
The Key

Aurora was certain it was night, yet the place where she found herself was bright as day. Everything around her was alabaster and pristine. The high arched ceilings gave the tower room an austere look, and the silence was profound. Running her finger along the windowsill, Aurora sensed another presence in the room.

"I thought we were done with visions," the Empress said with a sigh. She recognized the place as a room in the Mystic Spires, but clearly the room was only a dream.

Hanna appeared next to her with a neutral expression. Even her colorless irises seemed void of life. "My options for reaching you are becoming increasingly limited as the events draw near." Her lack of smile made Aurora tense. She much preferred a smiling Fate to an emotionless one.

"What do you mean? What events?" The woman's throat felt so dry that the words almost would not come.

"Prince Alaron is tearing the world apart, just as I warned." the Fate was not gloating, she was mourning.

"If you have come to tell me that I should let him die, you can save your breath. I will not order his death nor anyone else's."

"On the contrary, I agree with your assessment. You should not kill Alaron. The prince caused this problem, and he is the only one who I foresee can end it without the entire destruction of humanity. Alaron is the key." Hanna's words were cryptic at best, and yet by her pained expression, it was clear she had spoken too much.

"What shall I do?" Aurora asked.

"Make the prince whole so that he can make the world whole," Hanna's words echoed. The room around them began to waver, like the ripples from a stone thrown into a pond.

The undulations caused Aurora's mind to race. "Do you mean that only water from the Mystic Spires will fully heal Alaron?" The Empress could see things around her were fading. She was nearly out of time.

"You must make the prince whole so that he can make the world whole," Hanna repeated, her head nodding gently. "Alaron is the key."

Like someone coming up from the depths of the sea, Aurora sat up from her bed and gasped for air. Back in her room, the world was still dark with only a window containing a few pinpricks of stars hinting that light was even possible.

The Empress looked toward the sleeping man beside her with a tinge of sadness. Although she could not see Devrim, she could feel that he was sleeping deeply. Aurora knew that she should wake him, but he seemed so peaceful. He was not going to like the news any more than she did.

"My love, it has happened again," the lovely woman spoke gently.

The man rolled toward her and groaned as he stretched his back. "What has happened?" He asked groggily.

"Hanna has visited me…again." Aurora stated.

A long pause ensued in the darkness, such that the woman wondered if her companion had gone back to sleep. "I do not suppose that Hanna brought us good news of great joy for our people?" Devrim asked at last.

"Not exactly," came the strained reply.

The Emperor grunted and climbed out of bed, groping for a lamp to light. "I will order us some food and drink. My guess is we will need it while we sort through whatever has happened or will happen or whatever." It was obvious the man was still a little dazed with sleep.

"Thank you. I will ask Brinn and maybe Zan to join us." Aurora added.

A light filled the room as Devrim successfully found a small smoldering stick to light the adjoining sconce. The look on his face was incredulous. "You plan to invite Zan into your room in the middle of the night dressed like that?" He indicated her thin night dress.

"I will put on a robe of course, but I see your point. I will only call for Brinn then. That night owl is snooping somewhere, or I am not the Empress."

Sure enough, the spymaster appeared quickly after a servant was sent to fetch her. Bella and Candela, who had woken in the hubbub, set up an area for the trio to enjoy their refreshments and talk privately.

Aurora relayed what the Fate had said. "I hate to say it, but I think Brinn was right. The water we had was not powerful enough."

The elf would not meet her eye. "I have just come from the prince's room. Do not look at me like that; I have been checking on his health each hour without him even knowing."

Devrim furrowed his brow. "How often do you spy on people when they sleep?" he wondered.

"Nevermind that," Aurora waved her hand impatiently. "What did you find, Brinn?"

The elf pressed her lips together. All her normal defiance was gone. "The magic is still in Prince Alaron, and it will continue to draw him towards it. Clearly, he does not want to fight it. If anything, he is coddling it. We need to root it out."

"Then that means we have to prepare for the next steps." Aurora's body grew heavy as she spoke. It was becoming more clear what she must do. Her head drifted downward as she fell deep in thought.

Devrim lifted the Empress's chin with his finger. "What steps are those?" he asked, his heart knowing he would not like the answer.

"The next step means getting magical water from the source before it touches the ground. Hanna could not say it outright, but I am sure that is what she meant. I need to go to the Mystic Spires. It is the only hope Alaron has." Aurora could see no other way. Her family, no matter how broken, was worth saving. And if Hanna was right, it was the only chance the world had as well.

"But that means...." The Emperor shook his head in disbelief. His face fell onto his hands.

"Yes, my husband. It means returning to the land of magic." It felt good to share her thoughts and yet terrible to see the battered look on the grey-eyed man's face. He appeared as if he had been punched.

"You want us to go back?" he asked. "With a rebellion and imminent attack, you want us to abandon our post?"

Aurora gave a sad smile. "Not us. Me. I need you here to lead the military. They respect you. As you said, an attack is imminent. You and the generals must all be ready."

"Send someone else!" Devrim took her in his arms, not caring that Brinn was watching. Knowing she had nothing further to add to the conversation at present, the elf quickly vanished from view.

"I do not trust anyone but myself to get the water. You and I are the only ones who have seen the fountain, and only a few more have seen the waterfall. Plus it is very dangerous." The woman gave a wry chuckle.

"Do you not hear yourself?" the Emperor was in shock. "It is too dangerous. You cannot put yourself in harm's way." He pulled her in so close to him that she could hear his frantically beating heart within his chest.

"I am a Favored of the Fates, remember?" Aurora gave a coy smile as she pulled away. The Empress could feel her husband's breath on the side of her neck, and she felt flustered.

"Perhaps, but you are my Favorite. Give the boy a few days at least to heal before running off on such an errand. And give me a few days too..." Devrim could see her resolve weaken. A flicker of hope lit within him.

"Fine." Aurora leaned against his shoulder. In truth, he could have convinced her to stay longer if he had tried. The Empress was glad her husband was unaware of his own sway. "But I do not think Hanna would have come if Alaron would heal on his own. I will still make preparations to leave."

The woman in his arms felt like shifting sand slipping slowly through his fingers. Aurora would leave, and Devrim hoped that she would return. "I suppose we should tell the Council," The Emperor commented. Contrary to his words, his arms tightened around the woman sitting next to him on the soft cushions.

The Empress took the hint. She sunk back into his embrace. "It can wait until morning. For now, just hold me. We can stay right here and watch the sunrise over the balcony."

And they did.

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