

"After they closed the investigation, I tried to do some of my own digging. At first I tried to use the Seeker, but it turns out that it was only ever meant for short range help. I sent a messenger bird to Oblivion, and Duchess Ashleigh scoured the city and countryside. They did not find her. I was going to send messenger birds to all the surrounding cities, but mother found out and put a stop to it…" Mairwen's face flickered in the candlelight, making her look especially forlorn.

Renat rubbed her back as he looked at Alaron. "Her Majesty sympathized, but the time and energy that were being used to find someone who did not appear to be in any danger was becoming excessive…"

Mairwen rested her chin on her hand dejectedly. "I don't blame Mother at all. Were I in her position, I would do the same. I seem crazy, I know! But I cannot shake the feeling that something is wrong." Her blue eyes met Alaron's silver ones. "It is the same feeling I used to get about you when you were in trouble."

"But my trouble was usually my own fault," the Guardian countered. "If Dania does not want to be saved, then you cannot help her any more than you were able to help me."

Raising one eyebrow, the princess lowered her chin. "Really, I did not help you at all?"

Alaron realized his statement was not entirely accurate. His twin's unwavering love and care were what had grounded him even when he turned on their parents. She was his lightning rod that brought him back and convinced him to drink the healing water, buying him precious time in his life that his magic use had drained. On top of this, Mairwen's life being threatened by assassins was what finally brought the prince to his senses that he was on the wrong side of history. Her love, and the love of his parents, had saved him.

"I stand corrected. You helped me in spite of myself," he gave a depreciating nod.

Satisfied, the woman gave a small smile. "Thank you. And as for Dania not wanting to be helped, I think this is not true. I think she is being held captive. If you will keep an open mind and look at this, I think you will see it too."

Mairwen pulled out the two pieces of paper which Dania has written. "Look! She calls me sister in both of these letters. Dania never once referred to me as family before. This in itself sets off alarm bells that she is trying to communicate something beyond what is written."

"That is a little odd," Alaron admitted. "Leaving a false written claim of a close connection with a royal can get you in trouble. Under the right circumstances, it can even be a crime."

"I know, and I am sure she does too. Then there is the fact she says she has run away with Taran to be married, yet she makes no mention of love or affection." The princess allowed her brother to scan the documents with his own eyes.

"Scientists can lean on their reason more than their feelings," Renat began. He himself was unfamiliar with the stirrings of love before Mairwen came along. "Marrying Taran is a good business proposition."

"But running off to elope is a passionate act. I see no passion in her letters." The princess's voice, however, was full of passion.

"I have to give the point to my sister on this one. It doesn't fit." Alaron was keeping a mental tally. So far the score was two in Mairwen's favor. "What else?"

For the first time, Alaron was beginning to feel like a Guardian. Someone had come to him with a problem and he was going to be able to investigate it if he chose.

Mairwen pointed to the top letter. "This is the second one she sent. Look at what she writes. She hopes I saw her previous 'notes'. She only sent one note!"

"Yes, but the s is marked out," Renat felt like he was talking to himself these days. He already knew what she would say.

"Dania has impeccable handwriting and meticulous form. If she messed up, she would have started over. That strikethrough is no accident."

"Unless she does not have more paper. I would not dismiss Renat so quickly. The University supplies whatever supplies are needed for the scholars. Perhaps Dania's resources are more limited where she is now..."

"Or! She was referring to her scientific notes. I have been unable to find them. Maybe there is a key in there to her sudden disappearance." The princess posited.

Renat took the letter from her hand and then pointed at the bottom of the page for both of them to see. "Right here she says 'Do not seek me out'. What are we supposed to make of that?"

It was a fair question, and the sticking point of the investigators as well. However, Mairwen was undaunted. "I think Taran made her write and send this note. Look closely, and tell me what you see."

