I can never get to fight you back when you were in you're prime! That injury your suffering from isn't doing you any favors" Shin said as he pointed at him and right where his stomach used to be.

"WHAT! IMPOSSIBLE! SHIN HOW DO YOU KNOW SUCH A THING! You could see the panic in the hero's eyes! Nobody in the world besides a few small amount of people knew the truth! How does even know about it!

Shin couldn't help but to chuckle at the big hero's reaction "Did you forget that I have the ability to sense life energy? Of course, I was going to notice it. I can also sense that's it's slowly deteriorating over time. Slowly but surely losing your that power you once had until that little speck of fire you're clinging to fades away. Your nothing but a shadow of your former self"

"Life energy...Of course, he could sense it" All Might thought to himself as he looked at his hand. He knew shins words were right. That strength he once had before he had long lost. He could barely do three hours before he reverts back into his small form. He has so much things to do but so little time....

He could only leave it up to young Midoriya...

"Also it doesn't really help that you gave your quirk away to Midoriya of all people"


Shin's chuckle turned into laughter " Of course, I know about that! All Might I'm not dumb! I can clearly see that little father-son relationship you both have going on! If I didn't know any better, I would think you have a little thing for kids!"

"Besides, It's not hard to see that both of your quirks ARE EXACTLY THE SAME! I'm just surprised to see that everybody is dumb enough not to see it"

All Might just sigh in response. He couldn't believe that a high school student would other than young Midoriya would the one figure it out "Look, Young Shin. I'm gonna need you to promise me that you won't tell a single soul about this. Not even Goku. This information is highly classified and only a few selected people know the truth about my injury. If this is revealed to the public then.."

Shin jokingly put his hands up in the air " Woah Woah calm down, would you? I was never going to reveal this little secret of yours. I know how bad it would be if any of this information is shown to the public eye. It would cause massive terror and mayhem. My lips are sealed"

All Might sighed in relief. He could trust and had faith in Shin that he wouldn't share this information with anyone. "Thank you Young Shin. You have no Idea how imp-GAHHH!"

But before he could even finish speaking, He felt a kick landed right on his face! making the enormous hero take a few steps back "WHAT WAS THAT FOR!? YOU DIDN'T EVEN LET ME FINISH SPEAKING!"

Shin ignored the rambling of the mad man and got ready to fight " I'm tired of speaking verbally! I'm just gonna let fists do the talking from now on!"

All Might evilly smirked as he also got ready for another showdown! Both of them looking at each other eye to eye before they both rushed each other down! Trying to get the upper hand on one another!

So began round 3!


(Few Minutes Later)

As this was happening, there was a little green man who crashed into a building. His eyes finally opened from his slumber.

Midoriya after he swept away from the gust of winds he, unfortunately, crashed into a building and was knocked out from the impact. he slowly got off from the ground and looked around to see he was in a demolished building. It seems he was knocked out cold. for how long though was the important question.

"How long have I been out cold? It could have been than a few minutes?"

"My head! Oh my god, it hurts!"

"SHIN!" yelled Midoriya as he quickly remembered how his treatment was left to fiend off by himself!

That's when he heard a massive crash right below him! He quickly ran to the window and was greatly Shocked by what he saw!

He saw down below both All Might himself and Shin trading blows and blows with a strength he had never seen before from the two!

He continued to watch as he witnessed Shin landing tons of blows unto All Might in which he tanked the majority while the rest did moderate damage! Shin then dogged one of the incoming blows and in retaliation, landed a powerful punch to All Might's face which sent him flying inside of a building! Shin then followed right behind All Might! Going to finish this fight!

Midoriya was frightened by what he saw. He couldn't believe what he just witnessed. Shin was actually able to go blow to blow with the number 1 hero himself! or at least fight him for a while...

But he knew deep down that he had to help him. But there was fear and doubt and his heart as well. He could feel the punches from where was standing. What would happen if he got by such a punch? What would happen if they can't get to the gate in time? What would happen if they suffer a life-threatening injury!? What will happen if All Might could actually defeat Shin!?

"I just can't leave him by himself....But we can't beat All Might...What do I do?"

He had no choice but to seal away the fear inside his heart and jump down from the building he was in and ran inside to the other building. Going to back up his teammate with the best of his abilities.

As Midoriya made way inside all he could see was debris and dust everywhere. There was no sign of Shin or his teacher anywhere. All that he could see was dust and debris everywhere.

He looked around as silence filled the air. No other sounds could be heard as the only thing you could was the panicking steps of the nervous green boy as he looked in every direction for a sign of the two. But yet, he didn't find anything.

"Where could they have gone!? They just vanished without a trace!"

"THERE YOU ARE YOUNG MIDORIYA!" A deep voice rang behind him as his fears resurfaced once more! He slowly turned his head around and to see All might towering over him! Creepily smiling!

He then pulled back his fist and punched down towards him

Midoriya couldn't do anything as fear gripped him by the throat and couldn't move. He knew that fist would end him. all he could do was close his eyes and mentally prepare for the pain he was about to undergo!


Out of nowhere, Midoriya heard an all too familiar voice. He opened his eyes and witnessed Shin grabbed him and used his own body to block the incoming blow which sent the both of them crashing outside onto the road. Shin's body was used as a cushion so he received the full impact while Midoriya seemed fine

Midoriya, who was on top of Shin. Opened his eyes to see shin's head was bleeding and ]was grunting pain "Oh my god Shin! Are you alright"

Midoriya inspected his partner all over and he instantly noticed something was wrong with his left arm. He ripped off what little of the sleeve was left and what he saw made him instantly nauseous!