Taking the letter in both hands the young Guardian studied the final lines closely. It indeed told Mairwen not to follow her. The script was prim, neat and easy to read except for... "Oh! I think I see what you mean. All of the words are pristine except the word 'not'. It is smudged almost beyond recognition."

The princess clapped her hands. "I knew you were smart. At first I thought maybe she had been crying and it smudged. However now I think that it was a hidden message. What do you get when you take out the 'not' from the sentence?"

"Do seek me out... It is a cry for help!" Alaron jumped up slightly as he stared at the page and bumped the table.

"It seems you are willing to go down the ferret hole with your sister," Renat sighed. He had hoped that Alaron would be able to talk some sense into his twin. It seemed his hope was in vain.

The silver-eyed Guardian shook his head. "I do not think this is a dead end. What do you think, Justum?"

Out of the darkness, a shimmering being appeared in their midst. His colorless irises looked as ancient as time itself. "I think this is a good first mission for someone of your ability," the Fate said. "Rooting out possible danger is much of a Guardian's work. Though nothing comes of most of it, as this one likely will end also."

Alaron ignored the poke at both his ability and the futility of the mission. "You heard the Fate. We must solve this mystery."

Mairwen popped up from her chair and kissed her brother on the cheek. "I knew I could count on you!"

Renat furrowed his brow. "Hey! I came with you all this way. Where is my kiss?" he pouted.

With a coy smile, she gave her husband a small peck. "That will have to do for now," she said shyly.

"Ew! Not in my cabin." Alaron protested. "Save your gooey moments for somewhere else."

Renat shook his head. But he would feel the same way about his sisters, so he did not argue. "If you are going to solve this mystery, where do you want to start, oh great Guardian?"

The white-haired man stroked his chin. "Well, you said they were last seen in Oblivion, but I am guessing that they are likely no longer there since Duchess Ashleigh's search came up empty. And if Taran is holding her or they are in fact in hiding, there is no way that they would show themselves too close to their actual hideout. I say we start back at the beginning at the University. I don't suppose you can whisk us there?" Alaron asked the Fate.

"Unlike Fairies, who move space to travel, Fates transport their whole being and the being of whoever is with them. You would be able to withstand the journey, Guardian, but the princess and young scientist could suffer ill effects by travelling that far in such a manner," Justum informed them.

"Then it looks like we will be going on horseback. Oh well, at least it is only a few days' journey. The Fates were kind enough not to put me too far from home." Alaron was glad to be southeast of Valiant. It was far enough away to keep his identity a secret and yet close enough to peek in on his family as needed. "We can leave in the morning after we get whatever rest we can with what is left of the night."

"That sounds like a plan. Would you tell Eira?" Mairwen asked her husband. "I doubt she is sleeping at this hour. She should though. With a Guardian and a Fate around, my personal guard has an easy job."

"Of course, Eira is here..." Alaron had sensed a presence nearby, but as he never felt any animosity, he merely monitored the being. Now he knew why he was unconcerned.

Renat exited the cabin to fulfill Mairwen's request. He was barely out of the cabin, when the princess suddenly shivered.

"What is it?" Alaron rushed to her side and had her sit on the small bed. He wrapped a blanket around her thin body.

Mairwen's face was pale. "I don't know. But I think something is very wrong."

"We will find Dania..."

"No, it is something else." The princess swallowed, her throat dry. Panic--real, deep panic-- gripped her soul.

Renat came back to see Alaron cradling the princess in his arms. She was nearly beside herself. The two men exchanged a glance and looked at the Fate.

Justum sighed. "Human emotions are confusing. I will watch over you tonight if it will help ease all of your minds." The ethereal creature disappeared without waiting for a response.

"I'll talk the first watch, just in case," Alaron said. "The princess can have the bed. You get the floor."

Renat just nodded, helping his wife get comfortable. "Wake me in a little while."

In the morning they would receive confirmation of Mairwen's uncanny senses via mirror message. For at that very moment, the palace was under attack.

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