His left arm was completely twisted! skid marks were fully visible and there was blood completely pouring out of his arm! You could even see the bone!

Shin slowly opened his eyes as his body was hurting badly. The pain was the only thing he felt as it washed over his body. He didn't have to look to know that his left arm was instantly broken. But as soon he opened his eyes and saw Midoriya's face, his eyes turned into anger!

Then out of nowhere, Shin headbutted Midoriyas face. it was so hard that blood was also flowing out of his head

"GAHHH! WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" Midoriya yelled as he grabbed his head. His eyes were filled with pain and confusion as he looked unto Shin waiting for an answer

Shin then grabbed his shirt tightly and looked at him in the eyes "I'm going to say this once so you better listen up!

"YOU ARE NOT ALL MIGHT!" Said Shin as he yelled right in Midoriyas face. He was tired of Midoriyas crap and decided to lay out the harsh truth!

"I can see it every time I look at you! the way you dress! the way you fight! The way your eyes sparkle every time you talk or see him! your whole life is dedicated to worshiping him! you're the literal personification of a fan-boy!

"I do not care if you inherited his quirk! THAT DOES NOT MAKE YOU NEXT ALL MIGHT!"

Deku widen his eyes in shock but didn't say anything as or for better words, couldn't say anything as he was berated by everything Shin was saying. He wanted to know how shin knew the truth but couldn't.

"Every time I hear you wanting to become the next number 1 hero, I DESPISE you more and more! You never take time or effort out of your day to improve yourself and show everybody you have what it takes. No all you do is stand there and hope everything works out for you!"

"And the only time you TRY to help! I have to save YOU since you were just standing there fiddling with your small DICK!"

"What every word Bakugo said about you was true!"


Midoriya couldn't help but cry as tears went down his face. He mine ventured back to every single bad event in his life. all the name-calling, the bullying from Bakugo, the looks of disappointment from everybody who looked at him.

How his mother hugged him when they found he didn't have a quirk and asked if he could still be a hero.

in the distance, you could see All might standing with his arms crossed as he listed to every word Shin said to his descendent. As much as he wanted to badly intervene and stand up for his student who was a son to him, he couldn't. he agreed with every word that Shin was saying. If Midoriya wanted to become the next symbol of peace, he has to become his own person, his own hero.

Not him.

"You think that you are better than everybody else! Just because All Might took you under his wing!"

"But there you stand!"

"The good man doing nothing!"

"While everybody else is out there fighting for peace and you're rigid pacifism crumbles into blood-stained dust!"

"The only victory that is afforded to you is that you stuck true to your pathetic self"

"You are a COWARD! to your last whimper"

Midoriya didn't say anything as he cried right in front of Shin. he couldn't deny any word he said. He never tried to improve himself nor tried to prove to anybody that he doesn't require a quirk to the best. He didn't try anything at all.

He truly was pathetic.

But Shin's next words would change him.

"So if you want that achieve little dream of yours then you're going to have to fight! Stop trying to imitate someone you can never be!"

"Not for Bakugo, not for your mother, not for ALL MIGHT!"

"But for YOURSELF!" Shin said as he yelled at his face all while pushing him back as All might launch an attack towards him! Shin also jumped back and All Might focused his sight on shin and launched at him! Ignoring the little green kid and reinitiating their fight!

Shin was instantly pushed into the defensive as All Might continued his assault with a flurry of punches. He sidestepped multiple times, avoiding the punches he could all while trying to find a way to go the offense with just one hand.

Midoriya couldn't help but sit there in despair as he watched both Shin and All might fight each other. The words that Shin said were ringing inside his head.

Why did he want to become a hero?

was it because of all might?

Did he want to become a hero for fun?

" No...I remember now..."

"I didn't do for all Mights sake"

"I didn't do it to prove Bakugo wrong"

"I didn't do it to make my mother proud"

"I did this.....for myself!"

"I want to become a hero to save everybody! a hero that everybody will look up to! A hero that will become the next number 1! Now, it's MY turn! I'm ready to carry on All Might's legendary legacy."


His fists slammed down hard onto the ground. slowly One for all suddenly activated. lighting started to form around his body and his hair to stick up while glowing green

"I have done nothing but be a spectator this entire time. I have been nothing but a handicap for Shin! Is this what I want to be? nothing but a useless spectator ?!"

"Is this how I plan on being a hero!?" soon a flash of massive green lightning shot out of his body. and it was getting bigger and bigger

Soon both Shin and All Might felt a massive pressure being washed unto them which halted their fight. that's when they realized that the massive power spike was coming for Midoriya directly

"What type of power is this?!" Shin exclaimed as he was marveled at the power that Deku was displaying. Even he would have to be a little wary if he faced this strength

All might on the other was shocked to the core. As the former user of One for All, he knew what was happening to his protege


"I have to.....fight'

soon, his aura that was green before started to slowly turn into blue and his also started to blue all while gaining a shiny glow

"I.. won't





'Deku roared in the air as his aura finally exploded all around him! the ground underneath him was quaking and massive gusts of winds were howling

soon his blue aura calmed down and he got into his fighting stance. His eyes turned blue and there was energy flowing from his eyes. his hair turned blue and lightning was covering him head to toe

His eyes were filled with confidence and determination like they never had before

"Prepare yourself All Might!"

"I'm going all out!"

All might couldn't say anything as he was astonished by his protege's new power. He never thought he could reach this

He couldn't help but mutter as he looked at Midoriya


"100 percent!"


Longest chapter I've written so far

This was supposed to be around 20-50k! It just turned out like this!

oh well

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Overload_man32creators' thoughts
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